
Ming Yi Yu Fei

The novel "Ming Yi Yu Fei" mainly tells the story of a useless mortal citronella, who stepped into the world of immortals by mistake and began her journey to seek the truth. In this world full of fantasy and danger, she does not compete for family background or beauty, but is busy earning Lingshi, selling charms to the four sons of Xiuzhen, offering a 20% discount. She bravely faced all kinds of difficulties and challenges, challenged her own limits, and eventually became an admirable cultivator. The highlight of this novel is that the heroine's growth and adventures are very fascinating, so that readers can feel a lot of surprises and fun. At the same time, the real world depicted in the novel is also very mysterious and fantastic, which brings readers a lot of freshness and imagination. In addition, the characters in the novel are vivid and have different personalities, which makes it easy for readers to immerse themselves in them. If you are interested in Xiuzhen novels, or want to read a novel full of fantasy and adventure, Ming Yi Yu Fei is a good choice.

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Chapter 12: Gossip on the Road to Immortality

  In the Four Fresh Building, all the immortals came and went, taking turns.

  Most of them travel together or are allied with the Inner Demon Oath.

  After reading a few more examples, I didn't talk much but kept thinking about the immortal's lemongrass seeds, and I seemed to understand something. The world of cultivation is definitely not a clear spring, there are too many doorways in it.

  Looking at the friendship process among the immortal elders, it is no different from that in Yexi Village.

  Those with higher levels don't like those with lower levels; while those with lower levels are mostly trying to fawn over or be wary of those with higher levels. The young country girl did not know how to awe and worship, so she secretly compared the behaviors of these immortals. I found that there was no difference between the camps of the cunning urchins in my own village.

  But Xiang Maozi kept these words firmly in her heart and would never say another word.

  Unlike Xiangmaozi, Brother Chunyu was completely fascinated by the immortals in the past. He always imagined that he could join them, and spared no effort to please them.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard he tries, the superior immortals won't even give him a glance.

  The reason why Chun Yu is immersed in the dream of becoming an immortal is directly related to the news revealed during the recent communication between the immortals.

  Based on the chat content between the immortals, Chunyu pieced together a piece of important news - the selection of the nine immortal sects was about to begin! If there is an immortal who can kill the ferocious beast in the Seven Cholera Villages, he can directly use the head of the ferocious beast to sign up and become a disciple of the inner sect!

  This is also the reason why immortals are constantly coming and going in Sixian Building these days. They are all a group of casual cultivators, trying to use this opportunity of hunting ferocious beasts to directly worship the sect and become inner disciples.

  Chun Yu naturally couldn't even think about hunting ferocious beasts. But during the chat among the immortals, he got another news: In addition to the inner disciples, the Nine Immortal Sects are also opening up the path to immortality this time, and are selecting all mortals over 3 years old and under 15 years old. As long as they are willing, Anyone can sign up!

  This news is simply unprecedentedly good!

  Mortals have only taken this path of immortality three times in eight hundred years. This is the fourth time!

  As long as qualified mortals can reach the area selected by the immortals at the designated time and place, they can participate. At that time, once an immortal discovers that he has understanding or spiritual roots, he will be selected and from then on he will reach the pinnacle of life and become the legendary immortal who can fly in the sky and absorb the clouds and swallow the light! !

  Chunyu heard the news because two low-level immortals tried to join a group that hunted ferocious beasts, but were rejected because their levels were too low.

  The two of them complained dejectedly, "These Taoist brothers are really snobbish. Seeing that I have poor qualifications and no future, they won't even bother to pick me up. Hmph, let's see if they can catch the vicious beast and ascend to heaven in one step!"

  The other one was kinder and advised, "In the end, practice and strength will tell the truth in this world. We have no chance in this life. If we are under fifteen years old, we can directly participate in the Immortal Path Selection to see if there is any chance." How difficult it is to be absorbed into the Nine Immortal Sects. It only happens three times in 800 years. Children of this generation are really lucky!"

  The two of them joked and teased each other so much that Chun Yu, who was waiting on the side, heard clearly.

  It turns out that mortals can still get the chance to become immortals in this way!

  Chunyu's heart was moved. He was exactly fourteen years old this year. According to the words of the two fallen immortals, he had the opportunity to participate in the selection. He had no intention of working these days, and spent all day wondering how he could continue to inquire about the selection.

  His eagerness, like an ant on a hot pot, has long been in the eyes of everyone. Immortals don't care at all what mortals like ants think, so naturally they won't find anything wrong with a waiter in a restaurant.

  Shopkeeper Chen, on the other hand, could not bear it any longer after waiting three days for Chun Yu to see his fever subsided and still feverishly pursuing the path to immortality.

  After closing that night, shopkeeper Chen took advantage of the fact that no one was in the lobby, so he stayed with Chun Yu and several young chefs, preparing to tell them the gossip about the so-called Road to Immortality.

  In recent days, these people have almost been distracted and confused by the news of finding the road to immortality.

  Xiangmaozi was among them in age, so she also got the opportunity to listen.

  Since there were no guests at the moment, shopkeeper Chen stood in the middle and asked everyone to bring their own stools and form a circle around him. Xiangmaozi sat at the back. She was very discerning in this regard. She knew that she was just a spectator and did not dare to move forward. Xin Mao had become familiar with everyone in the past few days and occasionally helped to pick up vegetables and take out the garbage. So I also came over to join in the fun. No one kicked him out.

  When Shopkeeper Chen saw everyone sitting in a row, he coughed lightly and said, "See, you are all thinking about taking the path to immortality these days?"

  The boys didn't dare to say anything and looked at each other in confusion, fearing that their actions would make the shopkeeper unhappy.

  Chunyu, on the other hand, has a deep relationship with the shopkeeper and is related to her by a third degree, so she dares to say, "Second cousin, I told them that if there is a chance, we all want to take this road to immortality."

  Shopkeeper Chen smiled and did not get angry because of this, "There is indeed such a thing as the Road to Immortality!"

  Several young guys became excited when they heard the shopkeeper's confirmation, "It's true! That's great! Shopkeeper, tell us!"

  Shopkeeper Chen looked at them and shook his head slightly, "Before I answer you, let me ask you two questions. The first question is, how many people do you think can participate in this road to immortality?"

  How many people are participating? !

  Who knows? Everyone scratched their heads and thought hard.

  Xiangmaozi's heart moved after hearing this, and she had the answer in her heart. But she didn't say anything, but there was a look of understanding in her expression. Shopkeeper Chen, who happened to be looking for her, noticed it and called her by name, "Xianmaozi, tell me."

  Xiangmaozi stood up from behind and said, "I think there are no other restrictions on joining, so as long as there are suitable children in the family, they will be sent to try. There are as many children of the right age in the world as there are people who will take the road to immortality. "

  Shopkeeper Chen showed a satisfied look, "Listen! Is this the truth? You want to go, but if this world meets the standards, who doesn't want to go? So this road to immortality is not so easy. Immortality People don't have this skill, it has limitations!"

  Upon hearing this, everyone begged even more, "Shopkeeper, please tell us what the restrictions are!"

  Shopkeeper Chen sighed, "Some people in my ancestors also tried the road to immortality, but failed. Therefore, in the notes left by my family's ancestors, there are records about the road to immortality. This road is basically a road worth 100,000 yuan. It's a dead end for a human being."

  Hearing what Shopkeeper Chen said, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

  Shopkeeper Chen continued, "The age requirements for Shengxian Road are the most superficial. But as Xiangmaozi said, among the twelve states in the world, if there are children of school age at home, no one would be willing to give up. Then there are hundreds of millions of people in the world. Everyone wants to go to the Zhao Family, how can the immortals choose, and how can they have time to choose?! So besides the road to immortality, there is a second restriction, and that is the order to ascend to immortality!"

  Order of Ascension to Immortality? ! ! What it is? ? The young waiters and cooks had never heard of it.

  It's not that the little boy Chun Yu is incompetent, but that the casual cultivators don't care at all about the "Ascension Order", which is obviously something created by secular mortals in order to seek immortality. If they don't mention it, Chun Yu will naturally know nothing about it.

  But in fact, the Ascension Order does exist, and it is the only certificate to embark on the road to immortality.

  These secrets of the immortal family are firmly kept in the world of high-ranking families and powerful families, and ordinary people have no chance to even hear them!

  "Because there are billions of mortals, no one wants to become an immortal, and no one does not envy becoming an immortal. So every time the immortal road is opened, there will always be all kinds of chaos. Later, in order to more effectively screen out people with great opportunities , the Immortal Family gave the Immortal Ascension Order. Every time the Heavenly Road is opened, 1 million Ascension Orders will be issued. If you want to take the Immortal Road, you must first get the Immortal Ascension Order!"

  One million! How much does that have to be!

  The minds of all the young people were completely blank, and they were completely unable to calculate the magnitude of millions. Chunyu simply counted with her fingers slowly: one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million...

  Shopkeeper Chen sneered, "Do you think one million is too much?"

  Everyone nodded together.

  One million to them is almost as much as the entire world.

  Boss Chen added, "You know, the world is so big, there are twelve states, four islands, nine seas, hundreds of immortal sects, and billions of people. A mere million immortal orders are just like in the ocean. It's like throwing a handful of rice, not even a wave can stir up the waves, and then it disappears."

  "The one million Immortal Tokens are divided equally among the twelve states, four islands, and nine seas. Each state only has less than 40,000 coins."

  Some people nodded, some shook their heads.

  Although the number of forty thousand is still huge, it can already be a vague concept in the mind.

  "Take our Yinzhou as an example. There are seven kingdoms and nine princes, and our Huangshi Town is under the jurisdiction of Chang'anhou. Anhou divides the country into sixteen counties."

  "Sixteen counties are divided into prefectures, and the counties are the divisions. The prefectures are divided into five prefectures, and the prefectures are the platforms. The prefectures are divided into ten counties, and the counties are the captains. The counties are divided into ten towns, and the towns are their clans. The ten villages are townships. , a hundred families form a village, and every village or village has its own merits."

  "A mere 40,000 Shengxian Orders will be distributed first to the sixteen counties, then to the five prefectures in each county, and then to the ten counties. Do you think you can calculate how much each county can be allocated?" Shopkeeper Chen's persuasive question ask.

  A group of waiters started counting their fingers. Everyone was sweating profusely. Some even took off their shoes and even counted their toes.

  Chun Yu was still experienced in this area. He was the first to calculate it, but he was not very sure and said, "Each county should be divided into fifty pieces?!"

  Shopkeeper Chen nodded, "Yes, the calculation is correct. If there are no accidents, each county should be allocated 50. Our Huangshi Town is only one of the ten towns in Longkou County, so our Huangshi Town can only be allocated 5 at most." Just one piece!"

  Five! This number made all the boys gasp.

  But shopkeeper Chen hasn't finished speaking yet, "You think there are five?! Haha, I'm dreaming. That is an ideal number. In fact, everyone wants the Immortal Order. In the capital and state capitals, all the princes and wealthy families will want to We try our best to detain and intercept it. In fact, after reaching the government level, there will no longer be an order to ascend to immortality. You guys, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to listen to it!"

  After listening to the shopkeeper's calculation, everyone understood how rare and precious the Ascension Order was.

  We also have to recognize the reality that things like the Immortal Ascension Order are really not something that little people like them can covet.

  Everyone felt disappointed, and the red hearts like charcoal fire seemed to have been poured with cold water, which was biting and cold.

  Seeing that the boys were all downcast and exuding a strong sense of loss and decadence, shopkeeper Chen continued, "It is true that such opportunities are tightly controlled by those wealthy families. But don't think that those wealthy families will take any big advantage. . Next I will ask you the second question, have you ever heard of Immortal Idiot?"

  "Immortal idiot" is a famous curse word. Generally speaking, if you call someone stupid or idiot, you should viciously reprimand the other person as an immortal idiot!

  The Immortal Fool is so famous in Yuan Qi Continent!

  Many people have seen immortal idiots. They will firmly believe that they have the qualifications to cultivate immortals. Some people even think that they are unparalleled geniuses in cultivating immortals. Therefore, many ridiculous farces and tragedies will occur.

  Even an ignorant and isolated country girl like Xiang Maozi has heard of the tragedy caused by the immortal idiot.

  For example, there is a scholar who originally studied hard, aimed at passing the imperial examination, and achieved certain results in the examination. But as a result, he suddenly became obsessed with cultivating immortals, so he left everything behind to find the way to immortality. Later, he heard that the mansions of immortals were in inaccessible places, so he ignored his parents' obstruction and spent huge sums of money to find the whereabouts of immortals. After ten years of leaving, the old parents died because of worries and overthinking, and the wife threw herself into the water because she was unable to raise her children... After ten years, the scholar spent all his savings and gained nothing. When he returned home, Only to find out that everyone in the house was dead. Because there was no one to help and look after him, he couldn't even find the graves of his parents, wife and children!

  This scholar became a famous fairy and idiot far and wide! He sings and laughs all day long with his hair disheveled, always humming: The world says that gods are good...

  Almost all immortal idiots come here like this. Some of them went crazy because of their failed pursuit of immortality and were greatly stimulated; some of them accidentally injured their relatives and friends because of their spiritual trance; and some of them burned down their entire family with their own hands because of hallucinations. There are always countless rumors about immortal fools, and most of them end in tragedy.

  Shopkeeper Chen continued: "Even though the children of wealthy and famous families have more opportunities to embark on the path to immortality, in fact, every time they fail to become immortals and become immortal idiots, not only are there many people, but also The proportion is quite large!"

  "Everyone says that the road to immortality is good, but in my opinion, the road to immortality is a road of no return. If you don't become an immortal, you will become a benevolent person. If the family has no spare power, I am afraid that not only will I lose the support of ordinary life, but it will also harm my parents. My dear, I am even bringing trouble to my hometown!" Shopkeeper Chen said very sadly.

  Xiangmaozi secretly remembered that at the beginning, Shopkeeper Chen once said that his understanding of the Road to Immortality came from the notes passed down by his family. It seems that the experience that Shopkeeper Chen's elder brought to the family is definitely not So beautiful!

  "Shopkeeper, what exactly is the Road to Immortality?" Some boys still refused to give up and asked.

  Shopkeeper Chen was not disappointed because his earnest words still did not work. He showed a sad expression, "I don't know. The specific situation was not mentioned in detail in the notes left by the ancestors. Because it is said that everyone When faced with torture and in the inner world, they respond to different things. Even twin brothers with the same father and mother have very different results. Therefore, the road to immortality can only rely on oneself! However, it must be a narrow escape. "

  At this point, shopkeeper Chen didn't know what he thought of, and he looked sad. Then he waved his hands in despair, "That's it for now. If you still want to rush towards the road to immortality, then I, Mr. Chen, will not stop you from your enthusiasm." Yuan Zhi, please do your own thing!"

  After saying that, he chased the boys and others to disperse.

  Everyone discussed the road to immortality along the way. What Shopkeeper Chen said today greatly refreshed their views on cultivating immortality. Regardless of whether he still maintains his ambition of cultivating immortality, this kind of gossip will not be easily missed!

  Xiangmaozi led Xin Mao and walked slowly at the back, listening to several boys discussing with each other whether to go or not. She always didn't like to talk nonsense, so she didn't say anything. She just silently recalled what shopkeeper Chen said today in her heart.

  Xin Mao's little hand suddenly pulled the lemongrass.

  Xiangmaozi looked down at him.

  Xin Mao whispered to Xiangmaozi in a low voice, "Sister, although shopkeeper Chen said that the road to immortality is a narrow escape, but if there is an order to ascend to immortality, then I still want to go!"

  Xiangmaozi said "hmm", and what she was thinking was, who doesn't want to go? ! If there is an order to ascend to immortality, I have to climb up!