
Mischievous Wife : Reborn Into The Novel

She was dead! Falling from the 50th floor, really horrible. When she woke up, she found out that she becomes the supporting role in the so-called 'Love story' as a canonfodder. From then, she decided to change the tragic life of the side character and quickly signed the divorce paper that was thrown to her as soon as she woke up. She happily thank the ML and even urged him to get their divorce certificate right away. Finally getting the divorce she want. She bowed to herself that she would focus on herself making more money and swore him to never cross life each other again. However, after the divorce her so-called ex-husband started to pester her annoyingly. And oddly, all the elites that were prepared for the mistress suddenly aimed her! 'What the heck is happening!' ....... Disclaimer: You may find this story 'Cliche'. Very common and dull. So if you're looking for something different and with unique plots. Then this is not your typical, 'Cup of tea'. However, I can guarantee that this novel has a strong, funny, sarcastic and independent protagonist. Although, she is not one of those very smart and genius character, Our FL just don't bark ,but also bite very hard. The story has a very light plot and background. It doesn't have those , shady, dark and very heavy plot drama and twist. The FL somehow, always manage to turn everything on her favor. And foremost, she loves money! This story is combined with romance and comedy. With a protagonist , who's being Reborn into the novel. Just try give it a chance. [Your Author doesn't have that much wide knowledge of writing skills since this is the very first time. So please pardon her for some grammatical errors, loopholes of the plots, poor background of the story and characters and some misused words. Your Author happened to be not a fluent English speaker and English is not her first language.] Thank you. *Cover photo not mine* *credits to its willful owner*

YoungJhude · Urban
Not enough ratings
179 Chs

Did Someone Asked You To Do This?

"It's fine," said Julia with studied understatement.

She knew that Cindy would not give up easily. She made compromise on the surface, but actually she was scheming something inwardly.

However, it didn't matter to Julia for she was good at solving problems. She didn't know the deer would die at whose hand.

But she knew that she wasn't the deer.

A few obscure actress near Cindy started to gossip in whispers.

"Who is the woman next to Mr. Black? They look so intimate!"

"It seems to be Julia Green, who has previously suffered a boycott across the internet. There is less news about her these days."

"Didn't the media report say that they were on bad terms? Why doesn't it look that way?"

"Yeah, look how close they get. It's disgusting, switching from digging up dirt to spreading scandals!"

"She is a woman without self—knowledge. I think Julia is ordinary and she is no better than me!"

The woman behind Cindy said sourly. Cindy turned her head, glancing at the standard internet celebrity face, and sneered, "Then, do you think you are worthy of him?"

The Internet celebrity was taken aback. She had acted in two campus online dramas, so she was more or less considered as an actress.

She flushed at the contempt on Cindy's face, and she couldn't help retorting, "Who do you think you are?"

An actress near them knew about Cindy's background, so she stopped the internet celebrity and whispered, "Sorry for disturbing you, Miss Cindy."

Cindy ignored them, looking away. Her eyes fixed on Lucas and Julia from a short distance, her knuckles turning white for she clenched her fists too hard. In her eyes, no one is worthy of Lucas but herself.

She cursed secretly. Julia, you ask for it!

The program recording went well in the morning and Cindy surprisingly cooperated with them. During the break in the afternoon, Marvin handed Julia a towel to wipe away the sweat on her forehead, saying, "You are amazing. I had thought no one could manage Cindy. Look how obedient she is."

Julia smiled, "Looks like you don't know her well."

Marvin was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Julia curled her lower lip, shaking her head, "Nothing."

She was bracing herself for whatever is on Cindy's mind.

When the break was almost over, Julia got to her feet, getting ready for the recording. A figure suddenly bumped into her from the corner.

A whole cup of black stuff was spilled onto Julia's face and body.

It happened so fast that Marvin was not able to react. Raged, he roared, "Are you blind?"

The girl was stunned by the roar. Her legs gave out and she immediately knelt down, crying, "Sorry, sorry, I tripped. I didn't do it on purpose."

Marvin wiped Julia's face with a towel and found it was only coffee, and it was not hot.

However, her makeup and clothes were ruined. If she went to change now, it would keep everyone waiting.

The girl was wearing sportswear of the same color. She had a badge, so she came for the program recording as well. However, she did not look familiar. She was probably an obscure internet celebrity.

Marvin was so angry that he scolded her like a rapid fire gun, "Which company are you from? You are reckless. Luckily the coffee is not hot. If Julia gets burnt, you can't afford the compensation. Do you understand?"

The girl lowered her head, tears trickling down like broken pearl necklace. She cried, "I was tripped. I really didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Julia's lounge was separated from others at the corner. Seeing there was no one behind the girl, Marvin thought she was lying. He asked her sternly, "Who tipped you? If you point out who tipped you, I won't hold you responsible for this!"

The girl looked up and saw that there was nobody behind her. She was puzzled, not able to say anything.

Julia looked at herself and said, "Forget it. Let her go. I'd better hurry up and get changed."

The girl looked up to thank Julia, and she was taken aback, "Miss, it's you..."

Julia looked down at the girl and found she was the girl who got beaten on the train. The girl was also an actress.

She looked at the girl carefully for a few seconds and then said calmly, "Get up."

Only then did Marvin realize that the girl had been kneeling, which looked like they were bullying her.

He couldn't help frowning, "Get up now. Why do you kneel?"

The girl got to her feet in a hurry and almost fell as she lost her balance. She clutched at the pillar beside her, looking fragile and helpless.

Julia looked at her for a while and asked suddenly, "Did someone ask you to do this?"

Her question caught Sandy Sheldon by surprise. She tugged at the lower hem of her top, mumbling, "Sorry Miss, I was tripped. Please believe me."

Julia stared at her with clear eyes, "Alright. I hope I am right."

And then she turned around, entering the dressing room. She put on her spare clothes and washed her face.

A staff came over, asking if they were ready. It was almost dinner time and this was the last part of the program recording.

Marvin replied, "No, she needs to fix her make—up. Twenty more minutes and we'll start."

Generally actresses spent much time making themselves up, so twenty minutes was fast.

All the staff was on site and some people looked at them inquiringly. Clearly only Julia was absent.

Although the staff was in a dilemma, he did not dare to offend Julia. Therefore he turned around to go report.

"There is no need for make—up!" Julia stopped the staff, "Proceed with the recording."

"But..." Marvin was shocked. He had never seen any actress go on any shows without make—up. Some actresses had clearly put on a full set of nude makeup, and they said that they wore no make—up in the show. Their glowing faces, invisible eye lines and red lips made him roll his eyes. These women thought the men were blind?

The staff was indecisive and he said hesitantly, "How about fixing your makeup?"

However, he thought her clean face with the casual sportswear looked more realistic and beautiful.

Julia waved her hand, "No need. It's settled." She strode forward.

Marvin had to catch up with her. Well, it was fine. She looked pretty without make—up, so she could be so willful.

As he thought about it, he suddenly smiled out of no reason.

Why did he feel his new boss was right in everything after he stayed with her for a short while? Her intelligent eyes seemed to have a magic, drawing people to believe her.

The new round was called the Mouthpiece. Everyone drew lots to divide into the teams. They were required to convey messages by acting in the cubicle. The team that came up with the best acting won.

Surprisingly, Julia was assigned to the same team as Cindy. There were another actress and two obscure actors. It was a team of five.

Everyone began to line up in order, and Cindy happened to be in front of Julia. When it was Julia's turn to convey the message, Cindy started to act when the board was pulled up. Her acting was pretentious, no sign of any professionalism.

She was making gestures with both hands, when she suddenly raised her hand at Julia and tried to slap her on the face with all her strength.