

I'm Misa. A hardcore otaku for the otome isekai genre who was living life inconspicuously as a normal office worker. Everything was in the drains and life sucked in general, but I still had my novels and mangas to delve into, so I was having a great time—that is until I died of an unfortunate truck accident. Then I got to live the greatest dream that every isekai reader ever has. I got transmigrates into the world of novel that I used to read. Except, it seems like God made a slight error while assigning my role to me. I have now woken up in a man's body and now I've got to deal with all the consequences that comes along with it!

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Important piece

Finally, it was the day for the competition and my excitement for the event was still the same as before. I mean, it was finally time for me to acquire a bit more strength into my team, so how could I be not excited.

Anyhow, before heading out, I ventured into my office where I saw Maurice diligently working in there. Look, it's not like I forgot him or something. It's just that he was so busy working his ass off that he didn't come out in a normal basis, which meant that he wasn't there to witness the growth of Raeen as well. I mean, I feel a bit bad for constricting him the way I did, but the guy says that he enjoys this situation, so there's nothing much I could do about it, to be honest.

"Maurice, you doing good?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm doing well! It's quite a surprise to see you here, my lord…" Maurice indeed looked surprised as he saw me there.