
Mischievous Wife : Reborn Into The Novel

She was dead! Falling from the 50th floor, really horrible. When she woke up, she found out that she becomes the supporting role in the so-called 'Love story' as a canonfodder. From then, she decided to change the tragic life of the side character and quickly signed the divorce paper that was thrown to her as soon as she woke up. She happily thank the ML and even urged him to get their divorce certificate right away. Finally getting the divorce she want. She bowed to herself that she would focus on herself making more money and swore him to never cross life each other again. However, after the divorce her so-called ex-husband started to pester her annoyingly. And oddly, all the elites that were prepared for the mistress suddenly aimed her! 'What the heck is happening!' ....... Disclaimer: You may find this story 'Cliche'. Very common and dull. So if you're looking for something different and with unique plots. Then this is not your typical, 'Cup of tea'. However, I can guarantee that this novel has a strong, funny, sarcastic and independent protagonist. Although, she is not one of those very smart and genius character, Our FL just don't bark ,but also bite very hard. The story has a very light plot and background. It doesn't have those , shady, dark and very heavy plot drama and twist. The FL somehow, always manage to turn everything on her favor. And foremost, she loves money! This story is combined with romance and comedy. With a protagonist , who's being Reborn into the novel. Just try give it a chance. [Your Author doesn't have that much wide knowledge of writing skills since this is the very first time. So please pardon her for some grammatical errors, loopholes of the plots, poor background of the story and characters and some misused words. Your Author happened to be not a fluent English speaker and English is not her first language.] Thank you. *Cover photo not mine* *credits to its willful owner*

YoungJhude · Urban
Not enough ratings
179 Chs

Chaos on Social Media.

Julia walked to the side of the kitchen counter and poured herself a cup of warm water. After a sip, she asked, "So, did she die ?"

Marvin was shocked by Julia's calmness. "She didn't make it. Before she planned to jump off the building, she tweeted positioning herself as truly trying to commit suicide. Soon, some kind-hearted netizens called the hotel receptionist and then the hotel workers found her on the top floor in time."

Tsk! What a smart wretched. But Julia couldn't be arse. There were reasons why she remained calm.

First of all, she had just met Sandy last night, and it didn't seem that she would commit suicide.

Besides, since she had set up a frame-up it was ridiculous to prove her innocence through death.

"Nevertheless, things get more complicated now," Marvin said.

"What's the matter?" Julia just recalled the USB drive from last night and then plugged it in her laptop, watching the video while listening to Marvin.

"11:30 last night, there are internet influencers with tens of millions of followers backed up by Universal Media reposted a video clip suddenly. Just look..."

As he spoke, Marvin switched on the video.

The video shows Julia's previous daily life. There she was helping the middle-aged grip assistant push heavy props; she was having box-lunch and talking happily with utility men, looking miserable and bloody; she was having fun with bit players; once there was an old man passed out during their shooting, she put him on her back without even thinking of it and sent him on the ambulance...

Without those clips she couldn't even remember any of it.

To her these were all small things. She just lifted a finger to help those in need. There was nothing to compliment.

In the past she was a bit player and obscure, however, people around her were very sincere and they were getting along well with each other.

Now she was of some renown but she had to bear more than before. She was losing while she was getting things.

Marvin continued, "All of the three influencer were of tens of millions of followers. Their posts were impartial with the same hashtag saying that, 'Hoping the cyber space could be warmer. Don't be a troll before seeing the whole picture.' The impact was remarkable since they were backed by Universal Media. Soon, public opinion began to diverge and people choose their leagues."

This could have been good, but Marvin was so mad as he said, "Then, Sandy tweeted another post and changed the public opinion with just a picture."

Once again with a single move from Sandy, the netizens showed supports towards her. The comments section flooded with sympathy towards Sandy and criticism towards of course, Julia.

"Sandy, don't be afraid. Did someone threaten you? You can tell the truth, because we are by your side!"

"With money you could do whatever you want? How unfair for Sandy!"

"Julia looks seductive. Is she having an affair with Universal Media's boss? She is a cowardly bully. It's gross that Universal Media has been whitewashing her. F*ck them!"

And somehow, some of Julia's fans tried to defend her.

"Nonsense! Julia is gorgeous and straightforward. On the contrary, this "Virgin Mary" acts are disgusting. belittling and alluding others as if she looks pure. Such a b*tch!"

Nevertheless, Sandy's strategy was perfect.

People would consider her to be affected and those fence-sitter would suspect her motives if she speaks out.

One picture showed everything and made each netizen imagine on their own.

'What a brilliant gambit.'

"But what stuns me most is not that, " Marvin paused for a moment. "The whole thing is just like dramas in suspense TV series."

Seeing that Julia didn't want to respond, Marvin thought to himself, 'Capital fellow! How cool she is!'

It was a wise move to choose her as his boss.

However, Julia was wondering how come someone would record her when she was obscure with not so many fans.

Marvin then said again, "Steve Brown posted a tweet on his VIP Twitter account. It has been half a year since his last tweet."

"What was the tweet about?" Julia asked immediately, having a feeling that it was related to her.

Marvin showed her and the tweet was,

@Steve Brown : [I was there in the train incident. @Julia Green : Did nothing wrong. I'm on your side. Come on!]

The impact was remarkable. Although Steve Brown's Twitter account was rarely active, it had more than 80 million followers.

No one had expected that after half a year, their idol's first post was to take sides with Julia. It was heartbreaking.

Given Steve's sound reputation, his words were trustworthy. Besides, he had said that he was present, which meant that he had witnessed the whole story. That was to say what Sandy had said might not be true.

Then there came supports from celebrities getting along well with Julia. It was Lucas who followed, then Mark, Stacy and Shawn also showed their support for Julia.

These celebrities were of millions to tens of millions of fans which were much more than trolls and haters hired by Sandy.

There also existed different voices, especially those male idol's fans. They didn't understand why their beloved idols would take sides with Julia who was surrounded by scandals.

Then as soon as they found that their idols were posting the same content, they just let it go. After all, idols should be put into the first place.

Cindy and Ruby hiding behind smart phones were so angry that their face started to distort. They could only retweet Sandy's post with some b*tchy allusions.

Then Maureen followed who also posted a tweet saying,

@MaureenV: [Someone is violent as always.]

Not sure who was she referring with but Julia sure knows who it is.

Twitter collapsed due to the fuss made by the two groups. After Twitter was fixed up, news exploded. And articles with [#Sandy committed suicide jumping off from the top] hit the headlines.

It was already 2:30 am when Sandy tweeted 'goodbye' followed by nothing.

Soon afterwards, pictures featuring Sandy being held up before jumping appeared on Twitter coupled with pictures featuring Julia entering the same hotel earlier before. Then it was said that Sandy had been threatened by Julia before she made that decision.

This caused even greater public indignation since Sandy was obscure without powerful background.

Julia really didn't expect so many things would happen when she was fast asleep.

Sandy was cornered to come up with the idea. It was not clever since no one would let people know where they were if they really meant to commit suicide.

It showed that Sandy was deliberately trying to draw people's attention.

Marvin sighed, "I feel like it was a dream filled with endless turn of events"

However, what he was worried about now was that he was blocked by variety shows directors and advertisers who had invited Julia before. What's worse Julia was mosaiced on some variety shows shot before and they were demanding claims.


Julia took a few slices of whole wheat toast, put them into the toaster and then poured herself a glass of skim milk. Her calmness surprised Marvin again.

He was wondering if why she was too nonchalant with such a big event.

Then he spoke to her, "Do you think we should take some actions, at the very least, releasing a statement or something? We are definitely not supposed to let that shrewd discredit you!"

Julia was still nonchalant nothing changed could be seen on her face, pushing the bread towards him, "Do you want a slice?"

Marvin answered sulking "I'm too angry to eat anything."

He was at the sports meeting. However, what a pity! In his position he could not produce evidences to prove what that Virgin Mary Shrewd b*tch had done.

It's unbearably disgusting if you could not speak the truth out. Although he was not involved, he was praying for a bolt of lightning from the sky to claim her life for justice.

But surprisingly she was too crafty. She was extremely good at manipulating public opinion!

Every step she took seemed to be carefully calculated to direct public opinion to an extent which whoever disagreed with her or spoke for Julia would be a bully.

Not to mention those who were close to Julia. A single word relating to proving Julia's innocence would incur a load of curses like being Julia's accomplice, immoral or concealing.

If capitalists with money and power were the absolute truth in the real world, then in cyberspace it seemed that the weak were right all the time.

His anger grew as he thought it over and over. And Julia should have felt even angrier than he was.

But now, Julia was leisurely eating bread while watching a video on her computer. He didn't even see the slightest bit of anger on her face.

Then the voice coming from the computer sounded a little familiar.

["It's true I was tripped by someone. Please believe me ..." ]

["That's okay. Hope I was right...."]

Marvin poked his head and discovered that the computer was playing that blind side of the sports meeting.

With high-definition stereo.

Marvin heaved a sigh of relief, "When did you get this solid proof?"

When Julia got the USB drive, she asked the staff of the sports meeting of what position this video was from.

According from the staff, it was from a panorama camera and required the authority of an A-class shareholder or above to be called out. But as Julia didn't ask for it, no one mentioned it voluntarily.

After all, although she held a share, it was not the whole. Above her there were bigger shareholders.

Obviously, someone was using this rule to frame her.

Even if she had asked for it, after rounds of handover it would be clipped.

With a clear ecstasy on his face, Marvin exclaimed "What are you waiting for? Hurry up! Post it online and make her meet her doom! Let everyone see the truth!"

Finishing her breakfast, Julia grabbed herself a mask and said casually, "Posting it on Twitter could not solve the problem once for all since this event has become a hot topic of debate."

If they posted it, Sandy would claim what happened in the sports meeting was a misunderstanding. After all, it was true that she wanted to jump off the building on the news. Compared to finding out the truth, people behind cellphone screens took more delight in watching a fight.

There was a saying, 'One should be wiser.'

Marvin was unconvinced, "Even if it could not solve all the problems, at least people would realize that she is a scheming b*tch. As long as someone starts to suspect, we could make a bit of success."

"Take it easy." Julia narrowed her eyes.

The fact that Sandy had come up with so many schemes after Julia left was enough to prove that she choose to fight with her and had given up the chance to compensate for her wrongdoings.

Well then...


On the other side, in a VIP ward of a hospital.

Sandy's butt was about to petrify as there were so many journalists last night that she couldn't even get off the bed.

And at the same time she had to pretend she was too angry and grieved to eat anything.

It was too hard.

Since there was nothing she could do but to pretend she was weak, she would undoubtedly make the most of it.

As soon as everyone else went off, Sandy's Aunt took out a bar of chocolate for her before anyone would get in.

Sandy frowned as she saw it. After acting nearly ten hours with no rest, she could not survive on one bar of chocolate.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"Ah, just make do with it." Her Aunt smiled radiantly, "Winner is the one who sticks to the end. They said as soon as you help them get it done, that contract worth tens of millions yuan would arrive."

"Hold on, hold on. The more journalists come the more famous you would get." Camila sneered, "This time would be that b*tch's ultimate doom."

Knowing that her Aunt only considered money, she had to tear the wrap paper. As she was about to send it into mouth, it was knocked away by a fat hand.

Camila kicked the chocolate on the floor under the bed. Then said, "Lie down, lie down. Someone else has come to take pictures."

Sandy was speechless and helpless.

But guess what, she asked for it.


At the same time, in a spick-and-span office.

Ford rubbed his temples for a moment after a meeting and then clicked headlines about his wife.

At present, people were still talking about Sandy's suicide, which he had known. However, the more comments under these news he saw, the colder his face get.

All of them were like 'bitch, slut, a nobody, sleeping with all man in the entertainment industry....' Anything relating to Julia would be filthy and obscene.

Seeing Ford's abnormal expression coupled with the contents in the screen before him, Jeffrey instantly got the situation.

"Boss... " he said trying to reassure him, "This is the nature of comments online. People are from various backgrounds and some of them extremely hate the rich. No seeing is no disturbing."

Ford looked at it for a long while silently. But the air around him was getting colder and colder.

Finally, he asked, "How to open a Twitter account?"

Jeffrey then replied attentively "Boss, it requires your real name and you haven't got a private one. Do I need to open one for you?"

Ford pursed his lips and said, "Yes."

As Jeffrey was filling the application he asked, "Boss, do you want to use your real name?"

"No. Make one."

Jeffrey then carry on and then asked him again, "Boss , what's the main use of your account?"

Ford sat back and loosened his tie with a contemptuous smile, "Being immoral."


That meant he wanted to be a troll. Jeffrey didn't know whether to laugh or applaud his boss.

My God, a man who could rack in tens of millions of dollars in just one minute would condescend himself to fight with trolls.

He must have a heroic name to impress everyone.

As Jeffrey was thinking to himself, he quickly sent the account and password to him.

Ford immediately replied one of the comment below with more than ten thousands of reposts and comments saying,

@Half Moon Fairy: [Why there would be people seeing her as a beauty. What she has was nothing more than a small face, fine skin, slender figure. Nothing of these could shape a beauty. Those who were speaking for her must be a male who like female of shallow prostitute looking. If I could lose some weight I would be much more attractive than her.]

@BachelorTheNoble : Replied to @HalfMoonFairy : [There is no need to lose weight since your ugliness has nothing to do with your weight.]

Blunt and harsh enough to slap face.

Feeling satisfied with his reply, he stared at the screen and his brows knitted. Confused, he asked Jeffrey densely, "Who is Bachelor the Noble?"

Jeffrey was petrified, "It's you."

'I tailored this mighty name just for you.' Jeffrey thought proudly to himself.

Poor guy, he uses his own account without knowing his own username.

Hello everyone! This chapter probably one of my longest content. So, thank you for staying, supporting and giving endless love to my story. Love y'll. Have a nice day!

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