

"What do you mean you're going away for a while?" her editor's voice echoed over the phone. "Nix. You know I love you, but you have a deadline," he said his voice indicating that he had already resigned himself to the fact that he had lost.

"Eli. I know I do, but I can't focus here. It's...stifling." she said sighing.

"but all the way 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 to Oceana, Texas?" he asked his voice incredulous as he said that sentence.

"Hey! I have never lived in Oceana. I lived in Burnet." she says sighing softly. "look I 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 I will finish my book and I'll email you my chapters so you can organize them and everything." Phoenix said as she finished packing.

"You better or you're not going to like me." His threats we're harmless so she just smiled softly.

"Love you, Eli. I'll call when I get there ok?" she said and pulled her bag onto her shoulder.

"Love you too Nixxie. Stay safe," he said before hanging up the phone.

Pheonix was 5'5 with short black hair with the tips died red. She had beautiful hazel eyes that she kept lined in onyx eyeliner. Her lips were always red if she did her makeup; most of the time she didn't bother to do it. About the only time, she had to put makeup on was when she took a new picture for the back of her book covers.

She picked up her Cats carrier and looked about her tiny apartment in the heart of Beverly Hills. She was from a small town in Texas so when she packed up and moved out here it was a shock, but she quickly got used to it.

One thing that she'd never get used to is not having to worry about meals or being able to buy what she wanted when she wanted it. Nix came from a very small, very poor home. it was just her mom and her, so her mom tried her best to give her everything she wanted. However, as the years went by things got harder so Phoenix and her mom struggled and put up with a lot to make it.

When her mom passed away she decided to make a life change so she moved in with her best friend in California and start writing. She then got the opportunity to publish her stories and she found success.

That was five years ago and her inspiration had withered. Nix had felt as if she had forgotten her roots and so she was going back to Texas. She had a gorgeous 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 the car was older than her by 23 years, but she loved it with her whole heart. Jinx meowed from his carrier beside her on the seat and she started the car.

"Sorry buddy. I was thinking about our new adventure." she said smiling wide as she pulled onto the road. "We're going to a little town on the coast of Texas." Jinx let out a soft meow and Nix turned on the radio. as soon as she hit the desert she sped up as she drove down Interstate 10.