
Minecraft Kaisen: The Strongest

A group of friends decided to play modded Minecraft. Through some twisted and supernatural events, they're transmigrated into the world of Minecraft.   They had installed the Jujutsu Kaisen mod, and from this, they took on the looks and abilities of their chosen characters. What was there to do in a real-life version of 'Minecraft: Kaisen?' Become the strongest, obviously! Jujutsu Kaisen x Minecraft x Real life. (Mods: Jujutsu Craft, Jujutsu Craft GT, and Lost Cities.) Extra tags: JJK, Minecraft, More Than One Protagonist, Jumping. (Based on a true story.)

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Basics Of A Minecrafter? (Part 1)





(Third POV:)

"Wait, who are you?"

Immediately, Akira, Cursed, Sceptix, and Sloth jumped back. Exposing the person who was in the center of the group.


It was a woman. Around five feet and three inches. Her long, white hair reached her back as it flowed in the air due to the wind. She had pale white skin with two little horns on her forehead.


She was wearing the same uniform as Ghost, yet it didn't hide how gifted she was. The jujutsu high uniform seemed a little tight on her. Her eyes were bright pink, and she was extremely beautiful


'She appeared without a word.'


'This woman must be dangerous'


'She's definitely a cursed spirit. If I could come into contact with her, I might be able to absorb her.'


'This is interesting. Maybe I can test out my infinity some more.'


These thoughts were rushing through their heads, yet Akira's thoughts seemed much more serious from the look on his face.


'Damn. What size are they? They've got to be D cups—no, maybe even bigger!' As Akira thought of this, he raised his hand to the air over his right shoulder. His left hand, which was grasping toward the air, had closed a bit.


A weapon appeared from mid-air. It was the Soul Split Katana! He had pulled it out of his Minecraft inventory.


His face looked as if he had seen a thousand wars. "Tell us who you are!" He spoke with unknown amounts of anger, and even the others questioned whether this person had done something to him or not.

"It's me, Shizu. Don't you guys remember me? You know I was in the voice chat as well, right?" The new person, now known as Shizu, spoke with confusion.


"Oh." Omni was the first to respond, and he had lowered his guard. This started a chain reaction where, one by one, everyone began calming down.


Everyone except Akira, that is. "If you're Shizu, then why are you a woman? Especially one that wasn't on the list of options!" He held his weapon tighter as he spoke with distrust in his tone.


"I chose the 'Random' option. I think it meant random as in anything, and because of that, I was turned into a woman." Shizu spoke with the calmness of a still pond. Yet it still hadn't convinced Akira.


Akira began bending his knees as if he were about to blast forward. "If you're Shizu, then say something only he would know." A smirk formed on his face as he knew that if this wasn't Shizu, then they wouldn't be able to answer this question.


"When Akira was in school, he had a girlfriend. She was a very beautiful girl, yet Akira had-" Akira had run over to Shizu and put a hand over her mouth to stop her from speaking anymore.


"Stop speaking! It's you! I know I fumbled!" Akira seemed almost ready to punch himself in the face as he kept speaking.


Putting the Soul Split Katana back in his inventory, he kneeled on the ground. The memories of his past were resurfacing.

"Damn Shizu, you ain't got to do him like that." Omni walked over to them and patted Akira on the back, just like he did for him.


"Yeah, that was messed up." Cursed couldn't help but join in the conversation. The only one who was confused was Sloth.


"Wait, what happened? I never heard of this story before." Sloth, being genuinely confused, asked the question to the rest of the group.


"You're new, so you don't know, but it's something we won't talk about due to Akira only telling us once." Cursed had cut in and whispered to Sloth, who made a face that looked as if he understood the situation.


"When did you even get here, Shizu? We didn't see a message for you in chat." Akira spoke in a quiet and depressed tone while slowly standing back up.


"I was here when you guys got here. It might be because I chose random that you didn't see a message, but I was using my technique to make myself invisible. It was working for a while until I ran out of energy." Shizu's tone was unsure, but upon getting to talk about her technique, she became more energetic.


"Where is everyone else?" Shizu looked around, noticing that not everyone was around when she got there.


"'Mahitoasm' or whatever you want to call him went to search for cursed spirits to increase his grade. He believes that the mod rules still apply to us in gaining strength.


Ghost and Souei ran off into the woods. The rest of us are here working out our inventory and the Minecraft rules of this world." Akira spoke calmly as he began explaining where everyone else had gone. The majority of which Shizu nodded to, but quickly it turned to confusion.




"Yeah, Shizu?"


"Where is Crimson?"

Everyone who heard that question immediately went wide-eyed. Even Sceptix, who was messing around with how his abilities worked, stopped what he was doing.


"Oh shit..." were the only words that could come out of Akira's mouth. Everyone besides Shizu was frozen, trying to search their brains for where they could have seen him.


Shizu stood there with a questioning look. None of the others were saying anything. Akira quickly began looking around at the others, and as he looked at them one by one, they shook their heads.


None of them had seen a trace of the man. Not one had seen a single thing in chat by him either. If he were transported with them, then wouldn't he type in chat upon seeing their messages?


"He isn't here," Akira said solemnly.


"He's not in the area?" Shizu responded, still with a smile.


"No... He's not... Here." Akira said it again, this time looking Shizu in the eyes and pointing to the earth beneath them.


"Oh..." Shizu's smile lessened slowly yet very visibly. It affected everyone. One of their friends was not with them, even though he was the main creator of the event.

The mood of everyone was visibly dragged down. Even though they semi-hated him in a friend sort of way, they still didn't want to see him dead.


It was sad. It was a cruel twist of fate that the person who brought them together for this event was to be the only one left out.

{Mahitoasm: Guys, I found something.}


Seeing and hearing the chat brought them out of the situation a bit. The chat was a mixture of a voice chat and a normal text chat.


You could type by speaking, and the person on the other side could hear you speak. It was like being on a voice call with friends while playing a game.


{Akira Fushiguro: Where are you?}


{Mahitoasm: You see that big tree? If you go in that direction and head straight, you'll find where I am.}


Akira and the others all looked around before spotting a tree that was bigger than the rest. "You know, I really want to get into this mining and crafting stuff. This might be cool." Omni said as he thought of how he could merge Jujutsu with Minecraft abilities.


As they reached the beginning of a forest, Akira kicked a thin tree and snapped it in half. He grasped the part of the tree that fell to the ground and put it in his inventory.


Logs x6

leaves x72

Sticks x15


He saw that he got an achievement for it, yet nobody said anything about it in chat. It seemed only Jujutsu Craft achievements would show up in the chat.


He turned to the rest of the group, which looked at him with a disgusted face. "What?" Akira said, as he genuinely didn't know what they were looking at him like that for.


"You're not even going to get the rest of it?" Sceptix said what everyone was thinking out loud.


Akira looked at them all with a 'really?' Face, grabbed the rest of the tree, and put it in his inventory.

Logs. x3