
Mind Power

A collection of imaginary scenarios, fantasies, and mindsets invading someone's reality. Mind is a very powerful weapon than can destroy even it's owner. Wanna know how far a thought can go? Then read this book.

AvieAmor · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

The Young Mom


Most of the women believes that the way to be a real woman is to carry a child. To be a mother. Now, you're about to know how far could the woman's will to have a child can go.

Believe it or not, this condition is real but rare.



God I've been waiting for this moment! It's been a week. I'm starting to feel almost all the signs. Nausea, catching up with my breath, mood swings and other symptoms. I'm pregnant, I knew it.

I'm just a teenage girl but who cares I can take care of my child. I can love him or her even more than myself.

I called my partner with full of excitement to announce the best news that he's gonna hear.

"Hon I'm pregnant" I said while calming myself even though I wanted to jump and scream. Oh wait, no more jumping! I have a baby inside me, I have to keep that in mind.

"Uhm what makes you so sure? Come on love, pregnancy is not a guessing game. Have you tried a pregnancy test?" he answered.

I was a bit disappointed. I'm very excited about this and there he is, suspecting that I'm wrong?

" I can't. They said that a pregnancy test works accurately minimum 2 weeks after conceiving. But who cares about a pregnancy test. It's my body and I know I'm pregnant. Just come here please and bring some sour fruits like green mangoes, I'm craving!"

I said and hang up our call.

Now all I have to do is wait for him and eat some fruits hmm yum yum!

Wait, oh no here it comes again!

I run to the kitchen and puke in the sink.

Nausea it is! It's getting harder everyday but it's fine. Everything is worth it for my child---our child.

While I'm cleaning my mouth I heard the door bell rang. Oh finally it's him.

I pulled him and sit to the couch and cling to him.

"I want a cuddle hon pleaseee." I said with a puppy eye.

" Hey, you don't have to say please, I love cuddling you. Specially now that you might be pregnant, there's more for me to hug!" he chuckled.

"Not 'might' I'm really pregnant!" I said with a bit high tone. Hmmp how could he say that?

" Hold your horses , okay okay I won't doubt you anymore calm down. I'm with you, we're gonna be pregnant together."

he said and kissed my fore head. So sweet!

Two months have passed I still haven't got my period. I knew it, see ? I'm pregnant!

My body is slowly changing just like how it was supposed to be. My hips are growing, my belly is showing a bump. I'm feeling some stretching going on inside my belly. My baby's growing so fast. But the nausea is getting harder. I have to be tough for my baby. It's just a little sacrifice compare to the happiness that he or she gave to me since the day I knew I was carrying him or her.

Everything was going as planned. My partner is very supportive when it comes to my pregnancy. That's why I felt so lucky.

After having a great night with my partner, I woke up and go to our comfort room. Something came up!

" Come quick!!!!" I shouted as I glimpse the ozzing blood from my genitalia.

"What's going on? What happened?" he asked nervously

"There's blood everywhere." I answered while crying.

He run to our cabinet, gets his key then carry me all the way to our car. He's taking me to an OB GYN. They run a few test and kept me waiting on a very comfortable seat and yet I fell so nervous. I can't lose my baby!

A few minutes they called my partner. They talked for about 10 minutes I guess. Then he come out with a teary eye. I asked him.

"What happened hon? How's our baby?" he just turn away and answered.

"I can't, just go inside, let the doctors tell the truth about everything." I became more nervous.

I slowly knocked the door and enter their cozy room.

"Please take a seat darling." the woman doctor said. So I did took the seat and asked

"Is everything fine with my baby? I'm gonna go crazy if something happened to my child. I'll risk everything for my child. Please tell me that everything's fine?" I begged while holding my tears.

" Everything is normal sweet heart. The blood, you might find it hard to believe but thats your menstrual period. You're not pregnant at all."

My world fall apart. Is this some kind of joke?

"I felt my baby growing inside me. I crave unique kind of foods, had nausea every morning, I even felt my belly stretch!" I said those experience that I encountered to prove that they're wrong and I'm right. But I I didn't prove anything, they did.

" It's hard to believe. You see, you're so excited about having a baby. Your mind keeps telling you that you want a baby so your body acted the way you want them too. It's a very rare condition called Pseudocyesis. Believing that you're carrying a baby even though you're not. It can stop your menstrual cycle. You might see all the changes in your body and feel all the signs of pregnancy except one. There's no baby inside you."

An explanation that proved how powerful our mind was. I felt so depressed knowing that all this time, I've been tricked by my own mind.

I'm supposed to be leading my mind, but what happened is completely opposite. I let my mind control myself, my body, my life, everything.

After knowing the terrible reality, everything becomes normal.

No signs of pregnancy. Just me spending hours and days thinking.

"How did that happen?"

A question that I kept inside my tricky mind.

If you have any idea about a psychological disorder or anything related that I can make as a plot of a new chapter, just let me know and I'll work on it! I can also give you a special mention once I posted your suggestion. Thank you for reading!

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