
Misfortune System

Takumi Yuki suddenly gets a system when he survives death. Yuki becomes very excited because with this system he is sure that his life full of misfortune will change soon. Or so Takumi Yuki hoped... ---- [Ding! Mission: Save the woman in front of you who is in danger. Punishment: impotence. *Punishment will be given if the mission fails.] "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" [That is a mission, Master. ] "Why do I have to complete this mission? Aren't you supposed to give me power or wealth? The systems I read about in novels are like that." [Because, if you don't complete the mission, you will be punished, Master. ] "Damn it, isn't this mission's Punishment unreasonable? And, where's the mission reward?" [……Master, quickly save that woman, or this mission will fail. ] “Hey, don't change the subject. Aren't you being too stingy? Even, there's no reward in the mission. I'm not going to save that woman.” [Why?] "I will die if I save that woman. Look, the thug has a Knife." [Tsk, Loser.] "W-what? What did you just say to me?" [Loser.] “Y-you, do you have a grudge against me or something?” [Master, die a man, or live but not a man. ] "WHAT KIND OF SYSTEM ARE YOU?!!" . . *I do not own the cover photo. I will take it out if requested. *DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. . . . This is my first novel. i hope you will like it. English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are mistakes. I try my best to make my novel easy to read and understand. but, if there is an error, you can tell me.

Krean0rn · Urban
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19 Chs

No matter what happens, I will be with you.

???? POV

'why this happened?'

I looked at a white-haired youth who was fighting a thug who wanted to rob me.

This should be a normal day. I was just about to return home after meeting with my future business partners in the area.

I stopped by the supermarket in the area to buy a drink because I was feeling thirsty.

But, why is this happening?

I almost got robbed. I screamed for help, but no one wanted to help me. Either because they were afraid of the thug in front of me, or there really wasn't anyone around me.

The thug threatened me, if I continued screaming he would stab me with a knife.

Seeing the criminal holding the knife and threatening to stick it in, of course I felt scared.

No matter how strong I am as a woman, at a time like this, I also feel afraid.

Then, I saw a white-haired young man, and I was very happy. I hope this young man will help me. I will give him the money, if he manages to save me.

Because I was feeling excited, I forgot the warning from the thug, and shouted instead.

I made a stupid decision. And, I immediately closed my eyes.

However, instead of pain when the knife stabbed my body, my body was thrown and fell on the ground.

When I opened my eyes, I was very surprised. The sight in front of me is beyond words.

The young man seemed to be pushing my body, so that when the thug tried to stab me with a knife, the knife stuck in the young man's body.

Blood was seeping out of his wound, and his white T-shirt was now full of blood.

Then, while I was still in great shock, the young man and the thug got into a fight.

I saw the young man struggling with all his might against the thug, and the thug managed to injure the young man's body.

Cut wounds appeared on the young man's body.

The young man fell and got up against the thug.

Seeing her like that, I feel very guilty.

'why did I even bring this young man into my troubles...'

The young man's body continued to bleed.

I feel sad feelings, and on the other hand happy. I feel sad that the young man was injured. And, happy, because that young man fought hard for me. I realize that's not the right feeling right now, but I can't help feeling this.

This is the first time I've seen a man struggle like this.

When the young man saw me, he looked surprised.

I asked the reason why that young man was so persistent to help me or save me. The young man did not answer, only remained silent.

If it was someone else, I'm sure that person would have left me, but this young man was still trying to protect me even though his body was covered in blood.

I keep asking, because I want to know the reason. This is my first meeting with him. I am very confident. Because, I will never forget a white-haired youth if I ever meet him.

He was still silent while looking at me. I'm very curious. I know and I realize that this is not the right time and place to ask this but, I just couldn't help it.

When I was about to ask again, the young man gave the answer.

"Can you stop asking? If you want to hear why I'm helping you, it's because I love you. So run or at least call the police. Or we'll both die."

The young man immediately went and approached the thug. Leaving me alone with all my shock.

I've heard a lot of men confess their love to me, but no one really interests me.

And, now, that young man confessed his love to me with a body full of wounds and blood. His shirt was torn, and full of blood.

Of course, if other people see this, it's not the romantic look that people want.

But, I don't care. This is the most romantic love confession I have ever seen and felt. Not even a movie or book will be able to compete with this.

He fought so hard to save me, he was injured and covered in blood just to save me, and at a time like that, he confessed his love to me.

My heart was filled with an extraordinary feeling of happiness that I had never felt.

If I had to define this in one word, Love.

I was filled with such an extraordinary feeling of love. This young man was a man I had been waiting for all this time.

I am 100% sure that no man will do what this young man is doing now. He fought bravely, without even being afraid to get hurt for me.

I've decided, I don't care if he's poor or rich, or what his background is.

I don't care if my father is angry, because he always sets me up with the man I hate.



While I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly saw that young man already standing in front of me.

And behind him stood the thug, who not long after, the thug fell to the ground, apparently unconscious.


The young man coughed and spit blood from his mouth.

I finally realized, I was saved again while I was daydreaming.

This young man saved me again.

Tears came out of my eyes, when I saw the condition of the young man in front of me. He looked into my eyes and I looked at him. I could see him smiling at me, before his body collapsed on top of mine.


I hugged his bloodied body, and I realized that on the young man's back there was a knife stuck in his back.

Seeing that, I cried. but, I have to move fast now, this young man's body is already bleeding too much.

I immediately took the cell phone in my bag and immediately called my secretary to come here.

I don't care whether my secretary is on break or not, I want her to come now. I also called the hospital and asked for an ambulance to come here. And, I also called the police station.

I'm pretty sure I have quite a bit of clout in this town, and I'm sure they will soon come around.

"I beg you, don't die."

I hug his body, I don't care if my clothes are stained with blood. The most important thing to me, this young man survived no matter what.

And, I also did not dare to pull out the knife stuck in his back. That would probably open up the wound.

I saw the young man's body getting paler. And, a feeling of panic attacks me.

"Please, whatever your name is, please don't die. Just hang on."

I can't stop crying, I'm so afraid this young man in my arms will die.

Fortunately, they all came soon.

Medics immediately put the young man's body into the ambulance and left. According to them, the young man's condition was already critical, if the medics wasted too much time, he might die.

the ambulance left, leaving me with my secretary and 2 police officers.

The 2 police officers asked me about all of this, and I quickly told them. After telling everything, they left while carrying the unconscious criminal.

Before they left, they asked me to come to the police station tomorrow to ask for more information.

Now, all that's left is me and my secretary, Akemi.


"We're going to the hospital now, Akemi."

Akemi nodded her head. and we went by Akemi's car. Meanwhile, Akemi will take my car again later.

'Please hang on.'


Right now, I'm in the lobby of the hospital. I can't stop worrying, because the young man's condition is still in critical condition.

"Lady, calm down."

"But Mina-"

"It won't help even if you don't get too anxious like this. Sit down, Lady."

I looked at Mina, my maid and also like my second mother. I already contacted her on the way to the hospital. So, she decided to come here to accompany me. While Akemi took my car which was in the parking lot of this supermarket.

I walked back and forth in this lobby because I felt so anxious and scared.

"Lady, sit down. You will disturb others if you continue like that."

I immediately sat beside Mina, and held her hand. Her hands are so warm, or because mine are so cold from the feelings I have now.

"Mina, I'm so scared. I'm afraid that young man will die."

"We can only pray that the young man will be safe."


Several hours passed, and finally the doctor who treated the young man approached me.

I immediately stood up and asked the young man's condition. When I saw the doctor's expression in front of me put on a sad face, I couldn't hold back my tears.

'N-no way... This can't be...'

My body immediately felt very cold.

And, I felt Mina hug me and place my head on her chest.

"M-Mina tell me that this is a lie..."

I hugged Mina tightly while crying. I don't care if the doctor sees me crying.

"Lady, the doctor hasn't even told you yet."

"I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear that.. He's... Dead."

Mina's clothes were wet from my crying. I can't take this pain. It would break my heart if the doctor told me about the young man's death.

'Why did this have to happen when I finally found my soul mate?'

"I apologize for saying something like this, Mikazuki-sama."

I tightened my hug on Mina.

"That young man has passed his critical period, however, right now that young man is still unconscious. With the injuries that the young man has received and his body bleeding too much, I'm not sure when the young man will wake up."

I felt my sad feelings lift a little when I learned that the young man had not died. Although, I still feel sad, because, he is still unconscious.

I have already made up my mind.

'No matter what happens, I will be with you. '