
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Anime & Comics
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1358 Chs

-256- Player VS Player


At this moment, even Rozen's expression couldn't help but change.

However, even in this situation, the attack from behind wouldn't stop.

Regardless of whether the wielder wished it or not, once the sword technique was initiated, it wouldn't stop until it was fully executed. Even the user couldn't halt it before then.

Thus, in a stiffened state, Rozen could only endure the attack.


As the sound of flesh tearing apart resonated crisply, the tip of the rapier had already pierced Rozen's back, leaving a hole-like effect wound with blood effect particles splattering outward.

At the same time, Rozen's HP bar finally started to change.

This wasn't the first time Rozen's HP had decreased.

Even with "Mind's Eye," a divine skill, Rozen hadn't mastered it completely. In this past month, there were several instances where he was hit by monster attacks, significantly reducing his HP value. He even reached the red zone while dealing with the mini-bosses in the labyrinth area, narrowly avoiding death.

However, this was unquestionably the first time Rozen's HP had decreased due to a player's attack.

Although due to his status as a beta tester, Rozen had recently been constantly harassed by regular players, with some extremists even confronting him outside the safe zone, no player had actually attacked him thus far.

Rozen hadn't expected that the first player to attack him would appear at this moment.

As a result, Rozen's HP decreased by a quarter.


The rapier wielder attacking from behind seemed somewhat surprised.

Even though the attack power of the rapier was generally not high, under the influence of the sword technique, the damage was still significant. Even against a top-tier player above Level 10, they should have lost at least a third of their HP. Why did it only decrease this much?

If Rozen had been wearing plate armor, then this situation would have been more understandable. However, he was clearly wearing cloak-like armor.

The rapier wielder obviously didn't know that Rozen's "Thousand-Layer Robe" had impressive defense, almost comparable to decent plate armor.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be considered a small top-quality item dropped from a boss-level monster.


At this moment, Rainbow Butterfly returned at high speed, hovering above the rapier wielder's head, and sprinkled yellow phosphorescent powder.

This time, it was "Paralyze Powder."

Only now did the rapier wielder react, immediately stamping on the ground without any hesitation, violently retreating to avoid the paralyze powder descending from above.

However, at this point, Rozen's stiffness had ended.


As the effect light of the sword technique shimmered in Rozen's hand, the rapier wielder's eyes widened.

Evidently, the rapier wielder hadn't expected Rozen to use the sword technique again just as the stiffness ended.

Moreover, the rapier wielder had already retreated a considerable distance. Based on the length of a single-handed sword, the sword technique shouldn't have hit.

However, that was for single-handed sword techniques.

The skill Rozen used wasn't a single-handed sword technique.

The shimmering effect light of the sword technique wasn't on a weapon; it was on a throwing pick.


The sound of breaking air rang out as the instant the throwing pick turned into a streak of light in Rozen's hand. With a powerful throw, it shot out suddenly.

An early stage throwing skill - "Single Shot."

If it had been a regular player's throwing skill, the rapier wielder, who had lunged at Rozen's back, could have evaded it given the speed of their retreat.

Unfortunately, Rozen's "Blade Throwing" skill had undergone significant training over a considerable period. The proficiency of the skill was over 100, and the throwing item he used was a special item from the first layer that improved shooting speed - the "Gale Needle."

With these two factors combined, Rozen's Blade Throwing skill was nearly three times that of an average player's.

As a result...


The throwing needle struck the retreating rapier wielder like a laser, hitting the wielder's chest directly.

This strike also decreased the rapier wielder's HP by a quarter.

Although the blade throwing skill was renowned for its low power, it managed to take away a whole quarter of the attacker's HP?

This seemed to have shaken the rapier wielder.

Didn't that mean if Rozen threw four more needles, he would die on the spot?

Thinking this, the rapier wielder trembled.

Of course, even if the rapier wielder died, Rozen wouldn't become a criminal player.

Because, if a player attacked a orange player, the player's marker wouldn't turn orange.

Naturally, the rapier wielder's marker was orange.

Rozen then spoke up.

"You're really something, ambushing from the side like that. Even Saihou only noticed you after you moved. Your 'Concealment' skill proficiency must be pretty high, right?"


"You've failed."

Holding his +8 Anneal Blade, Rozen charged toward the rapier wielder.

However, the rapier wielder seemed to have been frightened and didn't dare to face Rozen directly. He turned and fled in the opposite direction.


Rozen immediately chased after them.


Rainbow Butterfly even surged ahead of Rozen, at a pace faster than his, and pursued the rapier wielder's direction, leaving behind a trail of sparkling phosphorescent powder in the air.

On the labyrinthine path, a chase unfolded between the two, accompanied by the butterfly.

The rapier wielder sprinted at the forefront.

Rainbow Butterfly followed closely behind.

Rozen at the rear, keeping up the pursuit.

It was evident that the opponent was an agility-type player. He allocated at least 2 ability points into Agility with each level up. His equipment prioritized lightness and allowed him to swing his cape gracefully in the wind as he swiftly moved forward.

Compared to him, Rozen had only allocated 1 point into Agility. However, his equipment also favored agility and featured the "Sprint" skill, which helped him keep up with the opponent.

Interestingly, Rainbow Butterfly, known for its remarkable speed, was gradually catching up to the rapier wielder.


Rainbow Butterfly seemed to have realized this, emitting joyful sounds while putting in more effort into the pursuit.

Observing this situation, the rapier wielder didn't say anything and just kept rushing ahead.


He didn't simply rush ahead.

It seemed the rapier wielder had a purpose. Within the labyrinth, they turned left and right, following specific paths that led into a designated area.


Rainbow Butterfly immediately entered.

"Don't think you can escape!"

Rozen also charged in.

At that moment, an unexpected twist occurred.

The player with the orange name, dressed in a cloak and wielding a rapier, suddenly burst out from within the area and collided head-on with Rozen.


Rainbow Butterfly halted in midair, its eyes wide with disbelief.

As for Rozen, he collided directly with the orange-tag rapier wielder.


Amidst the collision sound, both Rozen and the orange-tag rapier wielder were knocked back.


Rozen let out a puzzled sound.


The other emitted a melodious yet resolute cry of pain.

Both sides were flung away, crashing onto the ground.

However, immediately after, the rapier wielder bounced up, drew her rapier, and charged fiercely toward Rozen.


A pleasant yet determined voice erupted from the opponent's mouth.

The rapier wielder unleashed a sword technique against Rozen, causing her rapier to flash with pink effect light.