

I'm Misa. A hardcore otaku for the otome isekai genre who was living life inconspicuously as a normal office worker. Everything was in the drains and life sucked in general, but I still had my novels and mangas to delve into, so I was having a great time—that is until I died of an unfortunate truck accident. Then I got to live the greatest dream that every isekai reader ever has. I got transmigrates into the world of novel that I used to read. Except, it seems like God made a slight error while assigning my role to me. I have now woken up in a man's body and now I've got to deal with all the consequences that comes along with it!

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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150 Chs

The same boat

"Did you hear the rumors? It seems like the Grand Duke is coming for the tea party as well." A noblewoman gossiped to another one of her kind.

"That's wild, isn't it? The Grand Duke has never made an appearance to tea parties before. What do you think is the meaning behind this?" The other one asked.

"Well, I don't know. Is he aiming for the throne or something?" The first woman asked.

"Ladies, you're going way too far. I mean, he's just coming for a tea party. He's here to show that he's fine after the rumors of him being bedridden came up. Don't think of it as anything more than that." A guy barged into the conversation and spoke.

I found it slightly funny because the woman is right after all. I am after the throne. However, the reason I'm here is not that.

"Shall we get out then?" I turned towards Lavinia, who nodded her head.