
Mishaps in Reincarnation

×Reincarnation is hard but this senior is here to help! I shall do so by showing you the mistakes of your peers. ×Alternate Synopsis: Reincarnations that dont go exactly as planned --------------- Suggestions are welcome My motivation is known to waver, updates may be slow Made to satisfy my itch for creation -SeniorSupreme [6/25/2020]

SeniorSupreme · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

"Harem Please!"

{Portagonist POV}

My life was going so well. I was average in my studies, I played plenty of games on my Sentendo Swap, and even had a couple of friends who would stick with me until the end.

There was one thing that set me apart from many of the other people I knew though. Me and my close friends LOVED hentai, we were hentai fanatics.

I've always wanted a harem like one of those anime MCs. I'll miss not discussing which hentai was a better experience and why. It was always a highlight of my day.

You heard me right, I said 'was'. Why? Because i'm dead of course! I died trying to grab my phone before it hit the ground after a sudden earthquake, but I ended up slamming my head onto my hard-wood floor. I was just about to watch that new hentai I bought too...

I always knew that I would have to control my hentai addiction, but I never thought it would be my cause of death. Scratch that, even if I knew it would happen, I still would've watched more.

After the puzzling incident that is my death, I found myself floating in a space that was bright, but dark at the same time. There was something about this peculiar place that felt oddly wrong to me though. It felt like I didn't have a place here, only being let in as a guest.

I know I should be going crazy right now, but I can't bring myself to do it. I could FEEL my rushing emotions from my recent demise being drained from me, almost like water from the tap.

We dont count the time I spent breaking down over not even getting to watch the new hentai I recently bought. That never happened, alright?

Now that I felt leagues calmer than before, I looked around the room and saw that there were other people here besides me. There were three beautiful women, each with their own unique aura, were sitting before me.

The one on the left had a dark and chaotic feeling around them that reminds me of the demons in video games. The next woman had an aura that was completely tranquil, almost like a small pond. Last but definitely not least was the woman on the right. Just being near her made me feel invigorated and ready for anything. Ill call them L, M, and R respectively.

Yeah, that sounded better in my head, curse my over-active imagination. I was going to monolouge further until I was interrupted by three distinct throat clearing sounds.

"Pretty damn disrespectful to look straight at us then go right back to monologuing." I was instantly shocked by their tone of voice, as it came from L and her heavenly aura. I definitely expected her to have the voice of an angel.

"What right do you have to judge me if you can only think with your lower half?" I guess that L is right. Even so, I don't feel ashamed by my passion. I love watching it and nobody is going to change that. She then raised a brow at my heartfelt conviction. Wait... [Did you just read my mind?] "Reading the mind of a lower being such as you is quite easy." She looked quite smug. That expression does fit her personality though.

I guess thats just how L is, to each their own I guess. [Now that i'm actually talking to you three, are you fine with the nicknames I gave you?] "I'm fine with being called M, I don't feel like going through the trouble to change it." "L is passable for something of your calibur." "R is good enough for me." Huh, that was easier than I thought it would be.

[If this works like those reincarnation stories ive read, then you three should know where we are right?] "Correct, it seems that you are quite well read" It seems that R, while having a dubious aura, is the nicer of the three from what i've seen.

"I guess its up to me to break it to you. You get to make a SINGLE wish that will then be granted by us before reincarnating. No wishing for more wishes, wishing to return to your old world, etc." M seems completely uninterested with this event as a whole and I dont really blame them. I do have a question I have to ask before we start though. [Do any of you know what caused my death? A normal earthquake wouldn't kill me that quickly.]

The moment those words came out of my mouth, all three of them flushed crimson. "It was a spiritual quake, uh they are SUPER dangerous around here!" "Yep! They would utterly destroy you!" "They arent to be trifled with, pray that you don't see one." Something seems off about their quick answers. It's not my problem though, as I still need to think about my wish.

I could wish for money, reincarnating into an anime world, or even a system! Then there is THAT. My life goal and passion, a real harem. There's no doubt in my mind now. [Harem Please!] All three women give me a look, almost as if asking if that was my final decision. [A harem is all that I need when I reincarnate] They glance at each other before R speaks up. "Your wish is forcing multiple partners to like you, is that it?" Damn, when you put it that way, it sounds REALLY messed up. I dont know what i'd do if it happened to me.

I can't believe im doing this, but i'm going to tweak my wish a bit. [My new wish is to come off as likeable to anyone who is interested in me] My wish now only affects them if they are interested in me. It also doesn't force anyone to be with me like my prior wish. When I look at the others, they look quite surprised. [What?] "We didn't actually expect you to change your wish." "It was quite surprising." "I agree."

I dont know if I should take that as a compliment, or as an insult. I hope it was a compliment rather than an insult. [Is that everything I need to do?] "Impatient huh? Should've expected it from a human." "Dont mind L." "HEY!" "The only thing left to do is to sign a spirit contract" [Whats a spirit contract?] "A spirit contract is an oath that binds you to never speak of us to the residents of the universe you will travel to, no matter what." Guess it's to stop me from mentioning it while mind controlled.

"Sign here, here and here so that we can get this over with and sleep" Man, M really sounds out of it. After signing the contract, it shatters into a bunch of energy spheres before entering my body. [Woah...] I could feel the contract constricting around my very soul for a brief moment. "Alright human, prepare yourself for shifting" [Shifting? What's tha-WOAH!] I never got to finish before suddenly being thrown around and compressed.

{R's POV}

[Well, she was quite... different, to say the least] "Uh-huh" "Definitely" [I'm just glad that she didn't find out we accidentally killed her during our 'fun time'] I saw them both blush as I felt my face heat up "We dropped an extra gift in there so she should feel fine" "I hope that she is grateful for the power we have bestowed upon their lowly self" Leave it to 'L' to look down on someone. "Now hold on 'L' and 'R', I believe that we were in the middle of something VERY important..." M then proceeds to grope me and 'L' [Let's make sure not to kill anymore humans this time] "Hopefully" "Agreed"

{END, for now?}


What do ya think? definitely longer than I thought it would be, but i'm fine with it. Hopefully this will rekindle my love for writing and bring inspiration for my other story "Cheating Alchemist" which is currently on hiatus.

●PS. If ya find any mistakes, could you point em out in the comments?

Still alive and kicking,
