

I'm Misa. A hardcore otaku for the otome isekai genre who was living life inconspicuously as a normal office worker. Everything was in the drains and life sucked in general, but I still had my novels and mangas to delve into, so I was having a great time—that is until I died of an unfortunate truck accident. Then I got to live the greatest dream that every isekai reader ever has. I got transmigrates into the world of novel that I used to read. Except, it seems like God made a slight error while assigning my role to me. I have now woken up in a man's body and now I've got to deal with all the consequences that comes along with it!

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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150 Chs

The Past

"But there is a little problem, to be honest." She mumbled.

"Hmm?" I didn't notice her expression shift from being bewildered to serious at that point. But there we were.

"Well, to be honest, it isn't problematic for me." She shrugged as she said that.

"Then why did you even say that?" I was confused at that point. I mean, if it wasn't a problem, why did she even say it to begin with? People are confusing, honestly speaking.

"That's because it is problematic to you, not me." She replied.

And now I got really confused. "What are you even talking about? I mean, how is this concerning me in any way?" I asked, before realizing something really important. "Don't tell me-"

"Yea, it is indeed the thirteenth prince that I'm on friendly terms with. However, it's the thirteenth prince of the Titiana Kingdom." She spoke, with her serious expression turning even more grim.