
Millie and the Machine

seoyeonghee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Divinity’s Chosen

Indeed, there are divinities in this world.

A multitude of humans who have gone far past the average lifespan, they enter a pseudo-godhood.

Not unlike the old ones, to this effect.

Outworldish in stature and appearance; but despite their changes, many of them maintain a kindness and comprehensive intelligence.

They are rarely observed, or recognized.

Always watching, many have the ability to slightly alter the flow of events. Their interference can be seen when they choose a legend from a previous era to revive. Once their duties come to a close, the chosen return to their graves to wait for the call, once more.

This is the strongest extent of their work against fate, since they, too, have no say against the almighty's will.


His feet made a crunching noise with every step, against the dead and bunched leaves that were laying in the dirt.

The path to leave the eroded graveyard was long and confusing.

His golden adornments clanked with his movement, immersed with the dull, cloudy skies above him.

For a reason unknown, he shut his eyes closed.

Expressionless and dead still, his vision warped and faded, until he saw the surroundings from above.

Patches of forests and ruins from multiple ages that have come and gone.

The designs and architecture for the pieces of rubble strewn across the land clashed greatly with each other.

None of these were anything he could recognize, leaving him wondering just how far forward in time was he awoken to.

Beasts and creatures that he did not know, were present as well.