
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1364 Chs

-115- What do you want me to do?

In this mansion, Rozen had only been there for a day, but he already had some understanding of the personalities of the people here.

Setting aside Karyusai Shouko for now, let's focus on the Setsugetsuka series of dolls. Each of them had their own distinct characteristics.

Irori, the eldest of the Setsugetsuka series, was dignified, elegant in demeanor, serious in her actions, and precise in her manner. She was responsible for managing the mansion and primarily served Karyusai Shouko. She also handled household tasks and was particularly skilled in cooking. During this month, she would take care of Rozen's daily life, making her an indispensable figure in the mansion.

Yaya, the second sister in the Setsugetsuka series, differed from her older sister. She was capricious in her behavior, even though she understood etiquette, she had no interest in displaying it to outsiders. She seemed somewhat hostile towards humans other than Karyusai Shouko. When she learned that one of her sisters might end up with Rozen, she protested to Karyusai Shouko countless times, to no avail. Frustrated, she disappeared from sight since yesterday, and Rozen had no idea where she went.

Lastly, there was Komurasaki.

Just as she appeared on the surface, Komurasaki was the youngest sister in the Setsugetsuka series. She had the most outgoing personality, was easy to approach, and lacked any hidden agenda.

According to Karyusai Shouko, Komurasaki's current body was still unstable and lacked combat capabilities compared to her two sisters. She didn't even have a fully-formed magic circuit and couldn't use magic recklessly. In the words of a puppet craftsman, her body wasn't complete and was still in the process of being created.

Karyusai Shouko even mentioned this:

"If the one who eventually chooses to be with you is Komurasaki, then you might have to wait for a while."

Regardless, Komurasaki had the best relationship with Rozen at the moment.

This little girl was genuinely curious about Rozen. Since yesterday, she had been looking at him with shining eyes, and today she finally took the initiative to approach him.

Rozen watched as Komurasaki ran up to him and, with an innocent expression, asked:

"Hey, is that the 'Telekinesis' thing that Shouko mentioned?"

Komurasaki asked this question out of curiosity.

Rozen had nothing to hide about it.

"Yes." Rozen beckoned, causing the branches arranged in midair to float down and change shape. They stacked neatly on the ground. Then he said to Komurasaki, "This is 'Telekinesis', the first step for a magician. It's essentially the foundation of the basics."

"Just the basics?" Komurasaki was amazed. "Are you kidding me? Didn't you almost defeat Yaya with this move yesterday?"

It seemed that in Komurasaki's eyes, this should be an incredibly powerful technique.

Unfortunately, in the hierarchy of eight levels of magic, this move was indeed the most fundamental.

"It almost defeated your sister not because 'Telekinesis' is incredibly powerful, but because I've practiced it to this extent."

Rozen corrected Komurasaki's misconception.

"To achieve this level with 'Telekinesis' is not an easy feat, you know?"

Perhaps many people who saw Rozen easily manipulate various things, even puppets, might think that anyone could do it. But that would be a grave mistake.

Take puppets, for example. In terms of manipulation difficulty, they were even more challenging than automata.

After all, automatons possessed their own intelligence and life. As long as they were provided with magic, they would act autonomously. Puppeteers didn't need to manipulate automatons continuously, except during battles. Otherwise, unless it was a special puppet or situation, puppeteers didn't need to personally control automata all the time.

But puppets were different.

Puppets didn't have a magic circuit like "Eve's Heart." They were purely wooden puppets, true marionettes.

For inanimate objects like these, the operator needed to manipulate them continuously, using their mental energy for everything—from joint tension, body balance to movements.

This intricate manipulation required not only ample magic power but also extraordinary skills.

To put it bluntly, a typical puppeteer wouldn't even be able to make a puppet stand up.

What's more, even moving a puppet's arm a little would be beyond most puppeteers capabilities.

This was precisely why, when Rozen was ten years old, and he managed to control twenty puppets in a sophisticated battle, his clan members were astonished.

Akabane Tenzen, who was considered a genius capable of breaking the family's historical records, could only manipulate ten puppets.

Even when Akabane Nadeshiko wasn't yet skilled enough. She could only make puppets move awkwardly, yet she was considered talented within the Akabane clan.

From this, it's evident how gifted the Akabane family members were, being able to manipulate multiple puppets and automatons effortlessly through the intricate technique of "Puppetry Arts."

However, due to this, Akabane Raishin suffered a heavy blow when compared and ultimately gave up the path of magic. It's not that Raishin was truly inept; it was just that his other siblings were extraordinarily talented.

Of course, discussing this now is of no use.

In any case, with Rozen's current abilities, not only could he manipulate these branches, but he could also control puppets in battle with ease, handling a hundred of them when his magic power was fully unleashed. With such control, he finally master the skill of "Magic Resilience."

"I see."

Komurasaki nodded as if she partly understood, and then her eyes sparkled once again as she gazed at Rozen.

"So, big brother, you're really amazing, aren't you?"

Komurasaki seemed to be in high spirits.

It must be said that being praised by such a cute little girl would make anyone feel proud.

Rozen felt a bit light-headed and laughed wryly.

Indeed, within the Setsugetsuka series, Komurasaki was the most cheerful and straightforward individual. However, being straightforward didn't mean she was naive. On the contrary, Komurasaki was a clever little girl.

So, how could she not see through someone like Rozen, who lived by using his intellect?

"What kind of idea are you getting at while praising me like that?"

Rozen smiled, almost laughing.

Komurasaki's innocent smile suddenly became a bit awkward.

"N-Nothing, really. What kind of idea could there be?"

Komurasaki started to stammer.

"Spill it." Rozen decided to be direct. "What do you want me to do?"

He confronted Komurasaki straightforwardly.

Komurasaki stuck out her tongue slightly and embarrassedly grabbed Rozen's hand.

"Anyway, come with me and take a look."

With that, Komurasaki pulled Rozen along and left.

Right after that, a shadow emerged from the darkness and swiftly moved in the direction that the two of them had left.