1 Crime does not pay

Minor Adjustment

Campbell answered on the second ring of the bell.

Yes? He said through the interphone.

Mr Campbell? Said a clear voice.

Who's asking? Said Campbell. He didn't like when people came ringing at his door without a proper introduction.

I represent Global insurances. Said the voice in clipped, precise words. Could you allow me a few minutes of your time?

A chill ran through Campbell's body: They found him! Damn! He thought... He couldn't ignore them. That would be admitting his guilt.

What can I do for you? His tone was unsure. If you're selling, I'm not buying...

Nothing of the sort, I assure you... It will only take a few minutes.

Campbell knew that he couldn't postpone the inevitable, so he pressed the button to release the lock and the door opened with an electric buzz. The man standing in his porch couldn't have been more non-descript if he tried. He was dressed in a gray trench, suit and attaché, his black shoes were perfectly polished and his hair neatly trimmed. The perfect insurance agent thought Campbell.

He couldn't have been more mistaken...

Come in Said Campbell, moving aside. So... What can I do for you. He asked for the second time.

They were now standing in the hall. The man didn't seem to be interested in going any further. He was standing with his feet perfectly parallel, both hands on the handle of his attaché. He seemed to have breakfasted on a ruler.

Mr Campbell... Or should I say Mr Rourke?... No, no, no... Don't deny it. That would be such a waste of time. The man tilted his head in a condescending manner. As it is now clear, my company is aware that you're alive and well. That would be fine in normal circumstances but not exactly legal if you had cleverly pocketed your own life insurance, wouldn't it?

Campbell's blood froze in his veins. He thought he had done such a good cover up. He had no idea of how they'd found him.

I don't think you can prove it. Said Campbell.

The man's eyes bore into Campbell's soul. Oh! You must be incorrectly informed, Mr Rourke. We don't need to prove anything. When a case like yours presents itself, it is statistically useless to try and recover the money. People that steal end up most of the times spending quicker than others. That makes recovery extremely difficult at best. It is usually impossible. Accordingly, my company changed its policy. We now ask you for some cooperation in a minor adjustment.

Oh! Said Campbell. What is it?

Well... Said the man, opening his attaché You claimed to be deceased. My company just wants everything to balance.

A gun appeared in his hand and he shot Campbell right between the eyes.
