
The Overworld

3rd Person POV

While Ander and Alex were walking they didn't know they were being watched. In one of the obsidian towers a tall enderman sat watching the two. This enderman is named Tau, the first enderman to ever exist in the end. He, before becoming an enderman was just a simple builder living in the overworld before what they call the "That" occurred.

Tau observed the two in silence, "This girl looks ordinary maybe she is special in some way... Let's see" He looked at Alex, his eyes flickered blue as he stood up in shock, "It cannot be! This child is his?!" he exclaimed, saying nothing more he teleported away from their location with haste.

By the time he disappeared Ander suddenly stopped and looked at the tower Tau last stood. His eyes narrowed looking at the dark shade of purple left by Tau's disappearance, 'The shade of the particles... An Ancient?' He knew it was an ancient by the color of their particles. Young endermen like himself have a lighter shade of purple around the color of pink.

He glanced at Alex who looked around curious to why he stopped at that certain spot, "Hey Endy why did you stop here? Is there anything here? Did you notice something? Can you tell me? Oh wait I can't understand you forget my last question" she said rather quickly earning a chuckle from Ander.

"What's so funny?" she said raising a brow, He stopped chuckling as his face turned bright red, 'Cute' Alex thought unconsciously, she shook her head trying to erase the thought but it simply didn't work, 'Why am I feeling like this? We only just met heck I don't even understand him... But why am I strangely attracted to him...' She thought as her cheeks heat up, after a long pause Alex slapped her cheeks startling Ander a bit. He looked at her, his face told her that he was worried.

He started checking around her body searching for injuries, seeing none he let out a breath of relief. Alex then remembered that she defeated the ender dragon. Taking his hand she dragged him with her towards the dragon's corpse.

Ander's POV

She's touching me... What do I do! Do I scream for help?! No stupid you'll scare her ughh. I felt my face heat up by her touch as she led my back to the corpse. I was confused why did we return here? Seeing my confusion Alex answered, "I need it's hide to make better armour for my community so I'll be taking the corpse with me"

Understanding why we came back I nodded and watched her seperate the corpse into chunks and putting it into her inventory. I noticed she was having a difficult time carrying some of the chunks so I walked over and carried a chunk for her. She was surprised at my action that she looked at me in the eyes.

She then realized what she did, expecting to go berserk she closed her eyes waiting for me to attack... But I didn't seconds go by she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, "You... Didn't attack?" I shook my head, I already knew why I didn't. I'm a defect and I'm much more human-like than the other endermen.

She released the bresth she unconsciously held, "Phew! I thought I was going to die again!" She said, she flopped down in the ground while I watched her, 'Wait a minute again' usually normal humans only live once in the world but Alex said 'Die again' meaning she's not an average human, "Sigh troublesome"

I said outload making Alex look at me, "You know I can't understand right?" I nodded, picking up the last chunk of the dragon from the ground and giving to her, "Ngh!! Ahh~ I can finally relax!!" She shouted hands high up in the air, "Oh that's right Endy do you want to come with me?"

She asked her face close to mine, although I knew that my face was bright red but I have to ask what she meant by that. I tilted my head silently asking her to clarify. She saw this and said, "Sorry let me rephrase that, Do you want to come with me to the overworld?" she said her hands behind her leaning dangerously close to me.

"Judging from how different you are from the other endermen you must be a defect" She said, I nodded my head slowly my eyed darted around, "So is it yes or no?" I looked at her and nodded my head excitedly. She chuckled at my action, "Okay! We will depart in a few minutes, go get ready"

She said while doing a shoo motion. I immediately ran towards where I left Tom at excited to tell him. Spotting Tom I lunged at him full speed sending us tumbling down the endstone floor, "Tom! Tom! I'm going to the overworld!" I excitedly said to my friend, He chuckled and pat my head, "That's great!"

He looked like he expected me to say such thing judging from how he wasn't surprised by the news of me leaving, "You're okay with it?" I curiously said, "Ofcourse in fact every enderman is going to the overworld!"

He said with his usual grin, getting up from the floor and patting the endstone dust from my clothes I looked at Tom, "Tom you're coming with me?" I asked, He looked at me and shook his head, "No I'm not actually though I am going to the overworld we won't be going to the same place,"

I became a bit sad that I won't see Tom in the overworld. As I was thinking he suddenly pat my head and smiled gently, "Don't worry we will see each other again! And I think you left your friend alone for quite some time now" he referred Alex who was observing us from a distance.

I nodded as I hugged him one last time before waving goodbye at him. I arrived infront of Alex excited to see what the overworld looks like, "You ready?" I nodded quickly as I took her hand, "Now whatever you do don't let go of my hand" she said rather seriously.

I nodded as we both jumped on a portal. The ride was a bit nauseating but manageable. After what seemed like eternity we finally landed, "Okay you can open you're eyes Endy" I did just that and saw for the first time what the overworld looked.

Endermen are scary

Chihiro_Kanzakicreators' thoughts