
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1358 Chs

-1006- Fearless future

Liana could tell that Rozen himself wasn't really interested in the Blazing Banquet.

Whether the Fourth Primogenitor would be revived or not was not something Rozen cared about at all.

However, because of Nagisa and even Natsuki-nee's involvement, Rozen wouldn't allow the Blazing Banquet to take place under his nose, causing unknown harm.

Though he is just a high school student needing another six months to enter high school, Rozen's ability to act and judge was not lacking. Facing events, his response was as adept as that of a seasoned commander on the battlefield, with hardly any flaws.

With this in mind, it was unlikely that Liana would be able to obtain ownership of No. 12 from him.

No matter how you looked at it, Liana's desire for No. 12 was to use it to restore the family and seek revenge.

With such a purpose, how could Rozen possibly agree?

It wasn't that Rozen was vengeful; it's just human nature. Faced with a good deed, one might compromise out of goodwill, but faced with a bad one, unless one's brain was faulty, why would anyone help perpetuate it?

Since Liana and Veldiana's motives were impure, Rozen had no reason to hand over the matrices to them.

In the end, Liana just wanted to obtain No. 12.

Apart from that, this old-generation vampire noble had no other schemes.

But Rozen had no reason to agree because of that.

"Nagisa's issues might still be linked to No 12. In the upcoming banquet, the matrices will be crucial. Whether it's for Nagisa or for Natsuki-nee, I won't stand by and watch you take away the matrices and act recklessly in the shadows of Itogami City. So, I suggest you give up." Rozen directly laid his cards on the table with Liana.

"Furthermore, as the arbiter of this banquet representing the Lion King Agency, Paper Noise has already stated that the Caurana family without territory is not qualified to be a candidate. Even if you get No. 12, others won't recognize you. So why struggle in vain?" This statement finally became the last straw that overwhelmed Liana's inner turmoil.

Presumably, Liana understood, right?

Even if they possessed the matrices, they couldn't become candidates.

At least, even if they had some plans, others wouldn't acknowledge their candidacy. In the future, even if they wanted to support a new Primogenitor, it would be difficult.

The reason Liana refused to give up was simply, as Rozen said, to struggle to the end and try one last time.

But if they couldn't even obtain the matrices, then there was no point in struggling.

"This banquet is too high-level for both of you to intervene casually," Rozen said very directly.

"The other candidates are extraordinary figures from various empires. Even Balthazar Zaharias, that filthy arms dealer, managed to obtain the rib of the Fourth Primogenitor and became the blood servant of the Fourth Primogenitor. With cunning schemes and plans, he possesses four matrices and has the greatest advantage in this banquet. Trying to deal with him with just No. 12 is simply a pipe dream."

This was the reality.

Facing such figures, the Caurana sisters, despite being pure-blooded vampire nobles, were still far behind in rank.

Given this, intervening in the banquet would be suicidal.

"Think about the time in the Demon Sanctuary in Gozo. If I hadn't been there, facing the remnants of the Black Death Emperor Front, the beast man who could divine beastify, could you really have survived the attack, obtained No. 12, and participated in the banquet?" Rozen ruthlessly exposed Liana's wound as her expression changed drastically.

"Even before the banquet starts, it's already dangerous. Think about what will happen after the banquet starts."

Rozen looked at Liana and said so.

"Even if not for yourself, think about your sister."

This was the final straw that crushed Liana's inner turmoil.

At that moment, Liana slumped down as if drained of all energy, looking extremely dejected.


Seeing this, Veldiana was shocked. While supporting Liana, she glared angrily at Rozen.

Rozen ignored her.

"You don't want to see Balthazar Zaharias's conspiracy succeed, to obtain the most powerful weapon named the Fourth Primogenitor, and then wreak havoc, do you?" Rozen threw out this sentence.

"Don't worry, I'll settle all the scores with him."

After all, Rozen was also one to hold grudges.

"...I understand."

Liana looked at Rozen and finally sighed, nodding her head, choosing to compromise.


Veldiana was shocked and wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Liana again.

"Minamiya-sama was right. This banquet is indeed not something we can casually intervene in. Even if we have No. 12, facing Balthazar Zaharias's four matrices, we basically have no chance of winning." Liana calmly said, "And facing the other candidates, Balthazar Zaharias might not necessarily make it to the end. We don't need to rush. Let's see what kind of ending that person will face and decide what to do next. It's not too late."

These words finally convinced Veldiana as well.

If Liana hadn't come back, Veldiana would never have given up and would have sworn to settle things with Balthazar Zaharias, right?

But now, the only older sister is here, and the only younger sister is also here. Both are concerned about each other and unwilling to see any mishaps.

This finally led the two sisters to compromise.

Liana hugged Veldiana and looked at Rozen.

"I hope you can punish that arms dealer, your highness," Liana said somewhat sadly. "He's a despicable person who uses wars to satisfy his own desires. If he obtains the Fourth Primogenitor, this world may once again face the disaster of the Holy Slaughter. Please stop him."

"I will," Rozen nodded.

"Thank you." Liana smiled faintly at this, then looked at Kojou and Nagisa, affectionately saying, "I also hope that you two siblings can resolve the curse that fell upon you because of me, doctor's son and daughter."

Leaving these words behind, Liana and Veldiana, together, turned into mist and disappeared on the spot.

Rozen watched this scene quietly.

As for Kojou, he didn't say a word from start to finish, just looked at Nagisa and asked quietly.

"Nagisa will be saved, right?"

That was the only question Kojou had.

"Of course," Rozen nodded without hesitation.

The two looked at each other, then smiled simultaneously.

Perhaps, in the shadows of Itogami Island, turmoil was still approaching.

But, even in the darkest places, light would eventually come.

"The Fourth Primogenitor... huh?" Rozen looked at Nagisa lying on the bed and smirked.

That smirk represented fearlessness.