
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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-113- I will overcome it myself,

In this moment, Rozen's first thought wasn't about anyone else but his junior in Chaldea, Mash.

Mash had accompanied him for two years and hadn't been seen in fifteen years. She had been used as material for human experimentation and thrown into the experiment of Heroic Spirit Fusion.

Eventually, Mash became a Demi-Servant, forging a contract with Rozen and becoming his first contracted Servant.

The proof of their contract, the Command Seals, remained on Rozen's hand. So, Rozen lowered his head, looking at his right hand.

The hand, like when he was in Chaldea, was covered by a black silk glove.

However, this glove conceal the back of his hand, and it not only concealed the 'Miracle,' but also the Command Seals.

Nobody knew about the mysterious secret beneath Rozen's glove.

He clenched his hand.

Then, Rozen lifted his head and looked at Karyusai Shouko, who met his gaze, waiting for his answer.

In this situation...

"Do you think I'm really that pedantic?" Rozen responded.

Indeed, he disliked human experimentation profoundly.

However, as he had mentioned before, Rozen merely disliked human experimentation. As manufactured beings, not just Yaya, but also Irori and Komurasaki were all innocent.

Just like Mash, who was once subjected to human experimentation, they remained pure, kind, and genuine.

So, Rozen wouldn't generalize his feelings to the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons.

Of course, if the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons did something that disgusted him, that would be a different story.

Karyusai Shouko seemed to sense Rozen's thoughts from his words, and she gave him a deep look.

"Don't answer so quickly, little boy," Karyusai Shouko said softly. "I didn't ask this question just to tease you. Remember, you're about to use a forbidden automaton. Since it's created through forbidden means, there's bound to be a price."

Forbidden things are called 'forbidden' because they defy the laws of nature. Just like children with deformities might excel in some aspects, they pay a considerable price.

The same applied to the 'Banned Doll.'

"In order to achieve powerful performance, puppet craftsman often add or sacrifice many things into this seemingly innocent body,"

Karyusai Shouko's voice sounded distant.

"To make it easily maneuverable, they may shape it for minimal magical energy consumption. To control it more effectively, they might intentionally remove personal emotions. To enhance its physical activity, they might need to consume blood. To wield powerful magic, they may use others' lives as sacrifices."

Karyusai Shouko's laughter took on an eerie tone.

"Forbidden dolls never lack these kinds of elements, you know?"

The implications were clear.

"Perhaps my 'Setsugetsuka' also demands an unacceptable price from you. Are you fine with that?"

In this moment, Karyusai Shouko seemed like a demon, both tempting and warning.

Rozen's gaze deepened as he stared back at Karyusai Shouko. He didn't know whether she was intentionally trying to scare him. However, Rozen had his own thoughts.

When it came to the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons, he did find himself considering acquiring one. It was almost a given that anyone with an interest in automatons would want to obtain such high-priced, high-quality creations.

Rozen believed that by possessing any of the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons, he could easily defeat Akabane Tenzen.

Of course, whether he could defeat Akabane Tenzen wasn't the most important thing.

What mattered was that by manipulating automatons, his combat strength would substantially increase, and his proficiency in various techniques would become more refined.

(Even if I can't bring the automatons back to Chaldea, at the very least, my combat power in this world will be assured.)

For example, in the forbidden area of the Izanagi clan, if Rozen had possessed any of the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons, facing off against Enenra or the mountain god wouldn't have been an issue at all.

As the highest-level automatons in this world, Rozen believed that if he were to control them, the power of these automatons should at least be on par with that of Upper-level familiars.

For Rozen, who couldn't yet summon Upper-level familiars, this was undoubtedly a great temptation. In the past, even before he had acquired numerous magical skills, Rozen had been able to battle alongside his summoned Servant, Mash. As a Master, not having strong familiars would significantly weaken his combat capabilities.

Given this, if he could obtain powerful automatons, Rozen wouldn't hesitate to accept them.

As for the issue of the price...

"Master Karyusai, I think you've misunderstood something," Rozen turned his emotions into words and spoke.

"Only the immature can't control the weapons in their hands."

That was right.

Only the immature couldn't control the weapons in their hands.

Therefore, Rozen never feared being unable to control his own familiar. It wasn't just because Servants summoned by him would be bound to obey him, but also because as a Master, if even his own familiar is afraid, how could they fight alongside him?

This was Rozen's conviction as a Master.

Either don't form a contract or trust the contracted Servants completely.

That was the way to overcome enemies.


"If there's something wrong with the automatons I control, I'll overcome it myself," Rozen said firmly.

The entire room fell silent, and even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

Irori looked at Rozen with an inexplicable expression.

Stars twinkled in Komurasaki's eyes.

For the first time, Yaya looked at Rozen with a serious expression.

Karyusai Shouko also stared at Rozen in a daze, without saying a word for a long while.

"Overcome...?" Karyusai Shouko muttered under her breath.

"If I also had your conviction, perhaps..."

Karyusai Shouko's voice started to carry a sense of loneliness.

"Master Karyusai?" Rozen couldn't help but speak up.

Karyusai Shouko finally came back to her senses.

"Since that's the case, let's see to what extent you can achieve that," Karyusai Shouko said.

If earlier Karyusai Shouko's mention of giving Rozen one of the 'Setsugetsuka' automatons seemed like a test, now she seemed to have made a decision.

"Let me think..."

Karyusai Shouko paused for a moment and then spoke up.

"We'll do it like this..."

The words that followed from Karyusai Shouko's mouth left Rozen in astonishment for a while.

Not just Rozen, even the 'Setsugetsuka' sisters each voiced their opinions, protesting to Karyusai Shouko.

But in the end, Karyusai Shouko was determined to proceed her own way.

In this manner, Rozen temporarily remained here. It seemed that he wouldn't be returning to the Akabane Resident for quite some time.