
Mirajane's Matchmaking Service

Valentine's Day is coming up soon and Fairy Tail's resident matchmaker Mirajane is ready to have some fun. Her first couple was a pair of mages who were as different as lightning and water. Could this go well? ---------------------------------------- Original Author: 'sadrareshipper'. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14155698/chapters/32626278 ----------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Valetine's Day Dance

Laxus had not seen much of Juvia. Not ever since she went dress shopping with Evergreen. When he would see her, it was brief. Their interactions were limited since their time consisted of helping with festival construction. They did not talk much—not as much as they used to. They didn't meet for regular training sessions. And he was quite annoyed.

He was puzzled as to why he felt so annoyed. She was nothing to him. Yes, he liked her cooking and her motherly ways—but it was much more. He did not miss her like a son misses a mother. It was different than that. More like a friend, or maybe a little sister, that constantly bugged him. Though, he guessed it was good that he would not have to be present for her constant mentioning of Gray. But even still, she grew on him.

It was the night of the Valentine's Day dance. The guild was decorated red and white and pink all over. Heart-shaped balloons filled the room, the tables were set with white cloths, the streamers were sprawled across the room and above each table. People either entered with their partners or waited at the door for them to arrive.

On this particular day, Laxus did not see her at all. All she said to him was that she would meet him there. The woman he did spend a lot of time with, however, was Evergreen. She proclaimed herself as his official stylist, barging into his home earlier in the day with Elfman hauling the dozens of shopping bags in tow. Sometimes Laxus felt sorry for him. Having Evergreen as a match, even if they were actually dating had to be a lot to handle. The woman was the definition of high maintenance.

"I've brought some potential outfits to wear tonight." She said proudly.

"I don't need any 'outfits.' I'll just wear what I always wear." He replied.

She threw her head back and laughed, "You need to wear a better outfit than the usual long jacket and leather pants combo." He was slightly hurt. The way she said it made him seem...basic.

"For the occasion tonight, you need something better."

"And what is that?"

"You'll see." Her grin was devious, almost as if she were going to do a scientific experiment.

Evergreen styling him would have bothered him on a regular day, but he knew her. She would choose something simple that he would actually wear: a violet dress button-down shirt, fitted, black dress pants, black belt, and matching shoes. And no tie—he did not like ties. The only thing left untouched was his hair. He kept it short and spiky—the way he liked it.

Thirty minutes had passed until Juvia arrived. When she stepped foot into the hall, Laxus was not the only one that took notice. Many others did as well. Her blue locks were blown out, cascading down her back, almost covering her strapless, plum dress. The silver heels enhanced her height, elongated her legs. He was a bit shocked; she looked good. But will he would not admit it to himself. At least publicly, that is.

She observed the filled room, looking for her partner. Her eyes stopped when she spotted him waiting at a nearby table. "Laxus!" She waved her silver clutch before power-walking towards him. When he looked up, she hurried to give him a hug before looking at him and smiling shyly.

"So, she is alive after all." He says sarcastically.

Her pale face turned pink, "I'm sorry I'm late. Evergreen was just— "She was interrupted by the devil herself, stepping in between them. She flips her hair and straightened her back, "We were getting ready."

He raised his eyebrow, "Several days long?"

She chuckled a bit. "You know, it takes girls far longer to get ready. And by the looks of us both, it was certainly worth it." She gestured for him to look at both of their outfits. Her hair was done; her brown hair was also given a fresh blowout; her tresses were shiny. She wore a form-fitting emerald green number that gave showed off her figure. "How do we look?" She asks.

"Fine." He replies flatly.

The rest of the Thunder Legion came over, greeting the rest of the crew. Freed looked majestic in his Victorian-inspired crimson suit and hair slicked back into a ponytail. And so, did Bickslow. He exchanged his mask for sunglasses and a nice, navy blue suit set. He was also styled by Evergreen.

Taking notice of how Laxus' eyes were still on Juvia, Evergreen pushes the other woman towards his direction. "Isn't she beautiful?" She commented. She turns to Juvia, "You have such a lovely figure," before turning back to him. "Don't you just love how she just fills out her outfit?" He looks at his friend with suspicion before giving making a vague noise, "Mm."

"No matter what dress she tried on, she always looked good in them. At one point, we didn't know what to do. So, we just chose one randomly." He just looked at her and her back at him. His eyes said, don't even try it. Her eyes playfully said, don't pretend that I haven't noticed. They continued their staring match before she adjusted her glasses and looked away. When she sees Elfman eying her, she makes an excuse to leave, dragging both Freed and Bickslow away.

Gray did not want to go. But he wanted to see everyone. And Cana wanted to go for the free alcohol. Honestly, they should have sent her to rehab a long time ago. Though, no matter how drunk she was, she was always fun. When they walked in, Cana pointed out Juvia and he looks in her direction. He was taken aback. She truly looked stunning. Her smile was bright, her behavior was animated. She looked like she was really into her conversation with Laxus. Before he could do anything, Cana drags him to her direction.

"Hey, Juvia!" Cana cheerfully greeted.

"Hello, Cana!" She matched her tone. When she looked at Gray, she held her breath a bit before exhaling.

"Hello, Gray!" She said in a more restrained manner. He looked handsome. Instead of his usual short button-up shirt and dark pants, he decided to wear some crisp, white shirt and black slacks with black dress shoes.

"You look great!" Cana added. And so, did Cana and her tan skin in her pink cutout dress. Of course, Erza picked it out for her.

"Thank you, so do you." She answers shyly.

Laxus, looking away from both women, notices Gray looking at Juvia. The man seemed to be checking her out, from head to toe. He let out a sly grin. It's not like Laxus dislikes Gray, he basically grew up with him. However, if there was one topic that annoyed him these past few weeks, it was Gray and Juvia's persistent praise and worry of him. He annoyed him, but he could not understand why. He probably felt sorry for her. He grew a bit sympathetic towards her. He had told her, if they were going to get along, she would need to cut it out with the Gray bullshit and she agreed to it, for the most part. And she was doing well. But the fact that he was now just noticing her irked him. Suddenly, a light bulb turned on.

Looking at Juvia, he put his arm around her. "You know, you don't look too bad." He says with a smirk, "Were you trying to match me?" He said as he took note of their similar-colored outfits. It was simple, it was subtle. It was just what he needed to get a reaction out of her. Of course, in Juvia fashion, she blushed and denied, "N-N-No, I just—Evergreen said this color would look great on me." She said defensively.

"And she was right. It looks good on you anyway." He continued, his smirk never leaving his lips.

Cana smiled wider, giving Juvia a slight nudge with her elbow. What was going on with him? She thought. Whatever it was, she liked it. And that was all he needed to do to get a reaction out of Gray.

In his peripheral vision, he could see Gray look away and clench his jaw. Just slightly. He could tell the other man was uncomfortable, as he should be. Every day she outpoured him with love and he just rejected her at each and every time. But she still, like a stray puppy, kept going back for more. Of course, he was annoyed.

Maybe he liked the fact that she was extra doting. Juvia was like Freed but cuter. Maybe it was the motherly side to her. It could be the reason why he tolerated her for so long, since he grew up without his mother. He did not know. But it endeared her to him.

He continued with more compliments, "It suits you, you should wear it more." She gushes, she was not expecting that compliment from him.

Gray found himself irritated without explanation. He could not put his finger on it. He was positive, he felt nothing from her but he could not help but feel a tinge of jealousy. She was focused on Laxus. It was a relief at first to be away from her, but now it annoyed him whenever he saw them together. She was different. She acted different-less clingy and more restrained. If it was a month ago, she would be all over him. Now, it's a polite greeting and quick small talk before she started talking about her adventures with Laxus. Laxus this, Laxus that.

He could not, for the life of him, understand how she and Laxus could get along. They were nothing alike. He did not even want her in the guild in the first place! And now, they are close friends? He could not believe it. What would they even talk about anyways?

Juvia, trying to get over Laxus' sudden appreciation for purple, looks over at Gray and comments, "That's a nice shirt you're wearing." Gray with a smirk—the same smirk as Laxus—says, "You bought it, remember?" She was stunned. The fact that he remembered that small detail. Meanwhile, Laxus was not impressed. But instead of saying anything further, he just continued to observe the other man.

"It was at Hargeon, I think." Gray says with confidence.

"Yes, I remember that mission. I didn't think you still had it." She was touched. Cana just looked and observed. As she thought, Gray had liked Juvia. She could not wait to tell Erza.

Boy! The Jealousy Ahaha.

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