

Where do you truly belong? This is a story of a girl finding her place in the world through love, loss friends, and enemies. Welcome to my chaotic world!

ScarletSt0rm · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Back Story

Being trapped is never fun. Somehow there are so many ways to be trapped. Physically..... emotionally.... and mentally. Now why is a random person rambling on about this? Well, because that's the overwhelming feeling I keep seeing. You see I'm an ordinary girl just trying to live before I die. So lets start at the beginning, I was born into a middle class family not rich but also not poor. Not nobility but not peasant. You see I have had financial ups and downs. My family started out poor but because of my cunning mom we climbed our way up the social ladder. When my mom decided she wanted her entire family to be literate in the ways of the world she decided to step down from being the breadwinner to be care taker. My step dad wasn't ecstatic that she decided to do that especially since they were on their way to nobility. But what could he do then... So anyways, my older brother Jerimiah was sent to a fancy private school to get the best education but since we are still in medieval times and women aren't educated my mother started to homeschool my older sister Casey and me under the guise of teaching us the way of being ladies. A few years later my little brother popped out and was also sent to a private school. At the age of thirteen my mother was happy with the education level of my sister and I and decided to go back to being a breadwinner. My family was adored by all of the peasants because my mom somehow talked to the noblemen and made them more fair towards the peasants who lived and worked on their land. In return she would get a percentage of the taxes in a ton of different regions once again filling up my families coffers. When I was at the ripe ol' age of eighteen and my sister nineteen my family was invited to a ball. Something unheard of for a family such as mine and that is where my story truly lifts off.