
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1362 Chs

-695- Changes brought by letting go

As the room outside gathered many familiar faces, inside the room, Rozen was sitting cross-legged on the bed, his whole body radiating immense magical power.

This magical power continuously surged from Rozen's body, circulated throughout the entire space, and then, remarkably, flowed back into Rozen without any hint of wastage, leaving him brimming with magic, even after such an intense release.

This was something that had never happened before.

Rozen kept his eyes closed and continued to release magical power steadily, then controlled this magical power, allowing it to circulate outside of him before pulling it back within, repeating this process.

The air around him trembled, emitting a buzzing sound.

But Rozen kept doing this tirelessly.


"Is this the power of the Mind's Eye now?" Rozen's lips curved slightly, expressing both surprise and delight as he muttered to himself.

"This transformation is indeed significant."



Rozen's Mind's Eye had once again undergone a significant transformation!

While those outside wondered about the events unfolding in Rozen's room, only Rozen himself knew that his actions were due to an intense transformation phase of his Mind's Eye that had occurred during this period.

After experiencing significant emotional ups and downs at the orphanage and finding closure in the aftermath of it all, Rozen discovered that his Mind's Eye had once again entered this state.

In the past, in the worlds of Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ravens, Rozen had made his Mind's Eye undergo transformation twice due to changes in his state of mind.

In Sword Art Online, it was because of the peaceful, carefree, and serene life he led with Asuna and Yui that liberated him from the daily tension of training and stress, leading to the first transformation.

In Tokyo Ravens, it was due to his hopeful outlook for the future and his objective evaluation of the people, events, and things around him, which led to the second transformation.

This time, Rozen's Mind's Eye was undergoing a transformation much stronger, larger, and grander than the previous two.

And it was only natural.

Compared to the previous two times, Rozen's state of mind underwent unprecedented changes this time.

Afterward, he went through a series of extreme emotional highs and lows, which culminated in a devastating outburst that not only destroyed the entire orphanage of the Divine Works but also involved mass killings.

First, he froze all those who had aided evil deeds.

Then, he subjected the mastermind, Bronson, to a deadly torture.

Finally, even the frozen individuals were burnt to a crisp under the flames of the Undying Fire, leaving no trace of any complete bodies.

After this bloodbath as a form of release, Rozen fell into an unprecedented emptiness, then left the scene without even a glance, even with members of the Mage's Association present, and returned to the academy.

Through these tremendous ups and downs, Rozen suddenly gained a clearer perspective on many things.

"Anyway, in the end, it's just like this, a single fire, and everything is resolved."

With this thought, Rozen realized that it was time for him to confront his unwelcome past.

"Because of that past, I've caused quite a few troubles at Chaldea, making both Big Bro and Mash feel a lot of headaches."

"Because of that past, I've been impulsive, like being disrespectful to Karyusai Shouko, and even in Sword Art Online, I had a rebellious attitude towards Kayaba Akihiko, doing many impulsive things."

"Decades have passed, and maybe it's time to let go."

Rozen began to reflect on his past, present, and future like never before, and finally, he had an epiphany.

"Could it be that even Jeanne had a similar revelation back then?"

The Saint who met her end through the crimson flames - Jeanne d'Arc.

In the special point of France in the past, this saint showed an unparalleled magnanimity and forgiveness, not harboring any resentment towards her homeland or even the humans who burned her.

At the time, Rozen even told her that he couldn't be as magnanimous and compassionate.

In fact, even now, Rozen is not the type of person who doesn't hold onto hatred or resentment despite having been wronged by others.


"It's time to let go of that past."

After all, the participants from that time are no longer around, and Chaldea has changed due to Olga-Marie's succession. Continuing to stubbornly hold onto this past, refusing to let go, would just be sulking, being petulant, shifting blame, and acting unreasonably.

Anyway, Chaldea is no longer what it used to be.

Rozen needs to move forward.

"I can't keep causing trouble for Big Bro and Mash."

When this thought arose in Rozen's mind, his state of mind underwent an unprecedented transformation.

It was an overcoming of his past.

It was an acknowledgment of his present.

It was an anticipation of his future.

Because this was something that concerned Rozen's life's origin, once he let go of this matter and added to it the previous emotional highs and lows and the thorough catharsis, the transformation would be even more intense than the previous two times, which was entirely normal.

The transformation of his state of mind was closely related to the elevation of his Mind's Eye.

Therefore, Rozen's Mind's Eye underwent an immensely significant elevation during these days.

This elevation resulted in such a dramatic change for Rozen that it could be considered an upheaval.

Let alone anything else, just the utilization of magic power, with the support of the Mind's Eye, was completely different from before.

Before mastering the Mind's Eye, Rozen had a very low efficiency in utilizing magic. For instance, when using a quantity of "ten" of magic, Rozen could only cast a spell with an intensity of "five," or even lower. Most of the magic would go to waste during the process.

After mastering the Mind's Eye, Rozen's efficiency in using magic reached perfection. With a quantity of "ten" magic, Rozen could now cast a spell with an intensity of "ten," achieving a 100% efficiency without any waste.

With the Mind's Eye's transformation this time, Rozen's efficiency in using magic reached a realm beyond perfection. Using even a quantity of "one" magic, Rozen could perform spells with an intensity of "ten." The efficiency was impeccable.

Because even with the smallest amount of magic, Rozen's Mind's Eye could independently observe a path to activate a high-magic-consuming spell. Magic would flow along this path, making it possible to successfully cast the spell.

Moreover, Rozen could also observe a path to utilize external magic. Like a chain reaction, releasing even a trace of magic through this path would automatically attract external magic to flow, amassing it into a larger pool of magic. This would ultimately be used by Rozen to enhance his magic, increasing its power.

This is why Rozen's released magic, after circulating once, could return to his body with no loss whatsoever.

In addition to this, Rozen had many other improvements:

For example, his mastery of magic and jujutsu increased by several levels. His ability to perceive the microcosm of the world became incredibly profound. For the vast knowledge of magic and jujutsu stored in his mind, Rozen could now spot some of their slight flaws and incompleteness, leading to various ideas for improvements, enhancements, and modifications.

What's more...

"Besides magic, I can perfectly observe every corner of my own body and have precise control and adjustment."

Rozen reached out and clenched his fist.

"Now, even if I need to convert magic, I can do so using the smallest amount of life force without any waste, and even generate more magic."

What did this mean?

"From now on, my life force won't be constantly drained."

This meant that Rozen's constitution would no longer be so weak and might even remain continually replenished due to his perfect control of life force.

Rozen felt these changes and smiled suddenly.


At this moment, the room's door was forcefully thrown open.