
Mischievous Wife : Reborn Into The Novel

She was dead! Falling from the 50th floor, really horrible. When she woke up, she found out that she becomes the supporting role in the so-called 'Love story' as a canonfodder. From then, she decided to change the tragic life of the side character and quickly signed the divorce paper that was thrown to her as soon as she woke up. She happily thank the ML and even urged him to get their divorce certificate right away. Finally getting the divorce she want. She bowed to herself that she would focus on herself making more money and swore him to never cross life each other again. However, after the divorce her so-called ex-husband started to pester her annoyingly. And oddly, all the elites that were prepared for the mistress suddenly aimed her! 'What the heck is happening!' ....... Disclaimer: You may find this story 'Cliche'. Very common and dull. So if you're looking for something different and with unique plots. Then this is not your typical, 'Cup of tea'. However, I can guarantee that this novel has a strong, funny, sarcastic and independent protagonist. Although, she is not one of those very smart and genius character, Our FL just don't bark ,but also bite very hard. The story has a very light plot and background. It doesn't have those , shady, dark and very heavy plot drama and twist. The FL somehow, always manage to turn everything on her favor. And foremost, she loves money! This story is combined with romance and comedy. With a protagonist , who's being Reborn into the novel. Just try give it a chance. [Your Author doesn't have that much wide knowledge of writing skills since this is the very first time. So please pardon her for some grammatical errors, loopholes of the plots, poor background of the story and characters and some misused words. Your Author happened to be not a fluent English speaker and English is not her first language.] Thank you. *Cover photo not mine* *credits to its willful owner*

YoungJhude · Urban
Not enough ratings
179 Chs

Feeling Offended.

Lily attracted everyone's attention, when she entered the elevator.

People inside the building could easily recognize these luxuries as most of them were rich.

"Her bag is the latest limited edition from Hermes, right? It's said to be 1.08 million yuan."

"Look at the necklace. It's a limited edition from Chanel and worth more than one million yuan."

"Have you noticed that dress? It's haute couture. Money can't get you that."

The beautiful woman casually pulled her hair behind her ears so that everyone could see the flower-shaped earrings on her earlobes, which were set with circles of small diamonds.

She enjoyed everyone's praise and envy all the way.

Lily resumed her life style of flaunting wealth as soon as her father unfroze her Centurion card.

She booked a flight early in the morning as soon as she heard Julia was in trouble. She just returned to China.

Now, she was walking into Julia's office with a plastic hammer in her hand snickering "Who is bullying my sister? I have brought my hammer!"

She was behaving aggressively while the plastic hammer was cute. And it was shrinking because she had unwittingly scraped it.

Julia was amused.

Lily then said to the hammer dramatically, "How dare you embarrass me before my bosom friend? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Julia gave her a big hug without saying a single word. And Lily was about to shed tears.

After a small chat, it was time for dinner. So they decided to go to the restaurant they had booked.

Julia then said," Stacy is free tonight. Why don't we call her?"

Lily agreed happily, "I miss her too. She has helped you a lot since I left our company abruptly. I brought her a present."

They told Stacy the name of the restaurant and she said she would go to there directly.

As Stacy had not arrived at the restaurant, Lily started to check the comments on Twitter through her phone like before.

Before she came back, it was not easy for her to read some entertainment news, since she was in mountains where signals were fuzzy.

She noticed there were a lot of replies to her comments on one of Sandy's tweets which she had posted along side with another eight tweets in ten minutes when she went crazy and was taking nonsense online.

It read, ["I know all of you are laughing at me. So what? I don't care. You don't have the right to judge me since you haven't suffered from my sufferings."]

At the same time, Lily was checking in at the airport. She was so angry that she commented on that tweet.

@LiLyJoe : [Fuck your sufferings! I have the right to laugh at you. And I would laugh out loud until the police make me stop.]

What was unexpected was that Lily's comment received a lot of likes and replies.

"I would laugh out loud until rubbish gains the ability to sort itself out."

"I would laugh out loud enough to dwarf sonar."

"I would laugh out loud enough to dwarf rooster."

After a while, she noticed one interesting comments stuck on the top of the comments section of Julia's latest advertisement.

She moved closer to Julia and read the comment enough for Julia to hear, "She is hilarious and always hits the nail on the head."

Julia then glanced at the screen.

The username was A Married Nobleman.

@Julia's Hater :[Rich and bitch. When I turn the table, I would be more powerful than her.]

@A Married Nobleman: replied @Julia's Hater [The other side of the table is still a table.]

@The Most Beautiful Girl in Our Village :[ Why would some people think Julia is beautiful when she smiles. I feel disgusted to see that slut.]

@A Married Nobleman : replied @The Most Beautiful Girl in Our Village [Julia looks beautiful when she smiles while you look ridiculous all the time.]

@Executioner : [Have you already forgotten how she bullied others? I can't believe she has made you believe in her.]

@A Married Nobleman : replied @Executioner [Is the official recognition not enough? Being not smart is Okay, but being silly is detrimental.]

And there were also lot of netizens replied.

"Girl, you are so good at lashing out trolls. I admire you."

Lily liked 'her' so much that she even sent a private message.

@LilyJoe :[Sweetie, you must be Julia's true fan. You're so smart and I admire you.]

"..." Ford on the other side.


Which word in his name made him a girl?

@LilyJoe :[Sweetie, Would you like to be a member in Julia's Fan Club? We have benefits for Club members. Each girl would receive a pink princess dress when we go to support Julia. Believe me, that is really gorgeous.]

Main while, Ford frowned when he thought about the scene. He felt deeply offended.

He then typed, [Excuse me, I'm a ma–...]

Before he could finish it, another message came from Lily.

@LilyJoe : [Would you mind to add me on your Twitter? We need people like you to protect Julia.]

Ford narrowed his eyes and stared at the words 'Protect Julia' and then changed the text he had written into 'Not at all.'

To show that he could keep up with the trend, he endured the discomfort and added 'Sweetie.'

Jeffrey poked his head only to see Ford was texting 'Not at all, Sweetie.'

Sweetie? What was that?

Could it be that his boss had learned to chat up girls online within such a short period of time?

And was that girl's name Sweetie?

What about Julia?

What was worse, there were many frauds online such as those girls who only wanted to con others into buying tea leaves. He was worried about him.

He was worried more about Ford 's heart than his money.

But he was too worried to speak it out. So he could only keep his eyes on him.

' I would protect you!' He swore in his mind.

Lily was excited because she had found a core member, "That girl is interesting. I like people who are good with language. I've brought her into our fan club."

After a while, the door of their room opened and it was Stacy in a bucket hat. Anna immediately rushed towards her and gave her a big warm hug, "Dear, I miss you so much."

Stacy was tender and her voice was also soft. She smiled shyly and said, "Me too."

She was trying her best. Everyone knew that she was too shy to speak intimate words.

Soon, the dinner table was filled with dishes. It was a new high-end restaurant. Although the price was high, it had a full load of exquisite dishes. As Lily had got her Centurion card back, she spent tens of thousands of yuan for the meal.

Actually, the journey with Andrew in the past few weeks was trudge to her.

During those days, She climbed mountains with him every day and every meal was vegetarian. That was really unbearable.

Varieties of delicate dishes were piled up on the long table. And Lily was greeting them, "Enjoy yourselves! Don't speak any thing about calories. Let's enjoy ourselves!"

After their meal, Lily rubbed her round belly and sighed contentedly.

Seeing Julia didn't eat much she exclaimed "How come you are eating like a bird? Carrying some food is better than carrying a baby."

"..." Julia felt alluded.

Sorry for late updates. Thanks for the support. Stay safe everyone.

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