
A Minecraftian Named Jefferson

Jefferson stood in front of his home setting up the final fence. It was a hard day's work. Having to chop down trees. Slowly and meticulously cut them up and turn the logs to planks. Having spent all day setting up a small hut with the logs and planks he made. He hoped that it would hold out for the night.

Jefferson was regretful over his actions as he knew that he may not survive. It has been a rough start. Having come from a village that was destroyed years ago. He reminisces the time when he was making a living as a fisherman. He was getting plenty to eat from fishing and exchanging it for emeralds.

It was an unfortunate turn of event when his rod broke and the only person skilled enough to make a fishing rod had died long ago. Those with fishing rods refused to sale them and his attempts to craft one failed.

With no hope to sustain his living. He was forced to turn to other occupations. Farming was a disaster and so was wood cutting. He was hoping to have a talent for one of those but was swiftly proven wrong. He was not wealthy enough to become a blacksmith and the mines were far too dangerous to venture into alone.

Jefferson had nothing having grown up as an orphan in the Villager's village. He was just a refugee from a destroyed Minecraftian village from a large monster wave. Jefferson was grateful to the villagers that took him in, but he was never one of them. He did not consider himself one of them and they didn't consider him one of them either.

The villagers were simply beings that weren't ones to abandon children or watch them die. Jefferson wasn't sure if it was from their need to trade or their kinds hearts. Regardless, he owed them one, but being driven to a corner. He was forced to make rash decisions such as stealing from them. After all, Villagers were well known to have a massive stash of emeralds.

Having gotten greedy on his 5th sack of emeralds he woke one up and, in his attempt, to escape resulted in him getting cut. It wasn't long before he was tracked down and prosecuted in the Villager's village square.

It was decided that he would be sentenced to exile. Left without the protection of the village's Iron Golem and the Minecraftians weren't willing to stand up for an exiled Minecraftian. After all, their livelihoods depended on their mutual coexistence.

The first night was rough as he had gone without eating, but the worst part about it were… the monsters that rose at night. Appearing from the ground and searching for the living. Jefferson was terrified and it was purely by hiding on top of a tree and with luck that he managed to survive the first night.

Now, he had made a hut and a small fence. Hopefully, enough to deter all the idiotic mobs. After all, there had to be a reason why they didn't attack villages filled with bumbling Villagers and a single Iron Golem. Either they were not smart enough to get over a simple fence or couldn't put up much of a fight.

Having stolen an axe from the wood cutter he knew. Jefferson hoped to fend for himself now. He may be hungry, but his fear of dying assured him that he could still fight even if hungry. Looking at the dying rays of sunlight from the distance. Jefferson hurriedly got in and at on the corner with his axe tightly gripped. It wasn't long before the eerie sound of silence was destroyed by the sound of dirt being pushed or scattered about.

The sound of grass being pushed or crushed reached his ears. Jefferson silently swallowed his spittle fearing that he was being too loud. His pounding heart practically drowned his hearing as the steps moved about.

A loud thump sounded from the wall causing Jefferson to nearly yelp in fright. Yet, he held on shaking in terror. Oh Minecraft God. Please spare his miserable life he prayed. If there was truly a god that existed in this world. He couldn't just standby and watch as a Minecraftian died. Right?

Perhaps it was his fear or his scent that caught the attention of the monster outside his shabby hut as the thumping began to sound repeatedly as if it was trying to breach into the wall by breaking it or perhaps clawing his way inside as the sound of scratching was also being emitted. Perhaps both.

Jefferson gathered his courage and took a deep breath. He reminded himself that that they couldn't be that strong. After all, even the bumbling Villagers with a single Iron Golem could hold them back with it.

How strong could an Iron Golem be. Especially when there was only one of them. Plunk! An arrow pierced the wall of his hut and the sound of several shambling footsteps echoed. The sound of bones clattering became prominent too as the sound of a string being stretched was emitted.

Jefferson had his courage shatter as he realized the cruel reality of his situation. There was no escape. Running out there to fight was nothing but suicide. The fence of the village was tall and sturdy. The Iron Golem was literally made of iron and could take a massive beating of dozens of monsters. It was not that monsters were weak, but the Iron Golem was too strong. An already developed village with an Iron Golem was too dangerous to attack and not to mention the fence holding back anything too stupid to realize it.

The Minecraftians that had already settled were far more vigilant and skilled. There were Hunters, Butchers, Miners, Fighters, and Guards. The Minecraftians that focused on Production Occupations were safe to sleep and eat due to this.

Jefferson was ignorant of the truth and now he was exiled from both sides. Only the dark wilderness awaited him and tonight. Was going to be his last night. He couldn't help but drop that axe and cry. There was no escape. No fighting spirit or courage that could save him. No god to stop this. The wall began breaking as the sound of flesh hitting wood and arrows piercing the wood continued to sound.

It wasn't long before the hut collapsed in Jefferson, and he was swiftly torn to pieces and eaten. Minecraft was a world that cared little about your occupation. It takes a group's effort to survive in this world and those that failed to stay in a group. Were destined to be eaten or killed by monsters. Perhaps even joining their ranks someday.

All that remained of Jefferson was blood and bones with pieces of flesh on it. In a few years, he may just be the monster that ends another person's life if he ever rose from the ground.