
Minecraft: Calamity of injustice

The blocky world of Minecraft slowly succumbs to the "darkness"... However new heroes arise from the depths to conquer and prevent the Calamity that is till yet to come in the world... Join Kyle Brave Heart and Johann Grant! Along with some good friends along the way to stop the so called Calamity of Injustice...

Chris_Quinonez · Video Games
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12 Chs


It's a good day.. (although Johann's cooking messed it up..)

"I hear you muttering Kyle!" Shouted Johann.

"Well it doesn't matter because once we reach Trimerio we will have an even better place to sleep and also good food!" Jack willingly dictated to us.

Hmm according to the map it should be South East from us... It's the closest city but sure enough it still far away... Probably some 40-50 miles away... It might take us a day or two to get there... For now let's scavenge some wood for resources and burning material!

"Should I craft some TNT guys?" Johann asked?!

"Sure, but I don't think we can use it anytime soon" says Jack.

"Well you won't know it might redeem it self (laughs"

But hey!


My resonance will last shorter than I expected and the chance of it happening is low and after it does I will most likely faint from exhaustion! So it's best to get good gear while we have time!

"Good idea! There is a cave nearby! Let's get ourselves some iron!" Says Jack!

"Ooohhh emeralds!" I found some.

We went inside that cave and found a ton of iron ultimately restoring our items back (shields, armor, and tools!)

We headed back outside to find out it was raining! And also we were in a plains biome so there where barely or no trees in sight! That also meant the enderman outside of us to take shelter inside the cave!

"Don't look in their eyes... Don't touch them... Our will surely be in trouble" Jack said!

Roger that! We were creeping our wait out of the cave when suddenly... BOOM!

A creeper randomly exploding Infront of us! Launching us back inside of the cave!

In the process there was a misunderstanding between the endermans... They took the explosion as we were RESPONSIBLE OF IT?!?!?!

The endermans started to attack us?! Me and Jack ran deeper in the cave while there was several enderman chasing us! Luckily they stopped chasing us! However they were guarding the entrance so we couldn't go back outside! What's worse is that we cannot make platforms up to higher ground to go up because there will be skeletons shooting us from below! There was only two of two of us! Even if we had the shields were no match of skeletons shooting us in a 360 form below us! We had no choice but to find another exit somewhere!

Me and Jack slayed the mobs Infront of us slowly approaching deeper in the huge cave!

As me and Jack were walking we started to worry about Johann who is outside right now...

But thoughts like that seems to didn't faze us, so we ultimately temporarily didn't mind that at all because we knew Johann will be safe because it was daytime...

We then reached an elevated part of the cave hoping there would be an exit or at least less mobs so we can make one!

We were glad on what we've saw! A small part of the cave were there is no mobs that can spawn! Holy dirt blocks let's go! I celebrated as I carve up an exit for me and Jack!

However our happiness didn't last long...

We heard a lot of mobs behind us...

They were following us! And again it looked like it was orchestrated as if they were moving accordingly with a smart mind!

We were in trouble because dozens of mobs sorrounded us! In that time creepers were the first one to approach us! Like they were going to just our armor first! Then the rest of the mobs behind them (skeletons, zombies, and spiders) will finish us off...

We were in brink of the death because we knew even if we had shields these amount of mobs can overpower us and kill us!?!

I thought I could again transform into my Resonated state but it seems it was not the case this time!

We were in deep trouble indeed! Until ...

We heard "explosions!" It was not creepers... It was above us!

"Woah!" Jack shouted... As we look at the gravel in front of falling down on the mobs below it! We were saved... Phew (sighs)

As we were both relieved we heard a familiar voice above us!

"Hello?! Guys? You safe?"

Johann! It was Johann!

"I told you my TNT would be useful (laughs)"

He laughingly said.

"Good thing I also have a good sense of hearing!" He added.

It was a total relief indeed... We finally manage to come back up and reunite with Johann...

"I feel like this happen before, falling gravel? (Laughs) that time that we were also separated in that other cave! It also saved me! It didnt occur that it would save my life once more haha!

We had our good laugh and started moving again to Trimerio!

However I had this thought... The mobs seemed like they moved like a whole group working together?! I swear I never saw mobs like them so smart?! Also right before we went up I glanced at the bottom and saw miasma that quickly disappeared so maybe it was Gorgon doing it to stop us!

I need to be very wary about everything because who knows, he might be watching us right now...

Nothing really happened after that! Except we found an elevated location or what you call a mountain! So we decided to build a temporary base up there, because mobs spawn less often on higher places...

It was getting night and dark and there were no sign of mobs around the mountain so I guess we'll have a good night's sleep?!

Zzzz... (Snores)

Have a good rest heroes... Because there will be a surprise waiting for you once you get to Trimerio.... (Ominous laughter)

The next day...

"Alrighty, I'm super pump!? Let's get to walking y'all" The enthusiastic Johann said.

"What's gotten into you? You've became perky Johann?! Like it!" Says Jack.

Well it was a pretty good morning cause we had a peacefull sleep last night...

Let's go! We were only about an estimated 20 kilometers away from "Trimerio" so maybe by Afternoon we'd reach there!

"Hey guys? Where did my flint n' steel go? As well as my sand blocks go?" Jack questioned ..

"Don't know... Maybe you dropped it or something " Kyle said.

"Oh that?!" Johann replied.

"The one I used to umm... Craft the TNT's? Whoops... I never thought it was yours" Johann again said.

"Bruh, WTH! That was all my blocks -_- " Jack responded.

"Yeah² I'm sorry let's just get you new blocks... Here have some of my wood!"

As the we were arguing about "certain concerns" blah blah blah... I heard something or a...

DOG! it's barking! Outside!

I opened the door and there it was! A cute dog in our doorstep! But he was in shackles... He seemed paranoid and afraid!

Arf! (Barks) growls... Grr...

It seems it wants me to follow it!

"Hey guys!" I called out to the two.

"Look! This dog I think wants us to follow him!"

The dog was also heading in the direction to Trimerio and we do not know what is happening, but judging by the state of this poor dog we thought something bad happened at Trimerio so all three of us followed the dog posthaste! We finally saw Trimerio in our own eyes!

We've finally arrived at Trimerio! It was probably noon that time so we were expecting no trouble whatsoever but again, the dog seems troubled of the events that could potentially harm it and the city!

There it was...

We got inside the border of Trimerio... Slowly approaching the main gates and we noticed first that security wasn't strong! More enough the guards standing by in the gate all had pale faces! We've entered Trimerio!

As we look inside the vicinity we noticed a lot of the citizens inside all looked very pale and had no emotion except something like depression or whatever! They also walked pretty slow and didn't seem to care that we were here!

"What happened to you people?" I asked.

No one responded... They were all quiet nothing but some little mutters heard from their mouths...

Just what exactly happened in this once prosperous and joyful city?! We had no clue..

The dog kept barking at us... It still wants us to follow him! So we did as we speak! I wonder what could have caused all of this...

What is happening to Trimerio?!?! why was everyone like that?!

You guys have to stay and notified at all times to know what exciting things will happen! where will the dog leas the trio? who knows...

Chris_Quinonezcreators' thoughts