
Misery Craves Company (BL)

Do not cross Lucifer and do not, under any circumstances, fall in love. The only two rules which are supposed to be followed by all species in the Underworld. The fact that a demon’s heart only craves two things should make abiding by these rules very easy. Of course, I’m the unlucky fellow who broke both these rules at the same time. Which is bad, seeing as I’m the prince of said Underworld. *** When Luciano starts developing a peculiar sense of curiosity towards an unknown, suicidal man who lives for the thrill of crime, he does everything in his powers to squash it under his demonic cravings. As the son of Lucifer himself and the future ruler of the Underworld, he’s the last person who’s allowed to break the rules which uphold the burning pits of hell. But only so much destruction can distract him from his ever growing yearning for this mortal. *** Disclaimer: I am a very OCD writer which means that obsessing over perfection is something I constantly do so unfortunately you will notice a lot of things changing. I apologise in advance.

Eat_Who_Mel · LGBT+
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59 Chs


"Get off of me, mate," the mortal grumbled. "Your hand is quite literally on my cock."

Luciano rolled over to lay languidly on the bed while still chuckling from being tipsy after finishing the bottle of alcohol. The room spun ever so slightly and he let his eyes drift shut, savouring the pleasant buzz that hummed through his veins. After releasing a content sigh from his lips, he sunk deeper into the springy mattress, the tension in his muscles melting away.

"Why would you want to stop drinking?" he asked the mortal and he hung his arm over the edge, dropping the empty bottle on the floor to produce a soft clang. "This is amazing."

Feeling a gaze piercing into him, Luciano fluttered his eyes open to see the mortal giving him an annoyed look and with their voice laced with exasperation, he pleaded, "Will you please eat something?"

Slowly, Luciano opened his mouth as a silent gesture for the mortal to feed him.