

MIMI BOOK I & II Disowned and deemed useless by her family, Mimi Hirogori is a teasing mischievous girl whose only care and importance in the world lie with her beloved eldest sister. However, what Mimi didn't expect was the sudden occurrence of her sister's death. Alone with no one to support her, Mimi decides to step up her game and prove herself towards her deceased sister. In order to do all this while seeking revenge the young girl...disguises herself as a man?!

paramyis · Urban
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291 Chs

Couple's Problems

Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as the car drove onwards. Sitting in the back seat of her driver, Mimi stared out the window and watched raindrops race down to the windows. When she arrived at her apartment, she slipped off her wet coat only for something to fall out of its pocket. Looking down at it for a moment, Mimi picked it up.

Before leaving the cemetery, Shen Jue put something in her hand. It was a photograph. She froze as soon as she saw the image in the photograph.

"Where did you get this?"

In her hand was a previous photo Mimi had of Emily and her watching the cherry blossoms. However, the night Tobias confessed to her, out of anger she tore up the photograph. From the tape and cut pieces of the one in her hand, it was clear it was the same one she threw away.

Shen Jue's eyes were smiling and his lips gently raised. "When I was at your apartment once, I found it torn up in your trash can. I thought you'd still want it, so I pieced it back together. With everything that happened I didn't get the chance to give it to you."

Mimi looked at him with wide eyes. She felt as if her throat was burning on fire as she lowered her head, not daring to meet his gaze. Touching the photo gently with her fingertips for a moment, her lips curved upwards and a warm smile blossomed on her face.

"Thank you."

Back in her apartment, Mimi held the photo in her hand before walking over to set it back in its previous frame on her nightstand. Backing up to look at the photo Mimi smiled.

"Thank you, big sister."


Days followed and once again, Mimi returned to her usual routine. Eating, sleeping, making love with Tobias, and working.

It wasn't long before Mimi started to notice her time with Tobias was cut short throughout the days. More and more she would only see Tobias in the late afternoon and night. It was rare for the two to hang out in the morning together. Even more so, when they did spend time together, she'd saw him occasionally glance at his phone with an unpleasant expression.

It was clear by now something was going on. Yet, when she asked, he told her not to worry and that'd he take care of it.

"What's wrong, Mimi?"

In the middle of lunch with Jean and Emilia, Mimi let her bad mood slip.

"Men are so frustrating." Mimi set her cheek on her palm while looking out the window to the quiet street.

Both women's movements paused as they turned to look at the pouting Mimi. Jean set her coffee down and looked at Mimi with furrowed brows.

"Did something happen between you and Tobias?" This was only one reason for the girl to say such a thing.

Mimi nodded her head with a pout while she looked at the street with boredom.

"Are you two having relationship problems?" Jean asked.

When Mimi turned to Jean, she blinked innocently.

"We have sex every day, so I don't think that's the case."

"Pftt—!" Emilia, who was chewing on her muffin, choked. A blush seared through her cheeks and for a minute, she thought her face was on fire. She was mortified. Her movements turned awkward as she glanced between Jean and Mimi.

Jean hid the blush on her cheeks and cleared her throat. "I mean like communication problems."

"Oh. Not really. We talk about everything between one another..."Just before she finished her sentence, Mimi happened to remember the past incidents with Tobias and her mouth clamped shut.

Maybe they were having communication problems. As if reading her thoughts, Jean looked at Mimi for a moment and then sighed softly.

"Have you tried to talk to him about it?" She asked in a softer, more serious voice, and Mimi nodded.

"He says he doesn't want me to worry but..." Mimi's eyes fell to her hands, and she pursed her lips. "But it makes me feel kind of useless."

She hated admitting it, but his actions hurt her a little. From the first time they have met until now; Tobias always took care of her. Whether it was work, health or personal matter, he was there by her side.

The only control she ever had was in the bedroom! But even then, he would find some way to take that away from her.

Even though she appreciated his kindness, it overwhelmed her. There was no such thing as a perfect person - everyone had flaws. But when it came to Tobias...it was hard to find anything wrong with him!

It made her feel as if one day all his love and care toward her would end up hurting him.

Lost in her thoughts, Jean's voice pulled her back. "I know you too have only dated for a few months, but it's still important for you to express how you feel. Same for Tobias. Listen to what he is saying and try to understand his point of view."

Emilia, who had been quiet for a while, spoke up.

"Jean's right. Communication is key in any healthy relationship! A couple can stay together but the relationship will end up being hollow, never reaching that deeper meaning that was created specifically for two people in love if they don't talk to one another. Plan a time with no distractions and tell him how you feel!"

Mimi blinked with surprise at the two's words. She smiled at their support.

"Thank you Jeanie," Mimi grabbed Jean's hand before Emilia's and looking at her with a bright smile. "Thank you, doll face!"

The two women smiled at the girl's smile and after ensuring she was better, they continued with their lunch.

Thank you for your patience and support! As always, rest well, eat well, and stay healthy everyone!


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