
Minecraft:Magic And Dragons, Plus other Mods

Jason and his friends are transmigrated to Minecraft By Some kind Of God, They are saddened that they Left their families. But this is their new lives and they sure aren’t gonna waste it. But there is one small problem Jason was the one who installed the mods and he forgot most of them. Follow them as they bring chaos to Minecraft. ************** Lol I thought it would be a good idea Let’s see how it does. Minecraft is rightfully the property of Mojang.

Ender_Child · Video Games
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7 Chs

Bonding and fighting Some Monsters

The Elves can wait now, it's time to go hunting. So I went to talk to gray

"So have you opened your satchel" I asked while looking at him.

"Yeah I got a myth egg, it's cute but I had to put her into the pokeball thing or else she would run"lilac said playing with the blue orb.

"Anyways me and gray are gonna go down the caves to hunt some spiders"I said while walking away.

"Sure be careful it's almost dark" lilac said while waving his hand lazily.

He was right it was getting dark but not for another two hours, I went to get gray.

"Hey gray let's go" I said while knocking her door.

"Oh ok I'm coming out" She said as she opened door. She was wearing iron armor and it doesn't cover her entire body, on her arms were leather sleeves and it didn't look uncomfortable on her.

"You're wearing iron armor?" I asked her.

"Uhm yeah it looked like this when I put it on" she said, her gray eyes shining a little.

"Sure let's go" I said as she followed behind me while walking out the door.

"Soo how are you coping with our new situation" She asked.

"I mean its only been a few hours but it's not that bad, but yeah I think we're gonna have a lot of fun things to do, how are you coping" I asked now we were walking side by side.

"I'm still not sure, but atleast we are together Right?" She asked while smiling.

" I guess we do have each other, but no one can be cuter than you" I said teasingly while flicking her forehead.

"Hey that hurt?!" She said while touching her head and pouting.

"And also…thanks" she said while blushing a little.

"Heh, you do know in the group we are the only two who ever met in real life, and we always had fun when we did, but we met the others too. That time was actually funny haha" I said while reminiscing some days.

" atleast we can all be together now" she said while holding my hand a bit.

I chuckled a bit and continued our way to the caves and followed the stairs down, hopefully no one is there.

The torches were still there, we followed the path and then I decided we should go to another section of the cave, and hopefully not meet anyone.

"It's silent here and creepy…well I guess it's normal since it's Minecraft logic" I said while gray held my hand a little tighter.

"Oh are you scared" I asked while looking at her, her eyes shining in the dimly lit cave.

"…n..no" she said with her voice quivering for a bit.

"Haha don't get scared you'll be fine, it's just a little bit of darkness" I said reassuring her.

"..ok" She said silently. We continued our way down the cave, I closed my eyes and opened it my eyes now glowing red.

I can see a few mobs through the walls but not that much, Two spiders, a zombie and a skeleton.

"Well looks like we have a few mobs to kill, are you ready gray" I asked looking at her.

"Don't worry they're just monsters" I turned around to look, she has an axe on her hand now

"Ok…I'll take care of the skeleton and the spider, You take on the zombie and the other spider." I said while bringing out both of my iron swords.

And now I just realized I need to make an enchantment table. But that would need bookshelves and I'm not gonna go leather hunting that's just plainly annoying.

I can see the figures of the mobs their heat energy was very little especially the zombie and the Skeleton.

We slowly made our way into the tunnel of the other cave, it was dark and I could see the red eyes of the spider shining brightly in the dark.

"Gray get ready" I silently said.

"Ok.." She replied quietly

As we enter the cave it was very big and had a few ores on them and some crystals that were growing, there were more than one mob that's the thing I failed to see.

"Oh boy well….Looks like we have to wing it, Gray Show no mercy" I said as the air around, started to become a bit hot.

"I plan not too, I was getting bore anyways" she said while taking her stance, her axe now hanging on her shoulder.

Now then let's see what we can do without overheating myself, Maybe it's because I have 10 hearts that's why I overheat quickly, but this should be enough.

I started to run at a zombie both my swords getting heated by the second. I slashed at the zombie severing it's hand and slashed its head with my other Sword. It died and dropped Rotten Flesh and some Xp.

"Eternal a skeleton is behind you?!" Gray said while finishing of a spider with her axe.

I turned around and hit the arrow that was shot from behind me and blocked them with both my swords.

I ran towards the skeleton, dodging the arrow that were coming my way and then I arrived infront of it jamming my sword insides its eye sockets, Killing it in the process.

A spider ran towards me its speed impressive but it's still not enough, the moment it came near my body it started taking damage from the heat that was radiating off my body, it was getting closer to me until it fell and it's red eyes going dim.


Then I heard a strange sound behind me, it was a stray Vampire now looking at me it's eyes rapidly moving as if trying to gauge my movements.

It felt the radiant heat near me from its place, it decided to turn around and run, but I'm not gonna let it go just like that.

I used my wings fully, making me move three blocks per second, making me arrive behind its back and ultimately stabbing my sword into its heart, its body dropped to the ground and turned to Ash.

It dropped a vampire fang, Not really helpful to us but I kept it.

"Well that was a bit easy, hey Gray how are you doing?!" I asked while watching her cut a vampire in half.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking though" She said with a smile on her face.

I shrugged and continued my pursuit of the mobs, now there were some other mobs in here too but they don't seem to attack, but there was one problem….There were a lot of creepers here almost five of them coming after me.

"….ah creepers the enemy of all Minecrafters" I said while stopping the heat that was getting too much for me and the surroundings.

I could use the heat in small bursts, that saves more energy and doesn't make me overheat that much.

I hit one of the creepers, which now all of them were flickering white, at the last moment I jumped and avoided the explosion. But I did lose three hearts of health, it will regenerate in a while.

"Becareful Eternal!!"Gray worriedly said while dodging a skeletons assault, She reached the skeleton and chipped but its arms dropping the bow on the ground, and slashed at its sideways its upper half falling to the ground and disappeared leaving a bow and a bone on the ground, She picked it up and continued to a Nearby spider.

I jumped avoiding another attempt of a spider shooting at me, I arrived in front of it cutting its head off.

"Well that was a good harvest I guess" I said while looking at the thirty eight string in my inventory and the ten gunpowder.

"Soo are we going back?" Gray Asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Nope we're gonna mine some ores" I said bringing out my pickax.

"Haha you aren't tired, Maybe you could carry me instead" she laughed while showing a teasing slime.

"Oh really then…here we go" I said sweeping her off her feat and carried her like a princess.

"H…h..hey I was just jocking" She said while her cheeks had a tint of red.

"Oh really, What would you do if I kissed you right now and her" I asked while teasing her a bit.

"…" She was silent while she turned her head to the other side.

"Gray why are you silent" I said while smiling a bit.

"…it's nothing…uhm can you put me down please." She asked quietly.

"Oh why you seem to really like this" I said while gently dropping her on her legs.

"Gray~ why so flustered" I said while grinning.

"Hmph…You're mean" She said while playfuly pouting.

"Eh didn't you say I should carry you" I said while she gave me 'The Eye'.

"Fine I'll stop" I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"….Sure you will" she said while grabbing my arm again.

"And now you're holding my hand…I don't mind though" I said while we walked down the caves.

After some time we mined some ores, found a few diamonds and other miscellaneous ores, We decided it was getting late and we went back to the surface.

This was a nice day, got chased by dragons, Found that we aren't the only sentient people in this world, And hanging out with cute little gray. Oh I also can't forget Samael it's a cute dragon and I might have to find it some golden carrots and a golden apple, it must be quite bored in its orb I'll let it out once me and gray go back.

We walked more faster gray which was beside seemed tired, I feel tired too well I guess we have been mining and fighting nonstop, So I would understand, im pretty sure I'm more tired than her. But it's just probably me.

"Ah look who's feeling sleepy, Should I carry you now~" I said while teasing more.

"Hey stop it" She said while giving me a weak punch

"I was only joking" she said while yawning a bit.

"Hmm sure, think what you think." I said while holding her hand more firmly.

She looked at me with a smile and continued our way up.

After we came back we saw that it was already evening, Shade and the rest were just outside, sitting on a wooden makeshift chair.

"Ooh the lovebirds are back" lilac said while giving me a thumbs up, I naturally replied with a middle finger.

"Well you guys seem to have fun" Shade said while playing around with an apple.

"I'm so sad my little gray is growing up" Rose said while wiping out her imago tears.

"Hello Eternal, So what did you mine for us" Scarlet said greedily while reading a book with a screaming face on it….he was sitting further away from the rest.

"Shut up Cultist Bastard?!" Lacier said while being annoyed, Scarlet must have done something to him.

"Hello to all of you too, aren't you guys worried about mobs spawning here?" I asked

"Yeah it's getting pretty dark" Gray said while looking at the now darkening sky.

"Well yes but nothing beats fresh air" lilac said spreading his hands, clearly stating that ima coward.

"As I gestured earlier fuck you" I said with a gloomy expression in my face.

"Love you too eternal" he said waving his hands with an evil grin on his face.

I got irritated and…

"Samael bite him" I said summoning him out of my capture orb.

"…Hey hey no need to do that we're all friends right guys ,guys?" Lilac said while the rest moved away from him leaving him the only one on the chair.

"…we can talk about this" lilac said.

"Too late seek him boy" I said while Samaels golden eye shine in the dark and with speed and bit him on the leg.

"Ow ow ow get it off?!" He said while moving his leg frantically.

After three minutes of lilac screaming we all went inside leaving the femboy outside laying on the dirt…..