
Minecraft: A Bug player with leveling system

Li Yuan wakes up to find that he has traveled into the game world and has become a bug in the game world. But he discovered that this game is actually a holographic version of "Minecraft" that he has played for eight years! More coincidentally, his appearance is exactly the same as the legendary HIM! "Drop! The taming system is activated! Any monster can be tamed!" "Drop! The evolution system is activated! Any species can be evolved!" "Dip! The MOD system has been activated! Any MOD can be opened!" To read advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Donatefic Note: This is not my work, I am only a translator.This book is originally published in chinese language. Gentle reminder for you: This novel and the characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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Chapter~1 I am him?!



Li Yuan was awakened by the low roar from all around.

He rubbed his sleeper's eyes, stretched his waist, and murmured in dissatisfaction. "Damn, did you turn off the TV yesterday?!"

Li Yuan slowly opened his eyes, only to realize that he was not in front of the old ceiling in the room.

It is a starry sky.

At this moment, what lies beneath him is not the comfortable bed, but the layers of leaves.


"what happened?!"

When Li Yuan saw this situation, he bounced from the place.

And when he stood up, he realized that he was in deep danger!

At the moment, he is at the top of a bush,

in a short tree, which is surrounded by hideous, rotten zombies!

The low roars that awakened Li Yuan were made by these zombies!

Seeing the zombies flaring their teeth and claws under the tree, Li Yuan was shocked.

He drew back quickly.

"What's the matter?!!"

There is no doubt that Li Yuan is now in the wild.

But what Li Yuan clearly remembered was that in the world he lived in, things like zombies simply didn't exist!

Li Yuan tried his best to recall what happened before he woke up, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Have I been involved in a biochemical experiment?" Li Yuan thought, looking at the zombies under the tree again.

Although these zombies look different, they have one common characteristic.

Although their clothes are of different levels of wear and tear, the colors are all the same. They wear blue clothes and purple pants.

Seeing this outfit, Li Yuan felt a little familiar.

"This color... is the color of the zombie clothes in Minecraft..."

When Li Yuan thought of this, he couldn't help feeling a little absurd. Could it be that I have traveled into the game?

But it seems a little bit unreasonable.

"It seems that there is no one way to know what's going on..."

Thinking, Li Yuan pulled the leaf on the far right of the top of the tree with his hand.

After about two or two attempts, he saw the lump of leaves being knocked off and then a wooden stick fell.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuan immediately confirmed his thoughts!

He can now be sure that he is really in the game.

And this game is Minecraft. And it's a realistic version of Minecraft!

Li Yuan has been playing Minecraft for eight years, and naturally he knows Minecraft well.

The sticks that just fell from the leaves are enough to prove everything. "It looks like he really crossed worlds..."

Although no one would believe the facts that they are inside a game before, but Li Yuan chose to accept it. After all, what is happening now does not seem to be a dream.

And the low roar of the zombies under the tree has been clearly filling his ears. "Could it be that I am a player?"

If it is really coming through the game, then Li Yuan should be the player. Thinking of this, Li Yuan began to look around.

If it does what I think, there will definitely be other players around. Li Yuan stretched his neck and looked around.

Except for this dense forest, he sees on any figure.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuan couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

For a moment, as if thinking of something, he suddenly got excited. Because there is a word in his mind, login early!

In this situation, he is most likely to be logging in early!

"This feeling is good, I am familiar with the game from the beginning, and I logged in early. Damn since I am stuck here which means that this is my new world?!"

Although all game environments are very real now, it is no better than playing computer games.

But for Li Yuan, who has eight years of Minecraft experience, it will have no effect at all.

If it was like Li Yuan thought, then this means that he had landed early in this world for some reason as there is no player that he sees. Which proves that he is one step ahead of others and fortunately has enough time to develop and advance in the game before any uneventful occasion pops up. Just when Li Yuan starts to think.

Suddenly, a virtual interface popped up.

On the virtual interface, some information is slowly displayed line by line. [Monster Information: #¥@#%#@¥]

[HP: 40]

[Skills: None]


After Li Yuan looked at the displayed information, his thinking was instantly disrupted.

Logically speaking, this virtual interface should be some sort of information bar, appearing in front of Li Yuan.

It means that this interface, if you make a mistake, is Li Yuan's own information column.

What puzzled Li Yuan was the four big characters "Monster Information" on this information bar.

"What the hell is the monster information?!!!"

"Could it be that I am not a player?!!!"

Although there was a moment of confusion, Li Yuan reacted immediately.

He looked at the information bar of the virtual interface again, after seeing the string of garbled characters behind the monster information.

Li Yuan seemed to understand something.

Facts have proved that he really crossed into the game.

But he didn't enter the game as a player, but as a monster!

Maybe it's the game disorder, or some other reason, in short, he has become a garbled monster in the game!

Yes, he is certainly a bug in the game!

Concluding that he is a monster in the game, Li Yuan's mood changes.

If I enter the game as a player who logged-in in advance, it definitely has a huge advantage.

But currently, Li Yuan logged-in in advance as a monster.

Li Yuan thought harder, but really couldn't think of any advantages of being a monster.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that I can hide before any of the players appears, right?

As a bug monster in the game, once a player finds it. There will definitely be hordes of players coming over to kill!

So, no matter how capable Li Yuan is, he can't fight all players alone, right? ! Thinking of this, Li Yuan couldn't help smiling.

Could it be that I start hiding in a cave or nether in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Yuan was a little unwilling.

He opened the information bar again.

The information bar at this time has all been loaded.

Li Yuan's appearance also appeared in the last item of monster information. It was a male character with an inch Wheat-colored skin, with a beard.

He is wearing a light blue T-shirt and dark purple trousers.

The whole image is exactly the same as Steve in Minecraft. It's like a live-action version of Steve.

Except for those eyes.

It was a pair of hollow, emotionless eyes.

Not only is it all white, but it also shines in the dark like a light source! And this image.

Just as well known as Steve.

But his name is frightening!

Li Yuan took a breath when seeing the image in the monster's message. "I am...HIM?!(herobrine)"

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