
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Video Games
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17 Chs


I slowly woke up, groaning from aches in muscles I didn't know I had. What a dream... I then looked around. It wasn't a dream. I really died. Then how was I back on the surface, seemingly in perfect health according to my 'health bar'? I was very confused, tired, and I needed to get home as night was falling.

When I got home, I looked around and found that everything was still there, except the stuff I had taken with me. I slept, and when day came again I went back into the mine, wasting a few good minutes. The gear and food I put in the chest was still there, to my surprise. My armour and weapons weren't though. It appears I lost what I had on me when I died.

I decided I wouldn't try and retrieve my armour and weapons, because while I wouldn't be able to replace the gauntlets until I find more cows, the rest I have enough to make three sets of equipment, more than enough to keep living until I find something better. There has to be something better after all... its just iron... not even steel, but unprotected iron that can rust easily... whatever, I'll worry about upgrades latter. For now I need to finish the infrastructure of the little town I was making. Oh well, there goes my brief respite from exploring that... shadowy nightmare zone. Speaking of which, I think I'm gonna block off that and any more tunnels I find... just in case.

I then spent the rest of the day and a good chunk of the next day just mining stone...

So much stone...

I'm never mining it again.

I then managed to finish the wall, dig out what will become a road eventually, and start the foundations for a 'smithy' (A/N: a smithy is a blacksmiths shop), a basic barracks, an armoury, and then I practically collapsed in my bunker due to exhaustion. All in all, a pretty standard, if boring, day for me.

The next day I resolved no matter what, I would find something new and life improving before I did anything else. I refuse to mine any longer, I hate it and its tiring. I then set off for a large plain that the mountain partially bordered, and when there I was overjoyed. Animals, everywhere. There were pigs, cows, a few horses, sheep, and oddly enough, a single llama. I then marched forward - that is I sprinted in joy - and killed a few cows and got their leather, killed some pig and got the raw pork chops, and finally, finally, I tried to shear a sheep. I failed, seeing as I was trying to use my sword, but A for effort? However, it did drop a piece of wool when it died. I killed about three more and went home, deciding to make another pair of gauntlets and spend the rest of the day experimenting with the wool.

A few hours(?) later, I finally came up with something. The strange 'intuition' hit me again, and I put three wool in a flat sheet above three wood in the same pattern on the crafting table, and I, to my joy, got a bed with white sheets! I then placed it in the corner, sat on it, and instantly collapsed in bliss.

When I next woke up, I felt better and more refreshed than I had since waking up in this strange new world, and I seemed to be missing aches I didn't realize I had. I then continued building the town - I filled in the roads with gravel and a bit of cobblestone, I finished the smithy, etc -, and oddly, as I finished the barracks, I felt something... right. Suddenly, a glow covered the buildings and such inside the town, and a new 'menu' appeared in my eyes. It was the strangest of all I had seen so far, and unlike the other ones - which I just had a vague idea the full function off -, this one had a label, with it saying 'settlement management'. I first off had the option of the 'target species' for it, which it actually seemed to give me a tutorial almost for it. That is, it told me what this whole thing is, and gave me some insight into where I was. First, the 'target species' was a percentage of sorts as to what the population of the first few generations I wanted to be. There were about five options, but all but one where blacked out and had a lock over them. The unlocked one was simply labeled 'Terran'.

I clicked on it, and received a overall description and what it literally called 'stats' and 'abilities'.

It didn't look good.

It appears that 'Terrans' and literally just humans, and the stats didn't look that good. Specifically, we have 40/100 strength, which is basically how hard we can punch/stab/slash stuff, we have 30/100 haste, which is literally how fast we can run, and the other few things averaged around 20-35 out of 100. We do have some amazing 'stats' and 'abilities' though. For example.... we have 100/100 intelligence, and 95/100 endurance, which are first, intelligence - rather self explanatory - and last, the endurance. It is how much damage we can take and the limits of our bodies before shutting down and collapsing due to damage. This menu also stated that we are one of the five most intelligent species, with the others being at 100 also, and of the sentient races, we are second most durable, second only to a redacted species (A/N: no its not the evil things he died to, its something worse). I don't want to know what could be so horrible about a race that knowledge of it isn't just locked, but redacted entirely.

I then set the percentages of 'initial population' to one hundred percent 'Terran'. Obviously, since we are durable, smart, and, its the only option. I waited the rest of the day for people to... I dunno... appear out of thin air? I don't really know what I was expecting. I eventually gave this up - in about ten minutes actually - and finished the roads, a 'large' watch tower, the armoury, and a house. I was very happy to fall into my bed that night.

The next morning was seemingly unimportant at first, with me lounging around, with no idea what to do as I refused to mine or build for the day. I then heard a faint yell. I rushed over to the wall and saw something unexpected but welcome. People. There was a small wagon pulled by a horse and three people, one guiding the horse while the others were on it. One of the ones on the wagon seemed to point me out, and the leader(?) called out to me saying, "Who are you? Can we come in?" I of course was surprised for a few reasons. First, how was it people of what was likely an alternate world/universe spoke english (A/N: don't take offense to this if english isn't your first language, its just mine), and secondly, he (the leader) sounded a tad scared.

I then called out saying "I'll be down in a second." and started walking down built in stairs. I was very intrigued by them, and was questioning who they were and why they were here. I then unlocked one of the small doors built into the larger gate I had made and walked out, shield very slightly raised. I then asked them who they were, and they responded saying "We are survivors from a village some ways away from here and were fleeing with our lives when we found this fortress. Who is your lord, and why have we never heard of a fortress around here before?". I was a bit flustered at their questions and, upon remembering my history lessons, realized that whatever period this place was in was around that of medieval ages, with knights, swords, kings, and crusades. I then told them "There is no 'lord' here, and I am the only person living here seeing as I... well I don't trust you enough to tell you yet but I built this whole place myself. I arrived here around a week and a half ago so unless you have had recon around here after that period, that's why this fort seems new."

They were obviously speechless, their jaws hanging loose - if not open - and when the leader spoke up again he said "Are you a... a wizard? This place would have taken hundreds of people to build in a few moons, but clearly the time you stated is less than half a moon, even if we don't understand what exactly is means..." I then answered with "Moon? Do you mean a month? And a week is just seven days... there are four weeks in a month so... yeah less than half a month... but- right, medieval.. never mind, and no I'm not a wizard.

"Can't everyone do this?"

A few things for today.

First: no I did not drop the story, I was pondering about what to write next (I hit a block and forgot this for about a week).

Two: I have only just realized the redundant chapter numbers (example: Chapter 2: Chapter Two), and I will keep doing it till I get creative enough to rename them properly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Also, I will only say the POV (Position Of View) for the story when it changes. For example, it has been in First person view in all but the 'world building' chapter so far, so when it changes I will have a note at the beginning of the chapter stating it is now in 'third person view'.

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts