
Minecrafter of Orario

A Teenager who love playing minecraft end up transfered to World of Danmachi as Steve with the ability of Minecraft such as crafting, enchanting, brewing and more! Not only that, he also has a Minecraft Instant Dungeon where he can go into the World of Minecraft to fight Minecraft Mob and Boss to level up and collect material to use it in real world. Now come and read this book as we read his adventure into the World of Danmachi with his Minecraft ability. ???: Oh, Diamond!

Lord_of_Divine · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Journey

[3rd Person POV]

The sun shone brilliantly in the sky, the cloud peacefully floating, the bird chirping happily and there is Steve who return from the cave expedition.

"Just another day in Minecraft I guess."

Steve said tiredly as he has emotionless and bored look. It's been 5 years since he is transfered here by the God of Game. For this entire 5 years too, he fight, survive and grow stronger each days.

It all begin 5 years ago, after he manage to complete his first Tutorial Quest and rewarded with 500 Points.

When he go to Shop, he find out that Weapon and Tool made from Iron to Netherite cost more then 100 Point. While useful Item such as Enchanted Book, Potion, Material, Blocks and Spawn Egg cost more than 200 Point.

The only thing that cost below 100 Point is Food except Golden Apple that cost 250 Point and Notch Apple that cost 500 Point.

From that moments, Steve realized that this new World is no different than his old World where you need to work to earn something.

Day by day, Steve fight and try to survive. Dying and rebirth, he keep moving forward. He learn from his past mistake and eventually grow mature both Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

Everyday, he will go and do a lot of job from Mining, Crafting, Building, Fighting, Hunting, Smithing, Enchanting and Brewing. All to increase his survivalbility in this new World.

After defeat the Vanilla Minecraft Boss such as the Ender Dragon, the Wither and the Warden. He been given a reward of World Fragment, a fragement that will allow him to go to the World of Danmachi as the God of Game told him. But a he realized something.

The Game… is not over yet. Instead, The Real Game… just begin.

The System add different Mods that add the life of Steve more difficuly. The suffering of the Miner not stop there as the System put the Miner in the hardest difficulty.




Which mean once he died, his life and this world, will be erased.

But this will not break thim, instead it will make him to be more determine to survive. The Miner will challenge the odd and the impossible, thus the Miner restart his adventure.

Boss after Boss, Biome after Biome and Dimension after Dimension, he conquer all of them for the past 5 years. Earn many Achievement and Quest Rewards and most importantly, the World Fragment.

Now, he has all 9 World Fragment as he use the Crafting Table to combine all 9 Fragment into one single Orb that known as World Relic that also give him a map that lead to somewhere. Right now…

"I believe that all."

Steve said as he look at his Inventory that full with Item from Enchanted Armor, Enchanted Weapon, Elytra, Potions, Golden Apple, Totem of Undying and more.

Despite how much he want to bring all of his item he has, he can't because he may never return here again.

"Now, time to get out from this world." He said seriously.

With thus, he set journey to the place where the map point out. The Miner walked sometime fly with Elytra days and night, passed through many Biome and Structur, across the Seven Seas and finally… he arrived at the destination.

"This is… the place?"

Steve said as he standing on top of the mountain. Yes, the final destination that the map point is on top the mountain.



My Path to Freedom


Steve ignored the Achievement, he more focus to a stone house that build on top there. He walk to it and ready himself.

"Here goes nothing."

Steve opened the door as he later find himself in another place. The place is almost as if he in Aether. This not surprise as he already used to such thing long time ago.

"Welcome." A voice said.

Steve looked at where the familiar voice he will never forgot for the reason he come to this world. When he look at the voice came, he see boy around 13 years old float.

"You are him, the God of Game."

"Bingo! But I have a name you know." The God of Game said with a giggle.


"The name is Tet, the God of Game and The Administrator of the System." He introduce himself as Steve nodded his head while he fully digest the information until he realized it.

"Wait, Administrator of the System? Does it mean…"

"I always watching you? The answer, yes. I always watching you." Tet said as Steve asked him.


"Well, part of it was for my amusement but other part is to teach you a lesson." Tet said with a smile but Steve only has a frown on his face.

"a lesson? What kind of lesson?"

"Do you forgot?" Tet asked.

"What you…"

Steve then realized what the God of Game mean by lesson.

"It's my Journey."


Tet said as create wave his hand as the white void show countless images of Steve. It's Steve's memories, his self, his story, his adventure and… his Journey to find his place in this world.

Steve closed his eyes as he remember his suffering that shaped him and make him what he was right now. He no longer a teenager that delusion to escape the harsh reality of adult, now he is mature and grow up person that finally find his purpose and place in the world.

Steve opened his eyes and for the first for the past 5 years, he smile as he has found it, the meaning of his existence in this world.

"Thank you… for remind me what I am." Steve said with a smile

"You're welcome." Tet said as he then continue.

"Now, shall we back to business?"

"Yes." Steve said.

"Good. Because right now, I bring an offer to you." Tet stated his intention.

Steve look at the God of Game with confusion.

"I am aware that you have been live alone by yourself in this world for the past 5 years."

'Oh, this' Steve thought.

"So, I offer to take you away from this world. To take you on to another world where you may find a people to interact." Tet said.

"Is it will be the World of Danmachi or Genkai?" Steve said recalling his memories.

"Bingo." Tet comfirmed it.

"I see. " Steve said with a nodded.

The God of Game then told everything about the world of Genkai to Steve from the Gods, the Familia, the Falna, the Races, the City, the Dungeon and the Monsters.

"Huh, it no different then how it work here and how Falna act like the System." Steve said fully understand of how this world of Genkai works.

"Well, you can said that. After all, it was me that created the Falna after Ouranus request me." Tet revealed to Steve.

"Ah, I see."

"So, what you think?" Tet asked.

"Hmm, if I were to accept, how would I get there? Would I be able to bring anything with me or would I have to start over?" Steve asked try to confirmee few thing.

"You will be able to keep all of you have collected overs the years. I will also convert your Emerald into Valis, the currency of that world. As for how you will get there, do you forgot about it?" Tet said

Steve looked in confusion until he remember what the God of Game mean by it.

"The World Relic."

Steve said as take the World Relic from his Inventory and hand it to the God of Game.

"Correct. With this, I will open a portal to transport you to Genkai." Tet told him.

"How about my Skill and Status? Will it be reset?" Steve asked again as Tet answer it.

"Well, no. The Status and Skill is part of you. Even as it creator, I can't do anything to it."

"I see. In that case, I accept your offer." Steve told Tet.

"Great! Also, you need not worry about your item in this world. I will ensure that everything you keep in your base is safe."

"Thank you, Tet."

The God of Game look surprised as this is first time Steve said his name. He smile at Steve… no, to his "children".

"Good luck, my child." Tet said witha smile as he opened the portal using the World Relic. Steve has no time to ask why he call him his child as he been sucked into the portal.

The God of Game now alone in the white void, look up and spoke to no one.

"Look like the Game just become more interesting. I wonder how will those guy react to my "child". Oh well, not my problem anymore."

Tet said as he no need to worry about his "child" as his "child" is far to strong for someone like them in Orario to handle.

[To Be Continue]

[See You Next Game]