
Mirrors and Glasses

Scarlett Wattson, a professional doctor, loses her parents during an earthquake and finds herself opening up to Aleridge S. Williams. Just when the two are getting along, Scarlett finds herself in a different world!? While she is missing Aleridge, how is she going to survive in this new world where magic and science coexist! How will she get back to her own world? Is there even a way out? Stay tuned to find out mysteries of dark and light attributes with Scarlett!

AnA_Nya · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter- 22; Was he going to die?

Other mages realized who the one person we told them to avoid was.

As the air mages moved in formation, they launched a group attack, trying to overwhelm them. Yet, that man maintained his position in air, without moving an inch.

Kaylan and I decided to attack him first. I clenched my fist and mustered up all the courage I had.

"Fierce flames!" "Air blades" I and Kaylan used our attacks simultaneously. We had practiced together for weeks to increase the intensity of each other's attack and also improved our coordination over the course of days. "Can I borrow a sword too?" Kaylan asked.

"Creation magic, swords!"

I also worked on combining weapons with spells. I am two times better than last time and with Kaylan, we were definitely going to win.

"Blazing slash, duplets" I landed the first blow and Kaylan followed.

As he landed a combination of punches and kicks, I concentrated my mana to blow him off.

Every attribute is capable of creating a disruption in equilibrium of specific elements and mends it the way we want it to. For example, for an explosion, I can cause a slight disruption in the atoms making them highly unstable which activated a chain reaction in search of stability. The formation of end product cause an explosion here. I wanted to study magic as it was very interesting. It was like high-school chemistry but actually interesting.

There was dust everywhere. We were trying to use mana detection to sense where he was but we couldn't.

"Is that all you can do? Dark manipulation" he appeared out of thin air.

"Dodge! Kaylan!" As I stood there clueless, the guy disappeared again. I ran to where Kaylan was and realized that he was okay.

"I managed to dodge that by millimeter but the impact still got me." He said pointing at a small cut on his limb, slightly out of breath.

We kept ourselves on high alert while searching for him, but he was no where to be seen. My gaze shifted to the shadow and looked up to see what it was.

"From above!" I shouted and we managed to dodge another attack.

"Let's be serious right now" the man had a deep and unsettling voice.

"You're not the guy from before." I said, trying to control my breath.

"No I am not" he was suddenly back in the air from where he attacked before.

I grinned and said "that's a pity, dark disruption" and the guy was back to where he was standing before.

"How did I.. what did you do?" He shouted while charging at me.

"Lava burial" and he used mana to increase his speed to dodge it but I dodged his attack as well.

And just like I had suspected, he attacked me in the same way again and before he could reach me he went back to where he was.

"You won't be able to use the loop magic now" I grinned.

"Will you be able to defeat us without that?" Kaylan snorted while charging at him with his sword.

The man dodged it.

"Now, Ray!" Kaylan shouted.

"Light magic, UV blast! Creation magic, chains of hell" he should be sizzling hot right now, quite literally.

As the dust settled down, we saw him unconscious, captured in the chains.

"We have to take away his powers or he will break through the moment he gets up" Kaylan said with tension visible on his face.

"Wait! Kaylan move away from him!" I shouted.

"Too late, dark manipulation" the guy shouted while extending his hand towards Kaylan.

"Kaylan! Are you alright?" I looked at Kaylan whose eyes went completely white as though his soul couldn't control his body.

"No! Kaylan!"

"Air blades" he shouted, he was under that man's control!

I grinned and continued "Transformation magic" the sword Kaylan was holding turned into restraints, "chains of hell."

Kaylan was chained up too. Neither him nor that guy was capable of breaking it.

"You thought you were a step ahead? You only fell for our trap, fool." I tightened the chains restraining his hands so much so that the blood supply was cut off from his arms.

I stepped towards him, put my hand near his forehead and casted the same spell on him.

"Dark manipulation." As soon as he lost his control, everyone who was under his dark manipulation spell also fell unconscious.

A chain unit member came to me and informed me that there were twenty casualties while thirty of them were gravely injured.

"The dead have potentially been..." he hesitated for a moment.

"The dead have been reanimated but under their spell." I fell chill down to my toe. A necromancer!? Necromancy was a part of dark attribute, though it was deemed forbidden as well and all necromancer were hunted till every last one of them ceased to exist. How could it be possible then?

I collected my thoughts and first ordered the man under manipulation.

"Never break the chains! If you are ever freed, you must die right away. From now on, answer only my questions and act only on my commands." This spell not only allowed you to control a person but also give them orders that they had to follow.

"Who sent you? What is your purpose?" l asked him.

"Emperor of Croydon. Kill special captain Esmeray." Why didn't it surprise me one bit?

"Last time, was it the emperor only?" I asked.

"Yes. Kill... Daunt... Tyrell..." He mumbled.

"What did you say? Did the emperor order you to kill Daunt Tyrell? Why?" I shouted. Just how much was I unaware of? I felt like I was in a whole different universe, unaware of everything.

I couldn't understand what he meant by that. Why would he want to kill his own son?

As more and more questions piled up, a mage came to ask me to immediately provide aid to the squads at trader's hall. "A fierce fight is going on between army incharge and a man" he said.

Was it the man I fought last time? Heinrich wouldn't be able to fight him alone!

"Take me there right away! Order the healer squad to take care of everyone here and tell everyone, not to touch the man who is restrained, no matter what." He nodded and we flew to the trader's hall.

On reaching, all I witnessed was Heinrich in air, holding his defense and the man I had encountered last time attacked Heinrich. Heinrich who was already in a bad shape, was unable to dodge it.

Heinrich's blood showered on the mages and the perpetrators who were engaged in a fierce battle and his body started falling to the ground, bringing a halt to their fearless roars and clashing of mana.

Someone help him! Was he going to die!?