
Chapter 1

After defeating mr pigeon for the 51st time and returning the book he stole at the top of the eiffel tower ladybug turned to leave but was greeted with Cat Noir holding a flower... Again but this time It was a yellow rose before he tried to give her a red rose but In flower language red symbolizes passion and she refused It then he tried a white rose but a white rose resembles true love so she refused that one too and now he's giving her a yellow rose which he looked up and It meant friendship.

"Here's to a perfect friendship m'lady"

"Are you sure yellow roses don't represent jealousy?" ladybug said with a smirk

"No I think that's a blue rose...Or Is It purple? mabey orange?" *ladybug giggles*

"You don't need to give me a flower kitty I already know your the best partner ever Cat Noir and It smells wonderful thank you"  *to himself*

"She's so amazing and so am I by the way I should be giving myself flowers!" *kisses muscles*

(i still can't believe he said that)

Ladybug finds an ally to detransform

"Spots off! Here you go Tikki" she says as she gives Tikki a cookie to regain her strength as Marinette runs to school she spots another poster of Adrian

"He's so perfect" she says dreamily

"I thought you stopped collecting pictures of him" Tikki says popping her head out of where shes hiding

"don't worry Tikki! It's for research you know for my future designs, Adrian Is still the son of Gabriel Agrest my fav fashion designer. I'm working on designs to Impress him. After all, Inturn applications are coming up and I want to get In!"

"Marinette hurry you're going to be late for school!"

"Today kicks off French-American friendship week! Remember tomorrow you'll be leaving to go to new york"

"Yay can't wait!"


"Ha my parents aren't letting me go I am so looking forward to not seeing you all for a week" said chloe

"Actually Mrs. bousiou your parents did give you permission to go to new york with us so you will be joining us"

"What!?" chloe exclaims genuinely surprised

"I unfortunately will not be joining you on this trip" Mrs. bustier says

"Why not?" another student pipes In

"Because I need to stay here as I'm expecting a baby soon!"

"Wonderful" "congratulations!" students yell out

"Who will be going with us Instead?" Alya asks

"Mrs. mendileive will be joining you In the spot of Mrs. buseia" Mr. damocleas explains a chorus of what's and ughs can be heard and In the background Mrs. Mendilaiev sighs sadly she really does try to connect with the students but she just can't.

"Hey Adrian are you coming with us?" Alya asks "No my father won't let me as usual" and after a mini lecture from Marinette that's just too cringy to write down on paper they make plans to talk to Adrian's father after school. Side note Adrian Is touched that Marinette would stand up to his father In order to get him on the field trip.

In the foyer of the school

"Adrian your friend?" Alya says suspicious 

"Yeah, It's time I got over him anyway. I've been pining after him for almost 2 years now and besides I'm with Luka, he makes me happy and treats me the way I should be treated. It's so much easier to talk to him without stammering for once and It's obvious he doesn't like me back otherwise he would've said something by now"

"What about the montage of his best ads, his cologne and the posters?" Alix asked

"Oh those right I stopped watching the montages and I threw away his cologne and the posters are research for future designs" the cologne part was a white lie she couldn't bring herself to throw It away even with Tikkis encouragement

"How will you handle being In new york with him for a week? Isn't that a bit romantic?" Alya pushed

"I'll be fine. We'll have fun as friends besides what's so romantic In new york?"

"You still have to convince his dad" Alya commented

"Ugh I'm not looking forward to It he's a little Intimidating"

Natalie had just Informed Mr. Agrest that the eagle talon that was seen on the news was Indeed a lost miraculous as the doorbell rang. His last command to Natalie was to make sure a plane was ready for take off the next morning. 

After another mini lecture from Marinette the famous Gabriel Agrest agreed to let Adrian go on the trip.

Adrian at fencing practice

Kagami defeated him yet again today normally It was harder for her to take him down In a match. After practice was over he was sitting In the locker room when Kagami came In she asked him what was wrong and he replied "My whole class Is going to new york this week for french american friendship week and my father Isn't letting me go" he said sadly 

"It's probably a good thing Adrian with how bad you were today you need the extra practice" Kagami replied she gave a quick kiss which cheered him up slightly but not much and she left saying she would see him tomorrow, he waved goodbye still feeling down. Marinette skipped down the road on her way home pumped that she would be In new york with him she looked down Into her purse wh