
Miracle Doctor Baby

She, the world's chief doctor of the 21st century, the legendary overlord of the medical world, was killed and her soul transmigrated… She, the useless miss of the Windcloud Empire, was ugly, silly, and obsessed! She died in her own sister and fiancé's hands… When she reopened her eyes again, she had the soul of the strong but the body of the weak… When she became her, her fate would be rewritten and a miracle would appear… This was a story of a two-faced person meeting another two-faced person. With pure hearts, they would end up together.

Tasteless Rice · General
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726 Chs

17. Dinner, you're awake!

Translator: 549690339

Mo Baobao's eyes narrowed slightly, looking exactly like Mo Jiuli when she calculated people. The little fellow stared at the big insect in front of him and silently began counting 3, 2, 1...

As she counted down, the python in front of mother and son trembled. When Baobao finished counting, Caomang, who was just full of energy, collapsed to the ground with a 'plop' sound, and his snake eyes rolled back as he passed out...

Mo Baobao happily shouted "Yay!" and walked out of the grass. Mo Jiuli looked at her daughter with a smile that grew wider and wider...

Since coming to this different world and having Baobao, her life had become incredibly colorful. At first, she missed modern life, but slowly, she grew to like her current life more...

As long as Baobao was by her side, it was the same wherever she was! Even if one day she accidentally went back to her past life, she would take Baobao with her...

"Mother, this big insect is so strong, we can eat it for several days!" Mo Baobao came to Caomang's side and kicked it gently with her little foot.

"Mmm, Baobao, did you poison it to death? That's not right! Such delicious food should be eaten alive for the best taste..." Mo Jiuli's words were heard clearly by Caomang, who had just come to and then fainted again. As a result, his snake eyes rolled back and he passed out once more, this time clearly because of anger...

It was still wondering why it suddenly passed out. The weather was not hot, and it did not have anemia, either! It turns out that the mother and son had done something, and they even considered it as food...

They even wanted to eat it alive! How could they bully a python like that? It was such a disgrace to its snake species that it decided not to wake up...

"Huh? Its eyes were wide open just now, so how come it fainted again?" Mo Jiuli looked down at the fainted python, confused.

"Mother, was it frightened by you?" Mo Baobao continued, speechless. "What a cowardly food, to be scared unconscious! Is my poison still not as good as mother's words?"

Mo Jiuli was startled by those words...

"Baobao, are you sure it's not because the poison was too strong, but because I scared it?" Mo Jiuli asked uncertainly. How could she not know when she had become so powerful, even frightening such a big insect to the point of fainting...

"Hmm, I don't know either! But it will wake up soon. Mother, let's rest here today!" Mo Baobao looked around and saw that they were just at the nest of the big python, which was relatively clean. No spiritual beast approached nearby since this python was already at the peak of spiritual beasts, about to advance to a holy beast status. It could be considered an overlord at the periphery of the Demon Beast Forest...

Mo Jiuli agreed and said, "Alright, let's rest here!"

Mo Jiuli also thought the place was quite clean...

After a while, the angry Caomang woke up slightly, directly meeting Mo Baobao's curved crescent-moon-like eyes...

"Hi, dinner, you're awake!" Mo Baobao said cutely in her childish voice.

Caomang was weak all over and stared angrily at the little girl in front of him with his snake tongue flicking! At this moment, Mo Baobao seemed no different from a demon in its eyes...

It had been in this area for many years, and no one had ever provoked it like this! Little did it know that just as it was about to be promoted to a Holy Beast, it would encounter this little girl with an angel's face and a devil's heart...

"Why are you staring at me? Don't you want to be dinner for me and my mother?" Mo Baobao completely ignored Caomang's angry gaze and continued, "But, if you don't become our food, my mother and I will go hungry! My mother said, eating is the most important thing! So... you must be very kind, and you can't bear to see a child go hungry, can you? You must be very willing to be our food, right..."

Caomang was speechless. It really regretted waking up! It would be better to stay unconscious! At least it wouldn't have to face this little devil...

What kind-hearted? What am I very willing to do to be their food? It doesn't want to be food; it doesn't want to be food ahhhhhh...

Can it continue to pretend to be unconscious...?

"Dinner, do you want to pretend to be unconscious? Too bad you can't do that right now! It's all because my mother likes it fresh, otherwise, you wouldn't need to be alive when we eat you..." Mo Baobao said innocently.

Although she also thought that the taste of snake meat cut off alive was more delicious, it wouldn't matter if it was dead. As long as the dead snake meat hadn't been dead for too long, it would still be delicious...

Unfortunately, her own mother happened to be a foodie, who loved to eat demon beast meat, especially high-levelled meat that was cut off while the beast was still alive...

Upon hearing this, Caomang wailed. It found that it really couldn't faint. Moreover, it didn't know who had just made a cut on its back...

Now, it couldn't even control its own body. It couldn't even turn around, and could only stare at Mo Baobao standing in front of it with its eyes...

Mo Baobao seemed to know what it was thinking and said with a smile, "Does it hurt? Bear with it, my mom is a Divine Doctor, so her action of cutting meat is very fast! When my mom finishes cutting the meat, I'll help you detoxify, and then you can move again..."

Caomang rolled its eyes ungracefully. As the flesh on its body was cut off slice by slice, the pain made it forget its anger, leaving only fear...

Looking at Mo Baobao's eyes filled with fear, as if she was looking at some horrifying demon, Mo Baobao had been directly promoted from a little devil to a demon in its heart...

If only it had known about this day, it would have never chosen to go into seclusion near here to advance its level. If it had known it would meet such a terrible human, it would have escaped early, even if it had to leave this area! Sadly, hindsight is always 20/20...

Mo Jiuli was very skilled at cutting beast meat. She was very particular about her food in her past life, and after crossing to this world, she found that the higher the level of a demon beast, the more delicious the meat and the richer the dark energy it contained...

Moreover, she believed that the meat cut off while the beast was still alive was more delicious than the meat eaten after the beast's death...

So, for the sake of her own appetite, she had always been in the habit of cutting beast meat alive. And Mo Baobao, her daughter, not only didn't think her mother's actions were cruel, but even thought they were great...

Mo Baobao once saw her mother skillfully strip clean the flesh off a demon wolf, leaving only a skeleton while it was still alive. Mo Jiuli curiously asked her precious daughter, "Baobao, aren't you afraid? Don't you think mother is cruel?"

PS: As always, seeking for collections, recommendations, and support! Thanks to the 'yi ya' treasure for the reward; pat pat