
Mischievous God Zoo

Synopsis [Mischievous God Zoo] Wayne Anderson is an 18 years old young man who was working as a part-timer in one of the zoo in the city he lived. One day, when he was out cleaning the Lion's den, he unexpectedly stumbled upon a cube blinking orange light. Putting up his hand forward, he slowly picked up the Orange Cube. However, the moment his hand touched the Orange Cube, he then found himself inside an unfamiliar zoo. "Where am I..." "Is this perhaps a zoo?" "But those animals are strange!" "A Lion called Mischievous Lion? Does such lion even exist?" "A Savage Fox?! Who the heck names an animal like that?!" "They're not actually called animals, but Magical Beast?!" "What?! A Dragon? A real freaking Dragon?" "A Phoenix, too?!" [Welcome, Wayne Anderson, to the Mischievous God Zoo. I'm your personal assistant-system, the 8th Sin of Creation, or you can just simply also call me, Gaia. I will be helping you manage the Mischievous God Zoo to the best of my abilities!] Read Wayne's adventure in a Magical world where who has the most powerful Magical Beast is crowned as the God. Fighting against fellow Zoo Owners along with different kinds of Magical Beasts to prove who has the best and most powerful zoo. Having conflicts with different Businesses, Organizations, and Associations. Earning money and becoming rich. Shoving rich arrogant Young Masters or Young Ladies to the mud and kicking their asses. Destroying Families, Noble Households, Clans, Kingdoms, Empires, and Sects that dares to comes in his way, having a romantic relationship with the most beautiful girl he has met. And most importantly, raising the most powerful Magical Beasts the Celestial Beast World could ever see in their entire freaking lifetime.

M_W · Fantasy
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Welcome to the Mischievous God Zoo

Chapter 2 Welcome to the Mischievous God Zoo

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Right in front of Wayne is an Orange Cube, occasionally blinking orange-colored light due to the ray of light from the sun reflecting on its body.

The Orange Cube was located right in front of the Lion's den, specifically a few inches of distance away from the den. It was really fortunate that the Lion's den was a deep pit, thus the lions inside wouldn't be able to reach the Orange Cube no matter how much they try to reach.

Still, Wayne knew that he shouldn't leave the Orange Cube there in case someone would accidentally kick it inside the Lion's den. With the Lion's curiosity almost similar to those of a cat, they would definitely start playing with it until they eventually try putting it inside their mouths, which in most cases, is one of the reasons why animals in zoos suffer from unknown causes.

This was also one of the reasons why there is always a signboard in almost every zoo that says no feeding of animals, which sadly, not everyone listens to due to the thought of wanting to experiment or try something to satisfy their curiosity.

"I guess that's a kid's toy that was left unnoticed here yesterday. I better bring it to the lost and found a booth in case someone comes looking for it," Wayne said to himself as he bends down one of his knees and right after picked up the Orange Cube.

"Is this a kind of Rubik's cube or something similar? Only in this case is it's all in orange so that no matter how many times one twist and turn, it wouldn't turn into a very complicated puzzle that only Fate knows how to freaking solve?" Wayne thought before slowly standing up.

"I really wonder why someone invented the Rubik's cube? Were they perhaps really bored with their life so they try making something very complicated for fun? Just like those really smart mathematician geniuses that use their own methods to solve a math problem despite of having their own method of solving already," Wayne said jokingly before walking towards his wheeled trashcan to bring it along with him to the location of the lost and found the booth of the zoo.


Surprisingly, the moment Wayne turned to looked behind him, he no longer saw the wheeled trashcan.

"Where did it go?" Wayne asked inwardly as he began turning his head to look around, thinking that the wind might have pushed the wheeled trashcan somewhere considering that it wasn't heavy yet due to it not having any trashes inside.

The moment Wayne turned his head, though, what he soon found out was something that immediately rendered him shocked in disbelief.


In front of Wayne is a seemingly endless scenery of trees, standing proudly tall while swaying towards the direction of where the wind was taking them.

"Was there something like this in the old man's zoo?" Wayne can't help asking himself curiously since he can't seem to remember there being a forest like this nearby the Lion's den.

Although there was indeed a small forest in the old man's zoo, but it was only a man-made forest which was created purely as a picnic area for the visitors of the zoo to make them feel like being out there in the wilderness, not as seemingly endless as this forest in front of him right now.

"Wasn't there supposedly a Deer's den opposite to the Lion's den and not a forest? And then just beside it is a small Monkey's cage? Then farther at the side is a road leading towards the Crocodile's Lake?" Wayne thought to himself while looking at the places around him.

Seeing that those what he had just mentioned were nowhere to be found, he right after turned his head to look in the direction of the Lion's den.

As soon as Wayne turned to look in the direction of the Lion's den, though, what he soon saw immediately shocked him.

"How the heck is there a freaking building over there now?!" Wayne exclaimed loudly while looking at the building, which he can easily see as two floors or otherwise can be called as a two-story building.

"No, wait... Something is definitely wrong here," Wayne said as he slowly stepped back away from the two-story building that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the location which was supposedly where the Lion's den was located at a while ago.

Wayne quickly began looking around the place once again, hoping to at least see something that he was familiar with. But no matter how much he looked around, what was supposedly located in certain places he was familiar with was no longer there, and instead, it was replaced by trees and trees, and even more trees.

He still didn't give up and kept on looking around, but aside from trees and more trees, there was practically only this one two-story building right in the middle of this forest.

Fortunately, Wayne soon discovered that he was actually standing on a stone, brick road leading towards that two-story building from somewhere he couldn't see clearly yet due to the dense cover of trees.

Without thinking any further, Wayne put the Orange Cube inside one of his pockets before quickly following the brick road as if knowing already where the brick road was leading towards.

A road is invented to lead someone towards another place, that is aside from allowing a person to have a convenient road to travel. Therefore, if his guess is indeed correct, this road should be leading towards an exit.

Just like what Wayne had expected.

After nearly ten minutes of walking, Wayne finally arrived at the entrance of the zoo which at this moment was no longer similar to the way it was used to looked like before, similar to every other place he has seen along the way, specifically trees, trees, and even more trees. Honestly, calling this place a zoo is no longer appropriate, rather he should start calling it a forest instead, as in literally.

"What is really going on here? Did I perhaps unknowingly become a victim of a large-scale prank made by those TV shows? Or did the zoo actually start an event or something similar? Hello guys, if this is a prank, you got me, hahaha... This is a really funny prank, I can't believe you got me... hahaha..." Wayne began talking while looking around his surroundings, waiting for someone to suddenly jump out of one of those bushes or jump down from one of those trees and then quickly told him, "You just got prank!" then the background would begin dropping down one by one, cameras with their respective cameramen would start revealing themselves from their inconspicuous hideout, and finally showing to him once again the place he was really familiar with.

However, even after waiting for a few minutes, nothing has happened. There was no one that jumped out of the bush or jumps down from a tree. No background has fallen, no cameras with their respective cameramen revealed themselves, and certainly, the place didn't return back to the way it was used to be.

Wayne finally can't help himself from panicking and feeling anxious inside of him. His breathing became fast, sweat covered his forehead, and his eyes look around seemingly out of his control. He became a bit sensitive to his surrounding, and his brain was constantly telling him bad things that he can't stop thinking about no matter how much he tries thinking of happy thoughts.

"Am I going crazy?!" Wayne can't help asking himself.

Nevertheless, Wayne still tried his very best to calm his nerves. Panicking in this kind of situation has already been proven multiple times to be really fatal and dangerous, specifically from movies and anime he has watched on pirated sites before. Like for example, in the movie Wrong Turn, or in the anime Another and Corpse Party.


Suddenly, right in front of Wayne, a tall red wooden gate slowly rises up from the ground. Then, a big and long wooden signboard instantly appeared out of nowhere. Afterwards, unfamiliar words, yet he could surprisingly understand, started slowly forming on the signboard.

"Welcome to the Mischievous God Zoo!"

Author’s note:

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