

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

AS_Styles · Action
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25 Chs

2. Young master Escaped?

Kevin's POV:

I was sitting on my leather couch, revising my secret plan in my head.

I can hear footsteps approaching my room.




"Young master! It's time to go to the Mall."

It was Rob, one of my bodyguard, who came to inform me.

I stand up calmly and go outside my room. But I didn't forget to give my guards a sly smile.

Paul and Rob both exchanged the puzzle look.

Haha let them wonder what's going on in my head.



After sitting in my car for less than 5 minutes.. I asked Rob to play music while Paul was focused on driving.

"It's not even 5 minutes since we left and he's already bored." Paul murmurs in his heavy voice but I heard clearly.

Let's just ignore him for once.

It's still early and I don't want to waste my energy on scolding this guy.

I don't know why but I hate silence, so I like everything loud and for this everyone else hates me.

We're almost there. I checked my cellphone and put it in my pocket. I can see both Rob and Paul had guns, I know it's for my safety.

And I'm not complaining but the fact that they had to be armed just to bring me for some stupid shopping, how can I survive in college?

Are they going to follow me in my classes too? Well don't answer that cause I'm not going.

"Young master, where should we go first?" Rob asked.

"Ice cream parlor"

"..." Rob was speechless for a second.

We left Paul to park the car. So it's easy for me to execute my plan. Because there's only me and Rob.

I tried my best to not smirk.

"What are you looking for? Go I want chocolate ice cream with lots of sprinkles."

"Young master let's wait for Paul then we...."

"Hey don't make me repeat myself. I want ice cream. ICE CREAM!!!" I shouted.

Two ladies looked at us while passing by. I know Rob was embarrassed, but it was the only way to make him move.

"Okay." He turned to go.

See what I said, every time I shout they move.

So damn easy.

Maybe I should smirk now when no one can see me.


Pierrette's POV:

It was the normal day. I woke up, set my bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and ate breakfast.

You know the same things you do everyday when you don't have any job or working responsibility..

It was 1 something p.m. when my cellphone rang. Rob was calling.

"Hell..o." I said after answering the phone.

"Pierrette oh ... Help.. I need your help... Young master.. he's gone.. young master.. is gone..." Vin was saying in his level voice but I know he was panicking.

"WHAT??" I was totally dumbfounded. How can Vin go missing, he never leaves home.

"You need to come right now. I'll send you our location."

"What location? You guys are outside? Why are you... Well ok I'm coming... Keep updating me. okay?"

I immediately left my room, then I remembered something. I don't have a car but that's not a problem, I always used Karl's car because he always rode his bike.

But where's my wallet.? I forget where I put it. Damn!

I took Karl's black card from his office. I know he doesn't mind. Even if he does... who cares!?

It's a freaking emergency. I don't have time to ponder on my moral values.

I left the house. While driving I checked the location which Rob sent me, but my hands got frozen when I saw another message from 'Young master Kevin'.

He sent me three letters, just freaking three capital letters..



At Mall...

Rob and Paul searched everywhere but Vin was still missing. They didn't want to inform anyone for now. So they decided to choose the save option.

Pierrette: Former Knight family's doctor. (More like a psychiatrist)

If someone can find Vin, that's her.


Pierrette's POV:

It's only been 10 minutes since I left Sinclair's mansion and my cellphone was showing Novah's name.


[Pierrette? Where are you?]

Nova asked but I don't need to explain myself, because he's tracking my cellphone anyways..

"I'm driving..."

[Where are you going?]

"Did you tell him?" I know he didn't, because I can't see Karl on the road. If he knew that I left the house, he would come to catch me.

[Not yet... Is everything okay!?]

He sounds both concerned and suspicious.

"Not really. I have to go, I'll call you later. Don't tell Karl. Okay?"

I'm not hiding anything from Karl, it's just that I don't want to disturb him. He's in the office with Novah. That's why it was so easy to leave the house.

[Are you sure?]

"Yeah Novah . Don't worry. Bye"


10 minutes later. I reached the Mall.

I left my car unlocked, just in case I have to hurry somewhere.

I called Rob to inform him that I'm here. But first I started searching for a parking area. In case the kidnappers haven't left yet.

I tried calling Vin's cellphone. I didn't expect much but to my surprise another line answered. For a split second I don't know what to say.


That's Vin's voice I'm damn sure.

"Young master? Where are you? Tell me what you can see. What's around you..?" I was impatient.

[Well I can see some documents and files, and there is also a cute red tool-box. And a picture of a mismatch couple smiling at the camera. One in black outfit and other in white. What are they angel and devil!?]

Vib was blabbering and I felt lost.


Did he say 'red tool box'?

"Young master you are here, right?"


"Are you in the black car?"

[Again yes..]

"Does that angel and devil look like me and Karl?"

[Sadly, yes....]

Contractory to his words he sounded amused. Damnit!

"That was not funny Vin! Wait in my car. I'm calling Rob to inform that you are in one piece.."

Before I hung up he shouted loudly.



Kevin's POV:

Pier did as I asked. But she was staring at me. I know what's going on in her mind. After all she's my former psychiatrist. She knows me well, and I also can read her mind.

"So..." She raised an eyebrow at me, not looking professional at all.

"You've changed Pier." When she was with me she never treated me this way. Then again, I know it's not her fault..

It was all that psycho's fault. He took my Pier from me.

"Young master will you please explain yourself?"

Should I tell her that I don't want to go to....

Nahh she's gonna think I'm being a kid throwing tantrums.

"Vin, is it about college?"

Pier asked in a soft voice, like I'm a 4 year old kid or something..

Wait did she say 'college'?

How did she .?

I looked at her face dumbfounded.

Maybe she read my expression and knows what I'm thinking.

"Yeah sir I know." She smiled.

"Wait how? Who told you?"

Tell me his name and I'm gonna shoot him. After all there's mafia's blood in my veins.

"You know me and Jawn are kinda best friends..." Damn Jawn, he's my cousin but he likes to gossip around our family matters. I hope you will step on my Lego piece.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I almost whispered.

"Never." I looked at her face in case she was lying to me.

"I'm not lying. In my whole life I only met two highly intelligent, cunning and manipulative persons. One of them is YOU. You can be many things but stupid is not one of them.."

She gave me her best smile.

Ahh I miss this girl - I mean woman.

"So... That second guy is Kark huh!!" I tease her.

"Don't tell him I said that."

I laughed at that... She was smiling too.

A few moments passed silently...

With Pier I always felt safe and peaceful. She's the most positive person I ever met.. or should I say that she's the ONLY positive person I have ever met..

"What do you think? What should I do?" I asked for some advice like old times.

She knew what I meant.

"I think you should give it a try. Maybe you will find something new... Or someone..."

As expected from Ms. Always Positive.

She said the last word to herself but I heard that. I know she always wishes for my best.

"If I go to study like normal people will you follow me?"

She remained silent, I got my answer. So I changed the question.

"If I go missing... will you come to find me? Like today?"

She didn't say anything, just kept watching my face without even blinking. Then she took a deep breath.. and smiled.

"You don't have to ask that... Vin."

I watched her from head to toe. She was wearing casual clothes; T-Shirt, trousers and slippers. I noticed she only had car keys and cellphone in her hand. And she didn't even bring anything for the protection' sake.

Does she even have a gun?

She got on my train of thoughts, her face turned light pink. I think she's embarrassed by the way she looks. Cute!

"I know you will always come to my rescue. And no one can match your skills, with or without a gun. You are my best lady."

I gave her one solid minute to know what I mean.

"So shall we?" I asked.


"I have to buy stuff for.... You know." I don't even want to say that out loud.

"You mean uniform, books, bag pack and water bottle.." She said while smiling from ear to ear and I just rolled my eyes.

She was also teasing me like my brothers and cousins... Well she can tease me cause....

She's like my sister too.


Bonus scene:

Everyone gathered in the Main hall trying hard not to laugh. As Jawn keeps cursing loudly..


5 minutes ago...

Jawn came whistling and jumping around the house.

Well he was happy as hell, because he doesn't have any classes today. And he doesn't have to work too.

It's a happy day to do nothing at all....


As he was dancing, making a gun with his first two fingers and then firing in the air.

He jumped down the couch and....


The whole villa shook as he shrieked in pain...

All the guards came at once only to find him lying on the floor, grabbing his foot.

"Brother!? Are you okay?" Jane, his little sister came too after hearing a familiar scream.

She wasn't that surprised at first because his brother likes screaming and shouting too, just like Vin. But this time it looked pretty serious.

"Who the hell put a lego piece here!!??" Jawn growled furiously looking around for the damn culprit.

"Ummmm... it's... mine." Jane said hesitantly.

"Don't lie to me Jane I know who you are trying to save!" Jawn as always sees through his little sister.

"I don't... It's really mine."

Jawn narrowed his eyes at his sister.

"Brother Vin gave it to me.."


"He said even though I'm in college now... but not to let the playful kid in me die.." Jane flushed as she said that shameful thing out loud.

Some of the guards heard and smiled too.

"I am freaking gonna kill that good-for-nothing young master!" Jawn shouted again, even the dog outside the villa could hear him too. Usually he call Vin by his name but he always called him 'young master' when he was mad at him. It was his way to curse the eldest son of the Knight family.


On the second floor Klement shook his head in disappointment.

He hurriedly came after hearing Jawn's scream only to find him shouting stupidly  just because he stepped on the damn small lego piece.

All the guards were laughing at his stupidity. Klement rubbed his forehead getting annoyed.

His cousin can be anything except a gentleman!
