
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1364 Chs

-1254- Spin....


In the muffled blast on the ground, Stella Vermillion was blown away by the blast wind stirred up by the silver-white chains falling dangerously close, as if being hit by an invisible bomb at close range. She rolled several times on the ground, unable to stop her momentum.

However, seeing Stella in this state, Rozen frowned. Then, completely ignoring Stella, who was blown away, he glanced behind him.

Almost at the same time...

"I've got you!"

Behind Rozen, with a twist of heat, Stella's figure appeared like a mirage.

At the same time, the figure of Stella, who had been rolling uncontrollably forward, disappeared like a bubble.

It was an illusion.

"Flame Veil!"

Stella called out the name of this technique.

This was Stella's Blazer Technique, which could use heat energy to refract light, achieving invisibility and creating illusionary effects.

Presumably, even when she used Satan Fang earlier, Stella knew that her move wouldn't be effective against Rozen. Therefore, she used this Blazer Technique early on to hide her true self, creating an illusion to confront Rozen while her real body sneaked behind him.

This was the existence known as the Crimson Princess.

People often only focused on Stella's strong magical power, but they didn't know that Stella was actually very versatile. Whether it was Attack Power, Defense Power, or the use of abilities, she was at the highest level. She could be considered a super all-around warrior, even her Physical Ability reached B-level. It could be imagined how well-balanced this princess was.

If she needed to engage in direct combat, Stella could exert her strongest frontal combat abilities.

If she needed to employ small tricks, Stella could also use her strongest tricks.

Being able to master all aspects and surpass anyone, this was the fate of bearing the highest level of the planet and possessing the strongest magical power—the Crimson Princess.


Now, Stella raised her magical power to the maximum, letting the Lævateinn in her hand burn with the most surging flames, like a flame descending from the sky, fiercely slashing towards Rozen, who had his back turned to her.

The high temperature swirling around the sword already caused the scenery around the blade to flicker and distort.

Facing this attack...


Rozen grinned, not even turning back. Behind him, a silver-white chain suddenly rose from the ground, rushing out like vines emerging from the earth.


Stella's highly magical blow landed heavily on the rising chain, sparking a crisp clash, sending sparks flying from the friction between the sword and the chain.

Then, the chain that blocked Stella's determined blow suddenly twisted like a whip, making a turn and lashing at Stella who was caught off guard.


In the muffled impact, the heavy chain slammed heavily into Stella's side.


Stella let out a muffled groan, even though she used magic to protect herself, she was still knocked back several steps by the heavy blow.

But Stella didn't waste this opportunity to get close.

"Dragon Stomp!"

Stella lifted her thigh and stomped down on the ground in front of her as if trampling.


An astonishing roar resounded.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

The entire ground shook instantly, like an earthquake, causing the ground to crack and collapse inch by inch along Stella's stomping footsteps.



Even Kurogane Ikki and Kurogane Shizuku, who had retreated to a far distance, ultimately couldn't escape the fate of being affected. Under the intense shaking of the ground, they both exclaimed and staggered.

And Rozen, who was closest to Stella, was also affected by this sudden blow, his whole body caught off guard and losing balance.

"Now's the time!"

Stella's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, she unleashed her maximum output.

"Empress Dress!"

Flames erupted from Stella's body like a burst of wind, burning fiercely. The high temperature of three thousand degrees Celsius turned into a flame dress, draped over Stella's body, rendering her like a goddess of fire, continuously burning the atmosphere.

This is a Blazer Technique that combines offense and defense, which can protect Stella Vermillion while also burning incoming enemies with flames, making it impossible for enemies to get close to her.

Now, Stella has maximized the output of her Empress Dress, causing the flames on her body to erupt fiercely in all directions.

How could the scene withstand such a violent eruption of flames?

The ground, still cracking and collapsing, was suddenly swept over by the flames, as if it had truly turned into magma, completely burning and melting around Stella, ultimately turning into a magma pool hundreds of meters in diameter, terrifying beyond measure.

At this moment, Stella undoubtedly exerted all her power.

As a result, enduring such high temperatures at extremely close range was simply fatal.

Rozen's figure was then engulfed by the raging flames and the erupting magma from the ground.



Amidst the flames and magma, a voice seemed to come from the depths of the earth, sounding both distant and chilling.

And then...


With a loud explosion, countless silver-white chains rose from the flames and magma, transforming into countless dragons that crazily entwined and spun around each other. As they whirled like a tornado, amidst the roaring and trembling, they spiraled along Rozen's body, soaring into the sky.

Rozen lifted his head under the entanglement of countless chains, gazing at Stella, who was showing a shocked expression.

On his body, magic surged like never before.

Then, countless chains intertwined and crossed each other as they ascended into the sky.

Before long, the tornado-like whirlwind of chains turned its head in the sky and, facing Stella below, was like an unprecedentedly enormous silver-white spear, shaking the atmosphere, stirring up turbulence. Amidst the thunderous and roaring sounds, it struck Stella.


The most massive roar shook the surroundings.

The scene was like a silver-white tornado descending, truly causing a roar, blowing away flames, magma, and countless rubble, plowing through the entire ground, with an exceptionally grand momentum.



Kurogane Ikki and Kurogane Shizuku could no longer watch leisurely, and both reached out their hands to each other, taking each other away from this battlefield.

And the roar continued.