1 Chapter1- In a world of magic

People talking through the classroom could be heard as the teacher was trying to explain the lesson, but nobody cared. Everyone's minds where focused on tomorrows ceremony, the moment where they would actually acquire their abilities and become adventurers. People praying to get powerful abilities, whether that be control of some sort of element, psychic powers, or some other superhuman ability.

"What are you hoping for man?" Student #1.

"I'm hoping for the power to phase throughout objects, I'll basically become invincible. No one will be able to touch me. " student #2.

"Nice try, if I get the power of water I could stop you easily". Student #1.

" oh yeah, but then, if I get the power of...."

Student #2.

"ALL RIGHT, that's enough class! The next person that I hear talk about tomorrows ceremony, will not be able to go to the event and will have to try there luck at home. I don't have to explain the whole process with trying to gain there own ability bye them selves, right class. " Mrs. Rosa expressed to the students.

Every human has a chance of getting a ability, the problem is the resources and the money needed to survive the trail that the body goes through when attempting to gain your ability. Without the proper training and resources, you have a 1-5,000 chance of surviving. However to have the money needed to do a safe trail, only the high class of the 1% could afford it. Below that there is the middle class that could afford enhancement like increase strength and endurance, low tier abilities, or small transformations. The rest of the population it is only a dream of theirs as their goals to afford the daily living expenses and keep moving forward.

Ding, ding, the sound of the bell ring signaling the end of class.

"Don't forget your school ability fee for tomorrow or you can forget about ever having a chance to choir your ability. " Mrs. Rose states as the students hurry up and leave the classroom talking with their friends. All except Jake as he looks anxiously at his phone, beads of sweat rolling down his face.

-$5,000 deducted from your bank account.

"WHAT, what's happening right now!?"

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