
Chapter VIII - The Death of a Dad

Pov Peyton

"Drrrrrrtt …………………………." my phone buzzed

"Hello, Toz," I answered Santoz's call.

"Sir, there is a problem with Dirman's medicine supply, we have searched from a variety of pharmacies, even contacting his doctor, we are having trouble sir," he explained briefly.

"What about other alternative medicines?" I replied.

"Dirman has some serious allergy, Sir. The alternative choice of medicine for him is very limited" Santoz tried to explain.

"I don't care about this. Even if you need to fly abroad to get the medicine, I don’t care. Just do what you need to do. You know you never disappoint me, so don't disappoint me now," I replied while hanging up.

Damn it, how could he run out of med, what an idiot! And for God sake, why does it have to be now, when I’m on the verge of something real serious with Minah. I seriously can’t tell Mirah about this, obviously she’d think I lied and intentionally cut off her Dad's access to med.