
Millenium Mage

Seven powerful realms of the world keep each other in check, until a powerful mage threatens to destroy the delicate balance. Powerful players align with her as others unite to oppose her. All the while she secretly advances her own agenda.

LaughingLorraine · Fantasy
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11 Chs

New Friends (2)

The following day was orientation. In the great hall a severe old man introduced himself as Deacon Marbury. He gave a long speech about the University but Romane was more interested in the adornments on the wall. The windows were all on the East side of the hall. In between them were busts of several famous people and statues of fantastic animals. Romane counted at least three unicorns and a griffin. She did not recognize the rest. On the other side of the Hall, several large portraits glowered down at them. Far above their heads the ceiling was painted in a huge mosaic of the final battle of the war against demonkind. It was a busy piece; 12 beautiful half naked men were slaying innumerable unholy creatures with all sorts of weapons. Vanheim himself was at the center of it all, hands crossed in front of him as he closed the Seal.

In the North end of the hall the Deacon was droning on about the rules of the University on the stage. Above him a large banner read "seasharks" in a bold font. That was the name for this year's class. Romane herself was seated between Amani on her right and Sabrina on her left. The princess had adamantly refused to sit next to the elf, so Romane gave up her seat next to the wall to act as a buffer. She was getting sleepy. To her surprise both Sabrina and Amani were listening raptly, and so were most of the attendees.

Deacon Marbury moved on to the University's extensive history, still in his mind numbing monotone. Romane sighed and sunk deeper in her seat. She let her head drop onto Sabrina's bony shoulder. Amani probably would've aggressively shaken Romane off but Sabrina's eyes widened and she said nothing. Definitely a friend worth cultivating.

Romane enjoyed a peaceful midmorning nap until Sabrina nudged her awake. The hall was noisier now. The Deacon had left the stage. "What's happening?" she asked Sabrina.

"The Deacon just finished his speech," Sabrina explained. "He said that we're about to be assigned to a class." Romane rubbed her eyes.

Amani shot her a disapproving look. "Something on my face?" Romane asked.

"Oh it's nothing," Amani sneered. "I just don't understand how you could sleep at a time like this. Important information was shared, and you slept through it all. Have you no respect?"

"I already know all I need to know, I've read a lot about the University."

"The vizier always told me that there is always more to learn."

"And my Nan told me not all knowledge has value." She turned to Sabrina. "When are we being put in classes?"

"Any time now," the elf timidly answered. Now that thDeacon had finished speaking she had put on her hood to hide her ears.

"I'm bored," Romane announced to nobody in particular. "I want to blow some stuff up."

Amani clicked her tongue and said, "Magic is so much more than 'blowing stuff up.' Magic is the conduit through which our physical selves can touch the non-physical. It is the greatest and most beautiful of all the arts. It allows us to express our innermost selves in a manner that no one else can hope to mimic." She had lifted her chin and was looking down on Romane.

Romane was about to shove Amani off her high horse when someone tapped her shoulder. She craned her head to see a girl with bright green hair. "You're chromatic, just like me," she said.

"And you have a knack for stating the obvious." The girl laughed.

"A funny one, are you?" She smiled at Romane. "I'm Newt, but everybody calls me Nue, please don't make a salamander joke. I've heard them all before."

"I'm Romane, this is Amani and Sabrina."

Amani cut in, "My name is Amani wa Mazreel."

She was clearly expecting a reaction from Nue, but the green haired girl just stared blankly. "Am I supposed to know who you are?" she asked.

Amani's mouth dropped. "You've never heard of the Mazreels?"

"Never heard of them." She shrugged. Amani was about to say something but Nue went on, mimicking the Deacon, "Not to mention, we leave our titles at the gate." Amani pouted and faced the front. Nue turned her attention to Romane: "My roommates wanted to sit at the front near all the 'action,' but I wanted to speak with you when I saw you. There are not many Chromes walking about, you know? I didn't want to lose you in the crowd."

"Do you know of any others?" Romane asked, intrigued.

"Boy in 1105 is blue."

"Just him?"

"That I know of." She changed the subject. "Anyway, since we're both chromes and all, can we be lifelong friends?" she asked in mock enthusiasm.

Nue held out a hand and Romane shook it. It was rough with callouses, the hands of a labourer.

"Your hands are so soft," Nue remarked.

"And you truly have a knack for the obvious."

She let go of her hand. "Hah, I guess I do. Listen, I think we should be in the same class, stronger together and all that."

"You make it sound as if we are being persecuted."

"Where I'm from, some people don't take kindly to others who are… different."

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm not scared of bullies. But, who am I to say no to a distressed maiden."

"Charming, my lady." Nue gave a mock bow in her seat. Several acolytes walked into the hall. The students were instructed to form groups of 12. They were to join with members from the three adjacent rooms from theirs then present themselves for registration. A tall brunette was beckoning toward Nue over the heads of the students from the front of the hall. Nue shook her head. "Naah."

"They'll be short a person, and you sleep in the same room. I imagine it's going to be awkward."

"I don't even like them anyway."

"Best not to step on the toes of those closest to you." Nan had told her that.

"Oh so you're a sage now?" She glanced at Sabrina. "Why don't you go elf? Spare me the toe-stepping."

"M-Me? Why? I-I barely know them?"

"They're missing one person, meaning they need a replacement. I'm staying with Romane, and Amani can't be bothered. Naturally, it falls to you." Sabrina looked all flustered, tugging her hood to squish her ears.

Romane spoke on her behalf, "Well that's rich, coming from you." She gave a soft laugh at the irony. "What was that about being treated differently?"

"It's not the same. She's an elf."

"An elf who happens to be my roommate as it happens."

Nue pouted. "Aww, where has the charming lady who was like a sister to me gone to?"

"We just met, Nue. Don't be so dramatic. If you want to be in our group you'd best have some practice lines for the acolyte."

A short while later Nue was busy talking up a tired looking acolyte. She complimented his robes, his handwriting, his grey hair, his eyes. Romane could easily see through the sycophantry but the acolyte was eating it up. He must've been lonely, starved for attention; the very thing Nan had once feared she'd turn into.

"... so you see dear sir, why I must be grouped with Lady Romane."

"I understand completely Miss Newt, consider it done. I just have to file an anomaly statement."

"It's just Nue. And thank you for your help."

Half the girls from Romane's original group had been replaced with boys. None of them were particularly noteworthy apart from the short, stocky Acridie Gorman. He was having a somewhat stunted conversation with Amani. Nue was humming to herself beside Romane. Sabrina was trying to make herself as small as possible behind Romane. The rest of the group were talking in pairs amongst themselves.

Romane cleared her throat. "I suppose we should elect a representative."

Acridie looked up. "I feel like this whole process is unfair, we hardly know each other."

"Regardless, we need a rep."

"True, true. Well then, I suppose Amani should be our rep. She is a princess after all."

"I thought we left titles at the gate," Nue mumbled. Acridie must have heard, but chose to ignore it.

Amani spoke up, "I'm afraid I must decline. The role would be much more suited to Romane."

Acridie raised an eyebrow. "As you wish, Romane it is." Romane noticed he hadn't even bothered to set up a vote. The boys acted like he spoke on their behalf, yet he didn't bother with their thoughts. That might be an issue, Romane thought.

"I shall certainly do my best to match your faith in me princess." Romane looked at each of the girls in turn. Amani smiled politely at her as Nue shrugged. Sabrina was still trying to make herself small, eyes glued to the floor. None of the other girls said anything as they started blankly at Romane. Midu, Vian and Sarle. Romane would have to get to know them eventually. The boys too. She knew she would butt heads with Acridie but he seemed reasonable, and he spoke for the boys in the class. He was the obvious choice for deputy.

All in all Romane was surprised with how smooth it had gone. If she hadn't been chosen she'd probably have kicked up more of a fuss. She had often heard Nan and Uncle discuss business matters, this could not be much different. After all, how hard could it be?

Leadership was rather hard actually. Romane quickly found out that she couldn't just order her classmates around. She had to 'consider their feelings' and 'accept criticism' and act fairly to them. It was tough, learning all that, but Romane made it work. Amani, Sabrina and the girls from 809 obeyed Romane well enough. Nue however, was always causing trouble whenever Romane was not looking. Romane had long ago given up on making her listen.

Acridie was a tough nut to crack, but he came round eventually. Some of his boys were harder to please. Rarlan and Raina in particular. They were tall blonde twins, almost perfectly identical to each other. They were fearsomely competitive too. They challenged Romane when they were learning combat under Earth and Nature form. They came at her one after the other at first, and Romane wiped the floor with them easily. Next they put their differences aside and came at her simultaneously, but the result was the same. They didn't stop there however. And challenged Romane in illegal fights when nobody was watching. A few broken ribs later and they resigned themselves to being Romane's inferiors. The others took their lead.

Romane found herself sticking up for Sabrina again and again. The elf had no friends and was an easy target. She was extremely grateful to Romane however. Romane eventually took a liking to her. While she was busy earning the others' respect, Romane could let her guard down with Sabrina. Eventually, Sabrina began avoiding eye contact with Romane. She guessed it was due to shame or something similar. Though superficially nothing had changed, Romane could feel their relationship had shifted.

Romane also grew close to Amani. But the princess viewed her as a sort of mentor, as opposed to a friend on equal footing. Romane would have been very lonely if not for Nue. She kept her grounded by looking past Romane's noble birth and magical aptitude. Romane relished in her companionship with Newt. One night she narrated to Romane on how she was named Newt. The midwife had apparently likened her hair to that of a swamp. So her parents named her after a swamp creature. Initially it was Frog, but frogs are ugly, so they changed her name to Newt when she was a week old. Romane occasionally teased her by calling her frog. Nue hated it more than her actual name. Michel overheard Romane calling Nue frog one night over dinner. In an effort to endear himself he called Nue by that name. Newt almost crushed his throat that night and was given a suspension for her trouble. Afterward Romane stopped calling her frog.

When it came to school Romane excelled. She ended up learning a lot too. The more she knew, the more she recognized how little she knew. She became a lot less prideful, after seeing the bigger picture. However, the staff fawned over her. As the top candidate of the Seasharks she was afforded special treatment. A lot of people resented her for this but she held her head up. The prideful girl was replaced by a calm woman with a quiet dignity.

Romane's forays into the Astral continued. She learned a lot in the eight years she was at the University. Since all power comes from the Astral Plane Romane had an edge over everyone else. She taught herself how to see the Astral while remaining conscious. It required a lot of concentration at first but soon she could do it effortlessly. By practice eventually she could see other people's spirit inside their bodies. One day as Amaniwas absent-mindedly holding her hand, Romane reached out, and their spirits touched. It gave them both a euphoric high they'd never felt before. Amani's magic had significantly improved. She was confused at first, but she realized it was something to do with Romane. It would've been trouble if anyone were to find out, so Romane made Amani shut up about it.

Romane did the same with Sabrina, at least she could trust the elf not to babble. And afterward people started leaving her alone after seeing what she could do. They feared her though, and said mean things behind her back. It seemed elves can't win in this world. Not that Sabrina cared anyway. She started opening up more to Romane and making eye contact with her again. The elf told her about her caravan, wandering the cold deserts west of the Semme, and her family that always made her feel loved. Romane found herself liking Sabrina more and more.

She touched the others' spirits, but not while maintaining physical contact. There was an improvement to their magic too, though not quite as much as Amani and Sabrina. Improvements in exams reflected very well on Romane as a leader. More praise was heaped on her. The twins challenged her again, and once more she sent them back with broken bones.

It seemed Romane had the ability to increase one's attunement by Astral contact. A lot of scholars would have been interested in that but Romane dared not let them know.

After eight long years, Romane and her class graduated at the top of the Seasharks. They had been trained in all forms and were walking weapons of mass destruction. Romane graduated at the top, with an uncanny attunement to fire magic. Amani followed behind with Spirit and water attunement. Third and Fourth were Sabrina and Newt respectively, both with Earth and Nature attunement. People balked at the idea of an elf being placed so high, but those who saw what she could do did not grumble. It was also the first time since the University's founding that the top four spots were completely occupied by women.

It sent waves through high society. Nan was hysterical after the graduation. Both she and Uncle were impressed by Romane. "See Seb? What did I tell you about our little Romane?"

"I'm not a child anymore Nan." Her aunt was quietly sobbing.

"No you're not, and that makes me sad. But I am so proud of you..."

Her uncle walked over and smoothed Romane's Graduation Gown. "You look so much like your mother. I couldn't see it till now. If she were here, she'd be very happy. Her last words you know? She said you were destined for greatness."

The tearfest continued for a while, stirring up fuzzy feelings in Romane's chest. But she kept her composure well enough. She was allowed to spend the Summer with her parents before being officially drafted in the King's Army. Nue slinked off to Terroire without even giving Romane a proper address. A green-haired street urchin shouldn't be hard to find though, Romane mused. Meanwhile in Nuru a cousin of the High King had usurped the title and was in the middle of a purge, so Amani stayed as a guest of His Majesty. Sabrina had nowhere to go, so Romane took her in as her personal maid, with her guardians' consent of course. Her uncle somewhat disapproved though, and he never said why. The rest of Romane's class went their separate ways.

Half a month before the date for returning, the Montrouge estate received a runner in the night. He had a letter, handwritten by the King.