
Mirror Vengeance

As the most beloved eldest daughter of the Evans family, Sharon Evans always thought that God treated her seriously ....

leading_bird · Fantasy
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54 Chs

##Chapter 44 Check Right Now

Rachel couldn't figure out what was going on for a while. She looked at Sharon suspiciously and then glanced at Nathan.

"You, umm, what are you guys talking about? Am I being pranked?"

Nathan smiled. He walked to her and breathed a sigh of relief, "My dear little sister, I thought you two weren't that close. Why are you so nice to her?"

"Don't sow discord,"

Sharon gave him a ferocious stare and smiled at Rachel. She then reached out to touch her adorable face.

Rachel smiled as well. Maybe they had their plans, but whatever it was, it was Sharon. That was good enough. Rachel needed a good girl to be her sister-in-law.

"Let's go to my bedroom. I'll tell you what it is about,"

Sharon took her hand and walked upstairs slowly.

Nathan paused for a while. He didn't want Rachel to know about it. Rachel had a kind heart, but sometimes she could be too frank. He didn't want to leak out the plan or ruin it. More importantly, he didn't want to put Sharon in danger.

Nathan followed them and cut in before Sharon spoke,

"Here is the thing. Sharon felt bored at home, and our company needed a capable employee. So, she became Sophie. That way, she can exert her ability and observe other employees. That's all. Remember to keep it a secret."

Nathan finished and hinted at Sharon. She wanted to say more but didn't after thinking. Sharon nodded to echo Nathan.

"Oh, I see. So there is a mole in the company, right?"

Rachel thought about it and nodded to herself.

"It's tricky, but I respect that. Relax, I'm definitely a secret-keeper."

"Good girl. Also, remember. She is Sophie whenever and wherever, an orphan sponsored by our family. She studied abroad..."

"Yeah, yeah. She studied abroad and just returned home. You have been together for like three years. And you were schoolmates. I saw it, okay? You fooled me just now, remember? No one will know that,"

Rachel interrupted his words, and he nodded with satisfaction.

Sharon heard it and sighed. It might be the safest background story to Rachel and to her. A young and naive girl didn't have to know her sad stories.

When Renata went back to Evans Group, she became angrier and angrier as she thought about what Sharon said.

"She is just a director! What is she bragging about! The fabulous office is not her own! Pathetic! I don't think she dares offend me, but I now do have a vengeance with her!"

Renata screamed and broke things. After venting out her rage, things on her table were all gone. However, her mood didn't get better.

"You think Nathan is backing you up, huh? Yeah, we'll see."

After that, she finally calmed down a bit. Renata sneered and came up with a plan.

After work, Nathan went home and cooked while Sharon studied books and her nails.

What Renata said appeared in her mind again.

What was so good about a manicure? It was just a nail with oil paint and diamonds.

"Dinner is ready," Nathan said.

However, Sharon was so into her nails that she didn't hear him.

Nathan got no reply and felt weird. He walked to her and saw her study on her nails. "Why is she so upset?" Nathan wondered.

"Dinner is ready. What are you doing?" Nathan whispered in her ears.

Sharon got a fright. She looked up at Nathan and tried to hide her hands.

"What? It hurts?"

"Nope. I'm just... exercising!"

"Exercising? Who on earth will be so into exercising her fingers? She has something on her mind," Nathan thought.

However, Sharon had walked to the dinner table.

She didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask for it.

"Tomorrow, we'll meet Renata and Evans Group. You have to be careful. She is wicked, you know."

"Yeah. I have to be careful of her manicure," she muttered.

Sharon kept her head low but ate nothing at all.

Nathan didn't hear her clearly. He paused for a moment and looked up at her, "What did you say?"

"Ahem. I said I got it."

"Yeah, she definitely has something on her mind. She is just refusing to talk about it," Nathan thought.

"I'll go out after dinner and come home late. Go to bed on time, and don't wait for me."

"Where are you going?"

Sharon blurted it out before her sanity told her not.


Nathan got dressed after clearing away the dishes. He drove his Rolls-Royce to Ginder Manor.

Sharon was alone at home, watching TV. Somehow, she felt loneliness attack her. She couldn't even r

"What happened?"

When Sharon fought loneliness herself, Nathan put on a cold face far from home.

In the room, there were all his trusted subordinates. They peeked at Nathan's face and didn't know what to do.

"I called you as soon as I got the news, so... The reason is not clear yet," Hodge spoke within compass.

After that, he peeked at Nathan again.

"Then make it clear. I want to know who did it. I want him to pay."

It was about business. Nathan had kept an eye on it for a long while, but Todd Group stole it away.

He punched Cliff Todd last time, so it might be their revenge. Actually, Todd Group was not even capable, but they ruined his contract anyway.

It was not a huge loss to Genui Group. Nathan just hated people stealing his things. No one could do that to him.

"Roger. We are on the way."

"I need a result before I go to work tomorrow. Or you don't have to show up in the office any longer."

His words and his expression all make people at present tremble. They could clearly sense his rage.

When Nathan picked up his coat and left the room, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's do it. We gotta stay up tonight."

"Stay up? Please. Did you hear him? 'We don't have to show up in the office.' Will we be fired or be dead?"

Oh, so that was the deeper implication. After that, they started working on it with all passion.