
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Video Games
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17 Chs


After that interesting revelation, not much actually happened, and a few months passed normally. I mined some more iron, redstone, coal, etc... I also found a small amount of gold - amounting to about nine ingots - as well as grabbed some copper. I also found a blue rock of sorts called Lapis Lazulai (A/N: I don't know how to spell it), which is used in enchanting. I also found two diamonds! It was actually pretty funny, I encountered them and mistook them for sapphires, and just ignored them. Then Kyle and Linkon followed me one day, and once Kyle saw the diamonds he freaked out and practically strangled me when he found out I had ignored them, so I mined them up, getting two. We then all went exploring together into the ravine towards a glow I had seen, and it was a large lake of lava. Kyle simply turned to me and asked if I had any water, and while I didn't on me, I had left one in a chest up at the top of the ravine, so we trekked back, grabbed it, and he then told me to 'place' the water 'block' on the edge of the lava lake, and when I did it rushed out in a glorious fashion, cooling a portion of the lava into obsidian.

I then, after thinking of the 'Nether' that I had been told about, decided to try and make a portal to it, which the Elder had told me about and how to do. I started trying to mine up the obsidian, but was stopped by the pair as obsidian apparently needs a diamond pickaxe or higher to be mined. I shrugged and started experimenting to figure out how to actually make obsidian. First I picked up some lava in a bucket - which worked for some reason, despite me dropping a piece of iron in and it instantly burning up -, dumped it out outside of the pool, placed a block of stone and got on it, then placed some water on the stone. It near instantly went across the entire lava, turning most of it to stone... and the center piece that I had placed into obsidian. I then continued experiments like this until I figured something out. That is, I figured out that 'running' lava, generated by source blocks, becomes stone, and 'still' lava, the source blocks that is, becomes obsidian.

A while later, and I had made a portal, but decided I wouldn't go through, as I wasn't sure if I could get out again if I didn't have obsidian with me, so I started looking for a final diamond to get obsidian. I eventually found another pocket, with five diamonds this time! I was able to make two pickaxes and a diamond reinforced shield. I then mined up about fifteen pieces of obsidian, calculated it was enough, and went through - alone, as I didn't want the people with limited lives to die. When I went through, I discovered a few interesting things. One, I was incredibly hot, the air was simmering, there was lava everywhere, and I hated it. Two, there was another full portal on this side, so I literally went and wasted time in getting the diamonds to get a pickaxe.

I then set off in a random direction, placing torches behind me to leave a trail, since my compass wasn't working. As I wandered, I kept hearing horrid, dying cat screams, pig like snorts, and the sound of slime bouncing on stone. I eventually discovered a crowd of rotting, humanoid pigs that looked at me with curiosity, but left me alone. I also discovered large molten slimes that were very aggressive, tall, charred skeletons wielding stone swords, a few endermen here and there, and I once glimpsed a mob that almost looked like a giant, white jellyfish. As I was exploring, I eventually discovered... a wall. It was ancient, broken down in many places, with lots of holes in it, and it was made out of some strange black substance. I prodded at the substance, and eventually determined it was incredibly durable, only a bit below that of obsidian. I entered, and found a large amount of loot filled chests, containing things like gold coated apples, a few of which were glowing with enchantments, some damaged gold and diamond equipment, most of which had some decent enchantments on...

And finally... I found a center room. This one was almost untouched, despite the damage to the rest of the ruin. It had a large, fancy throne, large gold chunks lining a path to it, and dust. So much dust. It covered everything, thick, sooty, and choking. I could barely take a step without asphyxiating. I carefully prodded on, eventually reaching the throne, which had a circle around it that was completely untouched. I touched the throne, and suddenly, it burst into - big shock - more dust. Below where it had been, there was a chest, abnormally colored and shaped. It was made out of obsidian and the strange black material, with braces made out of a strange metal, and a lock. The lock looked rather standard, but when I looked in the keyhole, I could only see a tiny bit in, it was filled with so many parts that I don't know the name or use of. I tried mining it, but my pickaxe simply bounced off, with a chip missing off of it. I then saw a key on the far side of the room, also untouched by the dust. I trekked over, considerably more wheezy when I reached it, grabbed it, and went back.

I then looked at the key, and I saw it was made of the same strange metal. I then suddenly got yet another 'notification', with it saying 'Ruin key' found. I then shrugged, put the key in the lock, and it fit perfectly. I then turned it, the lock unlocking and the lid to the chest opened silently and smoothly. Inside was half a stack of blocks made of that strange metal, a full suit of armour made of it, and a few things that made me freeze in shock. A set of tools, surrounded by other materials and blocks. It was all made with my powers, just by a different person. And these tools... I could instantly feel they were off, otherworldly... I looked at the pickaxe, looking at it. I then got it. These were no ordinary tools. These were tools made of this strange metal... and reinforced with bedrock. I could practically feel their power, and yet... I couldn't use them... only touch them. Almost like I wasn't strong enough yet.

I grabbed everything in the chest, amounting to half a stack of the strange metal blocks, an axe and a pickaxe made of the strange metal and reinforced with bedrock, a shield made of the metal, layered in a fiber I believed to be carbon fiber, and reinforced with - you guessed it - bedrock. There was also half a stack of the enchanted golden apples, the metal armour, and four sixteen item stacks of strange dark colored... pearls? I wasn't that sure, but I knew they were a somewhat normal item. I then went home, this time able to grab the weird chest, and went back to the portal. When I got there, it was... damaged. I could see it slowly cracking, leaking a purple liquid. I went through, and the other side was just as damaged, and was almost leaking Nether. The ground was converted to the weird red rock, with magma and trickles of lava. It had also raised a little, forming a tiny bump of a hill around it. I left, and started going back to the surface.

When I looked back from the top of the ravine, I saw that the portal had shut off, a chunk had disappeared, and a portion of it was cracked, leaking that weird purple liquid, which disappeared near instantly. I shrugged, decided I would repair it later, and went back up. It was midnight when I went up, despite it having been just after midnight when I went down. I then went into my bunker, placed the chest, placed stuff I wanted to store long period in it, and locked it. I then went to sleep, not even bothering to take my armour off before collapsing. The next day, I walked outside to find Kyle and Linkon walking out of the barracks in full armour, both of which froze when they saw me, before walking in and coming out - without their armour - in a few minutes. I asked them what it was about, and they - in varying words - mumbled something along the lines of 'crusading for my life'... weird.

Suddenly, I heard the 'doorbell' I had set up with a basic redstone system and a note block I figured out how to make, and went over to the gate. Outside was a lightly panting person in the classic white robes of one of those priests I encountered a bit back. He held out a letter, saying "It... It's for... you... Gah your so... so far..." I shrugged, opened the letter, and read an invitation, from the 'Head knight' of that one kingdom, to come and meet him, saying he was impressed I had managed to defeat his best knight. I decided that if that knight was the best, that I couldn't be in too much danger, even if its a trap, which seems somewhat unlikely. I grabbed my gear, stuck the weird new metal armour over my main armour, and set off, telling Kyle and Linkon where I was going. They seemed a bit impressed, but mostly just grunted in response. I then set off, following the path towards the city...

Did you guys like his first expedition into the Nether? It won't be the last one ;)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts