

MIMI BOOK I & II Disowned and deemed useless by her family, Mimi Hirogori is a teasing mischievous girl whose only care and importance in the world lie with her beloved eldest sister. However, what Mimi didn't expect was the sudden occurrence of her sister's death. Alone with no one to support her, Mimi decides to step up her game and prove herself towards her deceased sister. In order to do all this while seeking revenge the young girl...disguises herself as a man?!

paramyis · Urban
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291 Chs

Lovely Offering

For the next few 'lovely' days, the considerable majority of the employees had seen Mimi as an irresponsible, lazy, shameless girl.

Even those who had willingly chosen to stay out of it, couldn't help but feel disgusted towards her.

However, despite a few of their obvious attempts to show their contempt towards her, Mimi hadn't seemed to notice.

In all honesty, she didn't really care what they thought about her or how they perceived her. As long as they didn't get in the way of her work, she would remain indifferent.

However, some truly couldn't contain their dissatisfaction...

That average day at work, Mimi with a lollipop in her mouth and phone in her hand walked down the halls of Glory Trade Corporation. A set of headphone attached to her exposed ears.

As Mimi leisurely strolled around, a group of her female colleagues had exited the elevator, upon exiting they typically saw Mimi occupied on her phone.

One female employee narrowed her fierce eyes at Mimi with evident disdain.

"Hmph! Look at her, strolling around as if she belongs here!" She scoffed.

"Honestly, does she genuinely think she can get away with not working? Especially with President Itou as our boss?" Another female employee sighed gently.

"Hah, when Tobias finds out she'll definitely be in big trouble! For all one knows she could even get blacklisted!" The previous female employee laughed scornfully.

She couldn't help but sneer as she fondly imagined the day Mimi getting into trouble with the big boss.

Ever since she saw Mimi's shameless acts, she couldn't contain her evident hatred towards her.

She who merely used wealth and social power to get where she wanted typically had no right to be in such a talented company like Glory Trade Corporation!

The female employee had used many harsh methods to show Mimi how she wasn't welcomed by loudly speaking harsh words whenever she was nearby or deliberately trying to trip her.

Yet in the ultimate end, Mimi either was too dense to notice or clearly didn't care. Either way, the woman was dissatisfied!

She had previously witnessed how Juno, Tobias's valuable assistant regarded her on her first day there.

The respect he showed her was obvious, she couldn't help but instantly start to gather a known hatred towards her.

She naturally thought she was just the daughter of someone close to Tobias that had used her connections to get here - to get closer to Tobias Itou.

A mere little girl like her was only a hindrance in her eyes!

Suddenly, thinking of an idea, an evil sneer curls up on her lips.

"Come on let's go," She held her head high as she clicked her heels.

The rest if the female employees behind her looked at her with confusion as they watched her walk in Mimi's direction who was currently distracted by her phone.

Little did they know Mimi who they assumed was too busy being occupied on her phone to notice, had heard their words clearly.

She, who was merely going through a unique set of the security footage she eagerly grasped to, keenly watched a certain pest intentionally trying to snoop around, when suddenly she stopped upon overhearing the women's conversation.

Mimi had clearly detected how the woman had informally stated Tobias's name as if they were familiar rather than formally entitling him Mr. Itou or President Itou as her boss.

Tsk seemed like her boss was who naturally a great man was also one who attracted bees wherever he went. He was just an attractive god covered in delicious honey…

The divine image of Tobias covered in honey with limited clothes suddenly appeared in Mimi's perverted mind.

Hmm...not bad of an image. Although it was hard to imagine as she hadn't witnessed Tobias shirtless before, nor had he'd ever appeared in any local magazines.

It was a genuine pity. What were perverts like her reasonably suppose to do but merely fantasize about the unknown!

Based on his outer build and close contact she had felt previously on their first encounter, he was one fit man!

Imagining what was beneath such a god-like body would be too impossible to imagine...

His build compared with many men Mimi had seen in the industry was far more unique and better looking! The man's height was considerably tall along with his strong broad back that Mimi enjoyed admiring from time to time.

Along with his large slender fingers that could only be described as being the work of God himself!

As Mimi was naturally lost in her fantasies, she suddenly noticed the evil smirk on the woman as she approached Mimi. A smirk Mimi was all overly familiar with.

After all, it was one she used whenever she planned to scheme something.

Heh seems like some play toys were simply too impatient to wait their turn.

Mimi's crafty eyes instantly flashed, as a mysterious light appears in her violet eyes.

It's been a while since she'd had some fun...guess she shouldn't deny such a lovely offering!

Tsk, tsk, they're just offering themselves to be played with by Mimi...┐(´д`)┌

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