
Minecraft:Magic And Dragons, Plus other Mods

Jason and his friends are transmigrated to Minecraft By Some kind Of God, They are saddened that they Left their families. But this is their new lives and they sure aren’t gonna waste it. But there is one small problem Jason was the one who installed the mods and he forgot most of them. Follow them as they bring chaos to Minecraft. ************** Lol I thought it would be a good idea Let’s see how it does. Minecraft is rightfully the property of Mojang.

Ender_Child · Video Games
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7 Chs

What do you Mean There Are Inhabitants living in MY SERVER!?

I walked around as I observed the damage done to the surroundings, the ground seemed scorched, The trees were Ablaze and some of the terrain is destroyed.

"Note: When you meet a dragon run as far as you can, it doesn't matter which dragon but if you encounter ANY type of dragon I suggest you run and never look back" I said while Shade nodded his head dazed by the outcome of the clash.

"I'm going to be genuine with you, I want to loot the dragon but I feel like the moment I do I'll get striked by lightning" I said feeling that we will have to take a longer path back to our temporary base.

"Yeah let's just leave here I don't want to deal with another dragon" Shade said reluctantly.

"Sure, sure so you do know if we followed the path from where we came we will be killed by that dragon, And if we go west we will enter a forest infested with vampires" i said while looking at the minimap on the top side of my view.

"Yeah that means we have to go Around the North and reach the base, I already know something bad is gonna happen"I said sighing while looking at the distance.

As we started walking we encountered a few…Nests thankfully they were empty and we ran as quick as we saw the nest.

After walking for an hour we finally arrived in the base, it looked more complete and a bit bigger than the last time.

Lilac was Talking to gray and Rose while sitting on a Bench? Of some sort.

"Hey guys were back" I said with a tired Expression.

"And also I hate dragons" I said while sitting on the grass.

"Anyways where are the other two" I continued.

"Probably lost in the caves" Lilac said unbothered.

"That sounds a bit concerning" Rose said worriedly.

"I bet they are running away from a demon or a vampire, knowing Scarlet is their im pretty sure he did some occult shit or something" Shade said while he was looking at the sky.

"Do we help them" I asked.

"No" Lilac bluntly said

"They can handle themselves" Shade said unbothered.

"They won't die that easily" Gray said now her head on Roses lap.

"Gray…."Rose silently said but placed her hand on grays hair gently.

"Well I'm gonna go help them. Which direction did they walk off too." I asked while taking out my stone sword.

"They went that direction" Rose said pointing at the big while near a tree.

"They made a mine near a tree?" I asked confused.

Lilac shrugged and I just sighed.

After going near the tree I went into the hole,and saw some torches on the wall, I followed them down the crudely mined blocks and went ahead. Of course I did find some iron that was left behind, which of course was a wast but there were only four blocks of the iron ore.

After mining it I made furnace with it and placed it down. The furnace looked realistic but was empty. I touched it and a furnace screen popped up in front of me it was just like in the game.

I didn't have coal so I had to use some wood to smelt the iron, After some time the iron was smelted and then I took out my crafting table and made an iron sword, when I took it out it was giving out a small silver glow because of the torches, After picking up the furnace and the Crafting table I continued my way down..

Until that is a creeper sneaked up behind me without me noticing it and blew up, thankfully I only lost half a heart of health.

That was close so I continued cautiously the Cave was getting darker and the torches were getting much more smaller.

After some time I came across a small cave that was lit in a bright light and then I went into it…

"Haahahah Eleren You were amazing at capturing those intruders, Bringing them back to the royal palace will sure garner us some good rewards" A gruffly man with a big shield said.

"Hehe it was nothing there were weak and we don't just kill of trespassers like those damn Orcs in the south" A cute red hair girl said with an angry expression when talking about orcs?

"Well the quest just stated clearing out some monsters in the local mines, but the intruders were a bonus" A brown haired girl wearing a hood, while a staff that had a small floating crystal was sitting on her back said.

Excuse me but what the fuck, this server is private this means either two things, one someone installed a mod before we were transported here, two That hateful god Merged my Minecraft world with a fantasy one.

Oh and yeah Laicer and scarlet were tied up and their mouths sealed by a tape. Now I could rescue them but, I'm definitely gonna get demolished by this Party. But I can't let this idiots get captured. Well let's see if we can negotiate.

"Hmm who's there Show your self?!" The red haired said pointing her sword straight at the entrance of the cave.

I emerged from the darkness, My wings shifting slightly, My horns making it seem the light to be absent near there and my tail which was swinging slowly.

"Demon?" The brown haired girl said confused.

"Hello there uhm adventurer's, may I ask letting my friends go please" I said pleadingly.

"No, In the Name of the elven queen I order you to Surrender." The redhead said pointing her sword at me.

"Mphhh?!" Scarlet made a sound as if warning me.

"Hmm Scarlet you do know every time someone challenges me to a fight I'm not gonna back down, Now red hair don't you think three against one is kinda unfair, Where's your honor at" I said while looking at the now three people in their battle position.

"What do you mean by honor? When going against a monster does the monster show any honor to his enemies when they come in hordes, so why should we" The gruff man said slamming his shield down to the ground.

"Sigh…I'm angry first we get transported here, then we got chased by a dragon and now these three fools are pissing me off I'm beyond angry no I'm FURIOUS" I said bringing out my iron sword, and my stone one dual wielding it.

"But I am rational, don't you think fighting in here might oh I don't know make the cave collapse" I said swinging the sword slowly, Suprisingly I knew how to use it which is weird cause I have never used a sword in my life, Maybe since we are our characters we got their body knowledge and now know how to use it.

"He's…Right" The brown haired girl said reluctantly.

"Or we could negotiate" I said not truly wanting to fight them, They have weapons and they know how to use them, the brown haired one has Magic, there are three of them and I obviously am at a disadvantage and I definitely can't leave those two here.

I walked out of the cave going far away from then and waited till they come out.

"Mia use a spell to light this place up" The redhead said and then began to chant

"Oh Noble Spirit of Light, guide us in this daunting times and purge the darkness, Light prism" In that moment a magic circle appeared and then a small chunk of stone gathered in it and formed a prism of light which floated up the cave and illuminated it.

The gruff man was carrying scarlet and Lacier on his shoulders then he dropped them on the ground, Lacier was pissed off and Scarlet…Was also pissed off.

"Now then shall we fight intruder, Not like you are gonna win" The red hair said tauntingly.

"Yeah taunting isn't gonna work, I already know I can't win but can we please negotiate we really have no bad intentions" I said.

"Oh really then what were you doing in the mines"She asked and i genuinely am furious but they don't seem like bad people.

"What else do people come down here to do" I said tapping my feet on the hard surface of the ground.

"Why were you mining in eleven territories" She asked another question.

"What do you mean Elven territory the only thing I've seen up there were just dragons, No elves whatsoever?!!" I said in an outraged voice.

"You guys live beyond the border, I've heard there are dangerous things there is that true?" She asked tilting her head to the side and looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

"Eleren we can't trust them" The brown haired girl said from behind.

"Rain this may be our only chance, you know they don't let us go out beyond the border" She said while she lowered her weapon.

"May I ask what you mean by 'beyond the border'" I asked with a bit of interest.

"And also can you untie them before they bite their way out" i said while pointing at the two who were visibly trying to get out of the ropes...


How is your day going everyone, and also how do you think of the Novels Progression.