
Mine at First Scent

"Please, His majesty awaits you," the butler stood at the side of the double doors, gesturing for her to go in. He wanted her to come in?!! Elaina gulped nervously. She had gotten a glimpse of the people in there when the butler entered and she could tell that they were all high class, she wouldn't even be surprised if members of the upper echelon were in there too. But, the problem wasn't the people but how she was dressed. Elaina slowly entered the large hall, her eyes trained on the ground. She could feel his intense gaze on her and many other curious gazes. She subtly pinched the sides of her joggers, to divert her attention from the looks she was receiving. She didn't like being the center of attention, it turned her into a nervous wreck! Mael sat at the head of the table his dark hawk-like gaze watched her like a predator watching his prey and when she came to stand beside him, Sit," he ordered. Elaina reached out to the chair on his side and a maid quickly came to help her pull it back when they heard Mael speak, "Who told you to sit there?" he demanded making both Elaina and the maid pause. Elaina turned to look at him, confusion evident in her black eyes. Did he want her to sit on the floor? A smirk curved up his lips then he moved his chair back a little and tapped his lap. "Sit right here," Elaina's and many others eyes widened and the sound of clattering cutlery echoed through the hall. He wanted her to do what?!

Naaomi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

No act of Protest

Elaina gulped nervously. She was supposed to take her clothes off and change into another but men were present in the room too! There was a man at the entrance with the woman and a man at the back and they were both watching! Her eyes moved to the women who were naked already.

She found it unbelievable that they would just take their clothes off without any sort of protest. Her lips twitched and she took a step back. Her hands and legs were free now so she could run away. She took another step back and hit something.

Elaina turned her head slowly to meet the vampire's eyes,

"Think twice," he warned. His eyes moved to the side of the tent directing her gaze there too.

Her eyes widened in terror. There, at the side of the tent was a woman who lay unmoving, her skin looked pale like she had her soul drained out of her and she had multiple bite marks on her body. It looked like a bunch of vampires had all drank from her at once.

Her eyes moved to the women stripping and it was then that she noticed that they were trembling as they took off their clothes.

She understood immediately that any action or word of protest, they would end up with the same fate. She saw the second vampiress open a trunk filled with white dresses and that's when she realized that if she didn't do as they said, she was going to be the only one left in the spotlight.

There didn't seem to be a specific order but the other women tried to hide behind themselves and stood far away from the vampiress, which meant that if she stood closer to her she would be the first to be given a dress so she wouldn't stay naked for long. She quickly walked to where the vampiress was and stood right in front of her.

Athena entered the room a second later and when she saw Elaina she quickly walked to where she was.

"Take your clothes off, Athena," she whispered to her before pulling her t-shirt over her head and the little girl followed in her footsteps.

Elaina took off her shorts and stood completely bare.

The vampiress noticed her glasses which she wasn't supposed to have, but it wasn't part of her job so she didn't care. "Spread your arms," came her lazy order and Elaina complied.

The vampiress inspected her body, checking for any scars or blemishes, she noticed the silver chain around her neck but it didn't matter either. "Move your hair and turn around,"

Elaina moved her hair to the front to cover her bosom and turned obediently. When she turned, she noticed the vampire at the exit of the tent whose eyes were traveling between the bare women, like he was watching an interesting show. His eyes fell on her and she saw his perverted smirk, but she couldn't do anything other than cover herself with her hands. Just a few more seconds till it was over, she told herself.

"Put this on," she heard. She turned and took the white dress from the vampiress and hurriedly put it over her head. The dress was a round-necked one so it pushed her glasses down. After she stuck her head through it, she closed her eyes and pushed her glasses back up.

After that, she stuck her hands through the oversized dress, relieved to finally be covered.

"Over here," the vampire at the exit happily called. She avoided the vampire's gaze when she got to the exit and walked outside to be met with the open back of a black van.

Some were already in the van with their hands tied behind their backs and clothes tied around their mouth and eyes. Two vampires leaned on the doors of the van waiting for the next person and when they saw her, one of them pushed himself off the van and walked towards her.

It was the end of the line already, these were the last few minutes of her freedom. She could make a run for it but to where? They were in the middle of a forest and the place was crawling with vampires and werewolves and she wasn't athletic. Even if she was, she couldn't outrun a vampire.

"Glasses?" the vampire's hand shot to her face and snatched it off. Elaina quickly shut her eyes in response.

"You can't have glasses," he crushed it in his hand, "What are those guys doing?" he muttered, wondering how they let one of the slaves off with glasses.

Elaina heard her glasses break. She already expected this so she had used some of her hair to cover her right eye earlier in the tent but the thought of the vampires seeing her eyes scared her and she soon started trembling.

"Hey, Draluc, why didn't you get rid of her glasses?" the vampire asked Draluc who just got there.

Draluc saw the broken glasses on the floor. He was too late. "It was Dio's idea," he shrugged.

"Tch!" He walked to Elaina's back with the rope and a blindfold in his hands, "Makes me wonder if you're doing the job right," he muttered while Elaina was relieved that her eyes were going to be covered. He tied her hands behind her back and then tied a cloth around her mouth.

He was about to tie the blindfold around her eyes when the vampire, Dio's voice sounded, "Wait a minute!" which made him stop.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

"I need her for a bit," Dio answered. Sweat dripped down his face and his chest rose up and down like he had run there.

"You can't touch the goods, Dio," he replied while Elaina wondered what the hold-up was. Her curiosity was getting the better of her but she kept her eyes closed.

"She just has to be untouched and uninjured, right?"

"Tch!" she heard the vampire behind her and the next thing she knew, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her hastily, forcing her to follow him. She opened her left eye to see what was happening.

She saw the back of a sweaty man dragging her into the forest and the next thing she knew, her back slammed forcefully into a tree. Elaina slumped to the ground, her ears rang and she felt nothing for ten seconds. After that she opened her left eye to see the person who slammed her into the tree.

Her head throbbed and her vision was blurry but she made out the outline of the person who stood a few steps away with his back facing her.

He grabbed his hair tightly in frustration, he was going crazy! He turned violently to the stupid woman and when he saw her on the floor, nerves popped on his temple. "You!" he walked hastily to where she sat and pulled her up with her hair,

"What the hell did your mother do to me?!" he yelled at her face.

Elaina gritted her teeth in pain but the tears slipped from her closed eyes. His hold on her hair was too tight, she didn't even know what he was talking about.


"I-I don't know," she managed to say.

"F*CK!!" the vampire released her hair and stepped away from her.

Elaina dropped to the ground panting. Her scalp stung and she felt heat similar to the one she had felt at home creeping up her body. Her head spun and her vision started to blacken.

Dio wiped the sweat dripping down his forehead on the sleeve of his shirt. He had to take out his frustration. His eyes moved to Elaina and his lips curled into a smirk.

He bent and grabbed her ankle, pulling her towards him. There were plenty of other goods, it wouldn't matter if one went missing.

The back of her arms and upper back scraped the ground filled with broken sticks and stones when he dragged her, causing tiny tears and bruises but she didn't have time to react to it because she felt the vampire run his sweaty hand up her leg and into her gown. Her eyes shot open and the heat and dizziness disappeared immediately.

She struggled to remove her leg from his tight grip but he didn't release her so she lifted her second leg in panic and kicked him hard in the face. The vampire released her ankle on impact and Elaina took the opportunity to move away from him. It was hard to move with her hands tied and the cloth around her mouth prevented her from screaming but she tried her best to move from him and make any kind of noise.

"You bitch!" the vampire regained his composure and lunged at her but he froze when he saw her eyes. The girl had two different eye colors, black and that of the legendary creature, the Phoenix.

"You-" he started but at the same time, he felt his still heart move. He clutched his chest in pain and dropped to the ground, "What is happening to me?"

Elaina used the opportunity to scurry even farther away from him and her heart skipped a beat when he suddenly looked at her. Blood poured from his ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. He groaned and moved toward her slowly.

She scurried away even faster when he started moving towards her until her back hit a tree. Her heart slammed against her ribcage and she quickly drew her legs to her chest when he got closer. The vampire reached his hand out to her when moving got difficult but before his hand could touch her, his body went up in flames.