
Mirror Vengeance

As the most beloved eldest daughter of the Evans family, Sharon Evans always thought that God treated her seriously ....

leading_bird · Fantasy
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54 Chs

##Chapter 5 Helping Hand

"Hello, I'm Sharon Evans, the woman who you helped some hours ago. I'm at the police station, so could you please..."

In such a tough situation, Sharon begged that man who she had met only once with helplessness and expectation. She waited for that man's answer nervously.

"I see. I'll be there in a minute."

The man's simple answer cheered her up and brought her hope. She then began to wonder who the man was and why he would bail her out without a reason.

An hour later, Sharon followed the man to the hotel once again.

"Are you alright? You need some rest."

His voice was gentle and charming, which drove all her nervousness away.

She looked at this man carefully. He was handsome, graceful, and always calm.

"Thanks. I'd still be in there if it wasn't for you."

Nathan responded with a smile. However, he looked a little sad when he looked at her...

Sharon was confused with his sad look. She was stunned when she looked into his bottomless eyes.

"Have you had anything yet?"

Sharon shook her head. The day felt like a never-ending nightmare for her. She answered in a daze, "I'm not hungry, though."

Nathan stood up, "You gotta remember to eat no matter what happens. It's not your mistake, so you don't have to punish yourself."

His voice was always gentle but somewhat indifferent. He stood up and left after saying this.

Sharon looked at his back helplessly. She was left alone in this empty room, which made her even more frustrated.

However, about ten minutes later, Nathan came back with a tray in his hand.

"It's not a proper hour for a meal, but here's a little something you can munch on."

"I'm not hungry. But thanks."

Nathan sat down next to her, tapped on the desk, and said worriedly, "Try not to waste that, eh? You look pale. Poor health can get you nowhere near the truth, you know."

Sharon raised her head and looked at this man, who was still a stranger to her, "You trust me? Do you know what happened today?"

Nathan smiled calmly without an answer as if none of these were important to him.

Sharon lowered her head again. She looked sad and worried.

"Dark clouds can't cover the light, just like lies can't cover the truth. If you are innocent, you should first take care of yourself."

"The truth?"

Sharon looked at this man, "You were able to bail me out, so you must be able to help me find out the truth, right?"

This man felt like the light behind the dark clouds. How she wished he could help her out of this.

"What makes you think I should help you, though?" he asked in a gentle voice and smiled.

"Because you can. I know you can do it. You've helped me twice, so you must be a good person. Please help me."

Sharon begged him with her pitiful and expecting eyes, which really moved him.

He stood up, pushed the tray to Sharon, and said, "Dig in. Now, this is a prerequisite for everything. Take good care of yourself."

Sharon was still waiting for his answer. The tailored suit made this man look even more graceful. He stood there for a moment and then left, leaving his words echoing in the room.

"Did he agree to help me?"

Sharon murmured. Nathan's gentle voice warmed her cold heart.

"Mr. Harris," the assistant came over and greeted him.

"I need you to investigate something... Report back as soon as possible."

"I'm on it, Mr. Harris."

The assistant left in a hurry. Sorrow appeared again on Nathan's face. He was lost in memory subconsciously...

A cool breeze blew over and yanked him back to reality. He then went back to the room.

"So? Is that a yes?"

Sharon asked him in a hurry right after he came in.

She had finished the meal in the tray, which pleased Nathan. He smiled and said, "Since you finished all the food, I will keep my words."

"Thank you. Now, here's how it went. I..."

"Forget it. I will investigate it by myself. Now, go and get something you like to cheer yourself up."

Nathan interrupted her. He pulled out a credit card and placed it on the desk. This was the most straightforward kind of care he could give to someone who had just lost everything.