
Chapter V - Tragedy, oh tragedy

Mirah's Pov

I still got no energy and desire to do anything, I want to stay in this room forever, without having to look at Pey, Theo or even anyone’s face. What happened a couple of nights ago and yesterday afternoon was devastating to me. I felt like I got no dignity anymore. Even a whore would still receive money in return for selling herself. I just want to die, cast away. It seems like everything will be much easier if I disappear from this world. I was at my lowest point. I am truly ashamed, devastated. I think things could not be worse than now.

At noon, I was still in my blanket, the lights are out, the window was tightly closed, completely dark without no ray of sunlight, gloomy like my current state of emotion, I really did not care about everything now, until Aunty Sukma tightly formed my room. "Neng, Neng is important, Neng, please open, this is about your Dad."

My chest is beating fast again. Dad? What's wrong with him now? I contacted him about 5 days ago, and he seems okay.

"Here it is" while Sukma handed over the wireless phone.

* Telephone

"My dear, I’m at the police station now" my Dad's voice sounded hoarse there.

"How is that even possible? What happened again? Well, last week I called it seemed like there were no problems," I asked in shock.

“I, I was asked to be a witness for a corruption cases ... at the office." Clearly in a halting voice. I was beyond furious. I would never have been like this if it wasn’t for him.

"What case are you in!?" I shouted hysterically

"No, I really do not even know anything. But all the evidence leads to me. I also do not understand. It was truly not my fault. I got framed, Mirah." my Dad replied angrily.

"I'm afraid, I will soon rise, accused to be a suspect." he explained in a furious voice that was deliberately downplayed.

"Calm down. Well, later ..." I paused for a moment, "I’m going to try talking to Pey, hopefully, he can help."

"Thank you, dear. Someone set me up, But I really don't know who ... please help me, dear..." replied his voice a little calmer.

"Yeah, dad calm down. Don't panic. We can solve this. Calm down..." I tried to calm him down. Calm me down.

"Thank you, dear. I want to talk to my lawyer again. Thank you, dear. I'll contact you later." he thanked me, followed with the telephone line being disconnected.

In the evening I waited on the couch, Bi Asih smiled and greeted me, "Is it good for you?", She asked, sounding a little like forced chit chat. I only replied with a tiny smile.

At 8.24 in the evening, Pey's car roared softly, 6 minutes later followed by the sound of the doorbell. Then I rushed to open it. Pey's face was quite surprised to see me opening the door, but he immediately changed his expression to being cynical again.

"Better now, princess?" he mocked me.

"I need to talk," I replied instantly.

"About what? I'm not interested in trivial matters"

"Not here." I said

"In my room, you mean?" he asked teasingly, with a little grin and winks which really disgusted me inside.

"Okay, bring hot tea to my office, we talk there" he replied immediately, seriously.

I brought a teapot filled with hot tea with his favorite sugar cubes, next to it was a very beautifully carved cup, black with gold engravings. This seemed to be the cup that Dad liked to use. I remember. I put and poured tea in the cup to put in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked flatly. Almost like he’s bored.

"I'm sure you know about my dad’s case, considering this has something to do with the office"

"Yes, of course I know."

"Why, I do not know anything about it?" I asked a little urgently

Pey laughed mockingly "Why do you have to know? What's your business to know that?"

"I'm his child, and I'm married to you!" I growled

"Then what do you want from me? That case has nothing to do with me, and the company I am handling is not just Zander, I am not interested in adding to the burden to my mind." He shrugged.

"Help my Dad," I raised my tone, trying to not sound like begging.

"Since when does someone ask in that manner and tone of speech, you make me even less interested in helping your Dad"

"Ok, what can I do for you so you can help him?" I offered.

"Well, interesting offer. Some kind of reward you say? Let me think, what's left of you, which still appeals to me." he paused for a long time, then suddenly he stood up from his leather chair.

"Ok, one simple request, I want you to never refuse me every time I ask for love, and you must meet my physical needs, whenever, wherever, and whatever methods I want, then the promise of Peyton Can will be yours," he replied arrogantly. My chest felt heavy again, the pain and trauma from yesterday were still way too obvious, now I have to get used to it.

Two days after Pey and I talked, in the morning right after Pey left the office, Aunt Siti approached me, bringing a gift box, "From Sir, Neng" as she gave it to me.

I entered the room, and opened the gift box, inside there was a note, "Wear me tonight". One by one I saw the items in the box, two black lingeries that were very, very contrast with my skin color. And like most lingerie, everything is designed to accentuate both breasts, one lingerie, even though it is black, the material is so thin that it’s so transparent. In addition, there is a box of condoms that I found in the box, good at least I do not need to have children from you, I said to myself.

I was a little worried, preparing myself tonight, since the afternoon my chest felt so damn tight, my anxiety increased when night fell. But I forced myself to prepare, take a shower and use a little lip moisturizer. Trying to convince myself, that there is nothing wrong with this, because I am indeed his legal wife. I covered my body with a bathrobe, where I was wearing lingerie, and of course the most important condom was in my pocket.

At 7, he was home. That’s so early I thought. I rushed to open the door, and when he saw me wearing a bathrobe, he just smiled, this time his smile was sweet, not a smile of ridicule or cynical grin usual. I was more awkward, worried and scared. I followed him from behind to his bedroom.

"Wait, I want to take a shower first," he ordered.

15 minutes later, he appeared covered with a black towel, and asked me to take off my bathrobe. I was more awkward but still followed his orders. Then he headed to the closet and took out some of the ties he had.

"What's the tie for?" I wondered in shock.

“You will know," he replied

Then he approached, taking off my lingerie slowly, while giving a few kisses around my neck. "I like your perfume," he whispered.

His hands then squeezed my two hands together, brought me up onto the bed, and pushed me slowly so that his body was right above me. The hands that had squeezed my mine one by one began to tie my wrists together with the tie he had taken. My hands were tied tightly to the headpost of the bed. I'm not a stupid woman, I understand what that means, you dominant male bastard.

He brought his lips closer to mine, starting with a soft kiss, deep luminous then began to suck my lips, while playing his tongue together. Followed by a warm kiss and a little bite to almost my entire body.

"Relax dear," he pleaded.

The kisses continued down and things happened again. Looks like I have to get used to this inner pain.

The next morning, at 6:15 in the morning, the usual time for me to prepare all of Pey's needs, including her clothes. I went into his room, and did not find him in bed, he rarely is awake at this hour.

"Mirah come here" called me surprised me. "Here, repeat it" he called me from the bathroom. "Take off your clothes," he ordered.

"No." I replied firmly.

"Take it off." this time with a firmer tone. I began to take off my clothes and enter the shower where he was bathing.

Pey pulled me right away, wrapped his arms around my body in direct contact with his body without distance. I looked up to see his face. He began to close his lips and crushed my lips again, this time under the shower. His hands squeezed my two hips, followed by squeezing my ass. His movements were getting out of control much faster, I was still holding a very painful feeling, and just like at other times. After that he finished it by biting my lips slowly, whispering softly "You like it?"

The following days it was like my duty to serve his wild passions. Sometimes we do it on the living room couch, when it's midnight and when there are no people. Other times we do it in the bathtub. And his favorite place is of course on his desk at home. With the position, I sit on the table and wrap my legs around his waist. To be honest, I'm still not used to that.

But he also kept his promise, he hired the most expensive lawyer in Jakarta to help my Dad. Pey said, we might not be able to free my Dad from detention, but using the lawyer he appointed, we could cut down many of the prison terms that my Dad should have received. At first I did not accept it, and still asked Pey to work for my Dad's release. Pey and the lawyer said it was impossible because my Dad's case was quite severe. So I was resigned, and finally, my Dad was still sentenced to 1.5 years from a supposed seven years.

A week after my Dad went to prison, my feelings were still troubled, uneasy. I asked Pey to be able to pay someone to make sure my Dad received his diabetes medication and made sure no one messed with him in prison. Pey agreed that whoever he paid for or what he did, but three weeks went by when my Dad was imprisoned, and every time I visit Dad, Dad's condition is quite good, and it makes me a little calm.

Pey, he talked to me this morning, asking me to accompany him to attend the biggest ballroom event of the year, a charity fundraiser. There will be many aristocrats, conglomerates, businessmen, even renowned artists who will be there. This event is very important for him to be able to maintain his business connections.

He said he had invited someone to accompany him, but there was a sudden change. Thus, he asked for my help to accompany him. Therefore, for his sake, this afternoon I will be picked up by Mr. Iman, to be delivered to the salon of Pey's friend's recommendation, as well as bringing a dress that Aunt Ana had previously chosen. Speaking of aunt Ana, she is now Pey's secretary, after my Dad was jailed.

* In the Salon

I entered the salon of Pey's friend's recommendation. Wow, this is my first time entering a salon this fancy. All filled with glass and marble, a spacious waiting room with a sofa that makes you sink when sit in it. I can't imagine the money Pey spent on this.

"Heyy!" greeted a metropolitan man with pink full lips, and a little girly.

"Mirah, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied, smiling

"This is Lea. you are Bella's friend too huh"


"Yeah, Bella doesn't know? , you're with Peyton right? "

"Yes, but I don't know Bella ... who is Bella?"

"Well alright, if you don't know. Come on, pretty. Let’s put some make-up on and have fun. Come on!"

* An hour and a half later

"This is what is called perfectly gorgeous. Let’s take your photo, gurl! For Instagram, this week, may I?"

"It's okay," I say with a friendly smile.

"Can you help with the dress as well?" Leah offered, and I nodded.

20 minutes later, Pey had arrived. He asked the security guard to let me know. With a hurry, I use high heels go to the lobby, I do not want him to get angry for waiting too long.

Mr. Iman helped open the back door of the car, and Peyton was waiting inside. Instantly Pey saw me without blinking,

"Mirah?" he said without realizing.

"Did I change that much?" I asked while smiling.

"Not really, it's just that, it turns out you can really be this beautiful, no need to have a big head, there are tons of women who are much more beautiful than you anyway"

“Wow, you like to praise people that much. Mr. Iman, let's go." I replied.

* In the ballroom

This event is indeed extraordinarily luxurious, I might never have known an event that could be as grand as this. If it weren't for Pey to invite me. Pey asked me to sit at a large table, along with other guests, while he kept turning around trying to greet everyone he knew. I could see Peyton Cann was an extraordinarily ambitious person.

People started dancing, and so did Peyton, dancing and changing partners, but not me. It has been two and a half hours, but not once Pey came to me asking if I was comfortable or not. I got increasingly uncomfortable and awkward among all these people I did not know.

Then suddenly a handsome man approached me, not as handsome as Peyton though. This man's face was softer than Pey's masculine face. He greeted me warmly.

"I noticed, from earlier you yourself, I’d like to bring you a drink"

"There is no need, I'm fine. Just trying distract myself while looking for Pey"

"You came with Pey, right?"

"You know Pey?" I asked

"Is there anyone in this city who doesn't know Peyton Cann, beautiful lady? A young man who reaches the peak of success before 30. He is amazing and can always hold beautiful women like you."

"Let's dance. What are you doing in the ball room if you don't dance? No need to look for Pey. He will come later by himself if you dance with me. Come on.” He tried to insist.

I too think it's true, after dressing up like this, attend this kind of grand event. What else should I do if not dance? After all, I could not possibly also contribute to fundraising, right? I don't even have a penny now.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Jason. Pey and I are close enough."

Jason pulled me into the middle of the ball room, we danced on the floor. Jason turned out to be someone who was funny, while dancing I couldn’t stop laughing near him. I even had tears in my eyes, happy to be able to laugh like this. Laugh out loud. I never thought I can still taste sweet moments like this again.

Suddenly a warm hand grabbed me, pulling roughly. Jason and I were surprised.

"Pey, I invited her to dance because you left her in the corner for hours." Jason exclaimed.

"Jason, please stop bothering the woman who’s with me" Pey growled.

"That woman is one Pey, you have too many women. She is only your female friend, right? Not your lady."

"Stop meddling with my life, Jason" Pey whispered insistently.

Peyton pulled my arm hard and called Mr. Iman to pick us up at the lobby, while on the way to the lobby, Pey greeted almost everyone in the ballroom to ask, without even introducing me.

In the car I cried softly, saying nothing, turned my face, to the side of the road, staring at other vehicles that crossed us. Peyton was quiet and said nothing.

We got home almost 11 o'clock at night, I'm so tired today. I walked into my room, but Pey held my hand, pulled me upstairs to his room. I tried to refuse, by trying to dismiss his hand. But his hands gripped firmly while saying "Remember your promise to never reject me?"

Entering his room, he began to strip my dress. Pulling my hand towards the buttons of his shirt, ordered wordlessly, to open one by one the button and point my hand at the zipper of his pants. Like a doll, I did everything he wanted.