
Misaka-10000 (Toaru fanfic)

sleep, wake up, eat 3 meals of the day, school, gaming, watching anime, and sleep late. The monotonous pattern had become his life ever since he left his parent's house to pursue his school life in Academy City. it wasn't the life he was dreaming of. Ichiman was an ordinary middle school boy whose life give him a chance to become the first gemstone in his town, a level 2 esper. all that happen when he was on his way to school, and somehow, in a dramatic accident, he got hit by a truck, and if wasn't for the weird regeneration ability that he discover he had, he would have been dead This newfound ability granted him a scholarship to continue his education in Academy City, to develop his ability however, his esper power seemed limited to level 2, leaving him disappointed in the repetition of his life. but, just when he had resigned himself to the monotony, another accident incident emerged, promising to change his life once again. tags : #romance #toaruseries #genderbender #genderbend #mature #drama #fantasy #dark #fanfic #originalcharacter #characterdevelopment #oc

yatsumi_taki · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Laura

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its warm golden glow across the city, Misaka walked through the bustling streets.

In the midst of this lively backdrop, Her presence drew curious glances from those around her, With her long white hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of shimmering silver.

her footsteps were soft and light, barely making a sound against the pavement, with her gaze being in a straight line ahead.

("Don't act tough If you can't handle it, You will only end up hurting yourself more", That was a cool line, says Misaka #13577 as she tries to hold back a laugh.)

(You're good at seducing, comments Misaka #13577 as she hopes to learn from #10000)

(Misaka saw a similar scene from a romantic manga Misaka had read, says Misaka#19002 as she share the memory with the others)

(Oh, it's the same, but the boy in the manga is less handsome, says Misaka as she wonders if #10000 tries to imitate the scene)

(Can you guys stop spying on me next time, says Misaka#10000 as she tries her best not to appear embarrassed.)

(We didn't...)

They responded in unison.

(Huh? Then how did you know... It's the little sister, isn't it...)

(Hehehehe~~ Yes, that was me says Misaka as Misaka is proud of her doing)

(#20001 aka Last Order is supposed to keep control of every Misaka, What are you doing, taking advantage of it to embarrass Misaka says Misaka#10000 scolding her little sister)

(Oh, come on! You're the last one who should talk about taking advantage of something says Misaka as Misaka fights back)


(Don't act like you don't know. Didn't you try and use your new ability to make your boobs grow bigger? says Misaka as Misaka reveals a traitor)




Suddenly, a chilling sensation ran down her spine, causing her to come to an abrupt stop. It felt as though the gaze of all 9969 Misakas was piercing through her, branding her as a true traitor.

"HeHeHe~~Too bad you failed. You'll remain in the flat-chest club forever, says Misaka as Misaka voice laced with evil laughter, HAHAHAHAHAHA"

(...Misaka will take her revenge, remember that, says Misaka#10000 holding a big grudge against her little sister)

(HeHe~ good luck in surpassing my little white knight, says Misaka as Misaka holds big confidence)


Sighing as she scratched the back of her head, Misaka continued on her way to the meeting location.

Ever since Last Order appeared in the network, she had developed a habit of teasing her. Whether she was sleeping or taking a shower, Last Order would always find a way to poke fun at her.

Like that time when Misaka #10000 was meditating on her own naked body (For educational reasons) while taking a shower, she would hear Last Order's voice through the network, saying things that were quite questionable coming from a little girl.

"Starting at your boobs won't make them any bigger," or "Who are you imagining doing it with right now?"

But she couldn't entirely blame Last Order for her actions. After all, she had access to all their memories through the network, so it was partly her own fault for being exposed to such thoughts.

"EHHHH? But money is money. Why can't I buy my bread with it?"

Interrupting her thoughts, Misaka's eyes shifted to the side of the road, where a bread shop caught her attention. Her gaze fell upon a girl who appeared to be around eighteen years old. The girl had crystal-white skin, clear blue eyes, and shining golden hair, dressed in a simple beige robe.

It was clear that the girl was a foreigner, and it seemed she had gotten herself into some kind of trouble.

She glanced around and she could notice that people were pretending not to see or ignoring the situation, going about their own business. That's what her mind told her to do as well.

But...Her heart had another word.

As she got closer to the scene, she began to hear their conversation. It appeared that the foreign girl wanted to buy some bread using Pound Sterling instead of yen, but the shop owner refused to accept it.

(I mean, couldn't he just accept the money and go to the nearest local bank to exchange it for yen? Are there still any shops that don't accept foreign coins exist? also the girl Japanese is really good)

getting even closer, she got the attention of both the shop owner and the foreign girl.

"What's the matter, little girl? If you want to buy something, please wait a little..."

The shop owner's words were cut short as Misaka extended her hand to him, holding a 2000 yen (14.25$) bill.

"Misaka is sorry for the trouble her friend caused. Will this be enough? asks Misaka"

she is your friend?..."

The shop owner's gaze shifted to the foreign girl, who appeared visibly calm after the little girl said.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll let it slide. Just remember next time to make sure you have the payment before eating something. Also, the price of the bread was only 150 yen...".

"You can keep the change... Let's go, Says Misaka"

interrupting the shop owner's words. She firmly grabbed the foreign girl's hand and led her away, heading in their own direction.

Part 2:

Misaka guided the foreign girl away from the bread shop, their hands firmly clasped together. The girl looked up at Misaka with a mixture of surprise and gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you... I didn't know what to do," she said softly, her voice carrying a slight accent.

"No problem. It's always good to help someone in need. Are you new to the city? Asks Misaka"

The girl nodded. "Yes, I just arrived recently. I'm still getting used to everything."

"Well, welcome to the city then. Misaka's name is Misaka, and it's nice to meet you, says Misaka as she greets the foreign girl."

The foreign girl offered a smile. "I'm Laura Stuart. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Misaka-san."

(Stuart... I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before...)

"Hmm? Is something wrong?"

"No... Nothing...Anyway, are you here for a visit? Asks Misaka"

"Yes, I would say so. I traveled all the way from England to Academy City To meet him. It was a long trip, and I wonder how his expression will be after My surprise visit... Though I think he already knows I am here."

She smiled. However, the smile that Misaka observed felt strange, lacking any genuine emotion. It left her with an uneasy feeling.

Shifting her eyes to the clock post, it read 5:57 PM.

"Misaka has to go now. Good luck with your visit, says Misaka as she prepares to leave"

Without waiting for a response, an electric field crackled around Misaka, and she leaped into the air, disappearing from sight.


As the evening sky began to darken Misaka soared through the sky, her hair fluttered behind her, creating a mesmerizing trail of white against the fading daylight

She moved swiftly, effortlessly navigating through the skyscrapers of Academy City.

Approaching District 15, Misaka could see the massive skyscraper towering before her. Its sleek design and gleaming glass façade reflected the fading sunlight, creating a dazzling spectacle. The building seemed to touch the clouds.

Misaka descended gracefully, landing with precision in front of the towering structure. The meeting point itself was marked by a large plaza around the building.

Looking around with narrowed eyes, she scanned the area in search of her team.

"Wow, this place is so lively, don't you think?"


A familiar voice echoed from her side. Turning towards the sound, her gaze fell upon Laura Stuart, the foreign girl she had just left moments ago.

(Is she a teleportation esper user? How did she catch up so quickly? I didn't even sense her presence.)

Noticing Misaka's gaze upon her, Laura smiled. "Oh, how rude of me. I apologize for following you without permission. You left so suddenly, and I was still curious about you. I hope you wouldn't mind spending some time with me."

Opening her mouth, she was about to say something, but...

"You're finally here. You were 1.33 minutes late," a new voice interrupted her. Turning around, she found Aisa already standing nearby.

Aisa noticed the unfamiliar face with Misaka and asked, "Who is that? Is she a new member, or is she the one you were talking about?"

"Oh, my name is Laura Stuart. Misaka-san helped me, so we've become new friends, right?" Laura turned toward Misaka with a smile.

Ignoring her words, Misaka apologized, "Misaka is sorry, a few things came up. Anyway, Misaka doesn't see Motoharu with you. Where is he? Asks Misaka as she wondered if he is the type that loves being late."

"He's here..." Aisa pointed to her right, but there was no one there. Then she started to move her finger behind her, "...there."

Following where her finger was pointing, Misaka could see Motoharu a few meters away, appearing to be in a state of shock as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong with him? asks Misaka"

"No idea. Just before we spotted you, he was talking non-stop. It's a good thing he's quiet now though"

(Why is the head of the Church of Necessary Evil (Necessarius) here? And what is she doing with that clone?)

He could see her gazing at him with that smile, and it sent shivers down his spine.

Part 3:

As they stepped onto the escalator, it carried them smoothly upwards, the sound of their footsteps muffled by the gentle hum of the machinery. Soft ambient music played in the background.

As they reached the desired floor, the doors of the escalator parted, allowing them to step onto solid ground once again. The hallway stretched out before them, adorned with muted hues and illuminated by warm, soft lighting.

"Hey, do those two know each other?"

"No idea, but if they do, Misaka doesn't think it a good relation, but judging by the heavy tension in the air, I don't think it's a pleasant connection, answers Misaka"

They walked down the corridor, passing by neatly labeled doors, each representing a different apartment. Their footsteps echoed softly against the polished floor as they made their way to their team base. It was an apartment like no other.

Retrieving a card from her pocket, she deftly placed it on the label scanner next to the door. With a faint electronic hum, the doors glided open, revealing what lay beyond.

Stepping through the double doors, they were greeted by a sight that left them awestruck. The foyer dazzled with shimmering chandeliers and polished marble floors. Art adorned the walls, showcasing the owner's impeccable taste.

Moving further inside, they found themselves in a living room of sheer elegance. Plush sofas beckoned them to relax, while floor-to-ceiling windows framed a stunning view of the city below. But it was the private pool that stole their attention. Nestled on a terrace, it glistened in the sunlight, inviting them to take a dip and unwind.

"Well, this will be our team base starting from today. Misaka hope you feel at home"

"Oh my, it looks absolutely wonderful," Laura spoke up.

"I believe I've made the best decision of my life by joining," Aisa added.

"How much did this cost you?" Motoharu chimed in.

"Zero yen. It was a gift from the academy..."

(I was supposed to live here as per the Academy City's instructions, but I prefer my old dorm)

"Anyway, let's take a seat and discuss how things should go from now on, says Misaka"

Nodding unanimously, they moved to the sofa in the living room.

Misaka then explained what she had discussed with Aisa previously, and everyone agreed. However...

"Everything seems good, but is this woman is a part of the team?" Aisa was the first to speak.

"Don't know, are you? asks Misaka as she shifts her gaze to Laura."

"Why not? That sounds interesting, don't you think, Motoharu-san?" Laura smiled at him once again.


"However, I will only stay in Academy City for a few days and then I have to go back to England. So, I don't think I'll be that useful to the team, Misaka-san."

"I think that will be even better for the team," Aisa interjected.

"England is the home of magic, and many mages have their bases there. Not to mention the numerous churches. I can tell you're a mage, so I think you can share information about what happens there and even promote our team to potential clients," Aisa explained.




"If that's so, then I think I'll do it. I hope we can be a good team... I think," Laura responded with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

(I feel like she could be a better leader than I can. She really knows how to talk.)

"Oh, by the way, the member Misaka was talking about is also here. Though you can't see or sense her, she can hear us. Her name is Kazakiri Hyouka, informed Misaka"

She pointed to her right, where nothing could be seen.

"Oh, If That's so nice to meet you, Kazakiri-san," Aisa stood and bowed towards the empty space.

The same here, Kazakiri-san," Laura joined in, but she didn't stand nor bowed, she simply raised a hand as a greeting

"..." Motoharu remained silent once again.

(An angel, a vampire killer, the Anglican of the Church of Necessary Evil, and an abnormal clone... What kind of team did I just get involved with...)

Part 4:

The darkness enveloped the surroundings, casting a silent cloak over the night. As Laura made her way through the streets, she couldn't contain her happiness and began to jump and sing, her voice echoing through the empty alleys.


A voice called out from the shadows of a side road.

"Mm. I implore you, my good sir, do not call my name in such a grand manner. Today I have at

last chosen a simple, plain outfit, you see," She proclaimed in a carefree voice.

Emerging from the darkness, a man walked into the light cast by a nearby lamppost.

He had shoulder-length red hair styled on either side. Dressed in a black priest's robe, he wore silver rings on each of his ten fingers, earrings on both ears, and a barcode tattoo under his right eye. This figure was none other than Stiyl Magnus.

"What is the meaning of this? You suddenly left the church without informing anyone. Do you have any idea about the state of the church right now? There were suspicions that you were kidnapped by an unknown enemy,"

"Oh, come on, you guys are always so serious. You know no one can kidnap me," Laura dismissed their worries with a playful tone.

"…" Stiyl made a slightly displeased face, then said, "May I ask you a question?"

"Please, stay in your formal language. What would you have of me?"

"Are you still keeping up with this idiotic way of talking? Anyway, why did you bother coming all the way here to Academy City? It's a completely foolish move, and I know you wouldn't do it unless it was for something important."

"well... I was visiting someone here..."

"Someone made you travel to them instead of the other way around?"

"Well, it's hard to explain... It's been two years, but..."


"So much has happened, no one would recognize... her except for me."

"Whatever, it's time to go back. I hope you won't repeat this behavior next time."

"Hehehe~ Don't worry, there won't be a need for that because that person will come to me instead."

With a mischievous smile, Laura turned to leave, her steps light and full of confidence. Stiyl watched her retreating figure, a mix of annoyance and curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"Troublesome girl," he muttered under his breath.


(A/N): A quick Fun fact:

Index and style are part of the Church of Necessary Evil, the same Church that Luara is Anglican for. also, Luara is the one who had ordered putting the style Magnus on Index, Stiyl, and Kanzaki into thinking that Index required having annual memory erasures.

Anyway, sorry for the late upload, I've been busy with my college exams, but fear not! I will be finished by next Monday, and then I'll be able to upload daily. (If possible, it sooooo Hard to write a single higher-quality chapter)

as an Encouragement on the covenant that I make, I hope you guys leave some reviews on my story. like that, there is a chance for the story to appear to more people. (Of course, only if you want to!)

anyways That's for today see ya later

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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