
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

A Competition between Major Generals

"Can't even manage your own troops? Major General Lin, do you even live up to your title?"

Even the dullest man could tell that Lin Xian was joking, but Yun Che acted like he was being serious. The feigned serious look on his face was super sarcastic. Ye Xingchen sat next to Yun Che helped interpret with a smirk, "Sorry, our Captain Yun is a frank man. What he means is, since you can't manage your troops, Major General Lin, you aren't the right commander for this joint operation. So it's either Major General Mo or Major General Wang then. We Peak obviously votes for Major General Mo."

Before the doomsday, Ye Xingchen was a superstar who played all kinds of roles. Even in one room with all these important men of the base, he was still at the top of his game. Yun Che didn't try to cut off his speech because every word that Ye Xingchen said was exactly what Yun Che meant.

Though, to certain people, the interpretation sounded more insulting.

"As far as I know, you're one of Peak's regular members, right? Does your speech bypassing your captain mean that Captain Yun cannot manage you?"

Lin Xian put up with Yun Che because he had to, but it didn't mean that his minion, a pre-doomsday actor, was entitled to cross the line. Gloom replaced the fake smile on his face.

"Hehe, it's a lousy analogy, Major General Lin because Peak is a squad, a family. I respect my captain but at the same time, he's also one of the family. There's no pecking order in our family. Anyone can make a statement on behalf of Peak as long as it's for the good of the squad. Am I right, Che?"

Ye Xingchen just replied to Lin Xian's offensive tone with a smile. When he finished talking, he turned to Yun Che for his approval. Yun Che just gave a casual nod. "Yeah. We're a family, that kind of stuff doesn't matter. Xingchen, you just say what you wanna say. I've got your back."

What Yun Che said silenced the entire room. It seemed he was very generous in terms of power delegation. No other captains in this room would do this, not to mention the military.


Ye Xingchen's face brightened up, but when he turned to Lin Xian, the smiles faded away. "That said, Peak is but a private organization whereas Wei Army is one of national armed forces. You can't see your soldiers as your family, Major General Lin. The joke's on you for making that analogy. Peak is by no means the same as a national armed force and if we were, there would be no point in your existence."

He understood how bad Lin Xian felt after being mocked and toyed over and over again by Yun Che. It would be soul-crushing for anyone. But sadly, Lin Xian had chosen the wrong way of coping with such humiliation. What he should do was either openly object or suck it all up. It was his own fault for being too greedy. Standing up against Yun Che while having all the superfunction possessors on his side at the same time was but a pipe dream.


Lin Xian's eyes were burning behind those glasses. His glowering eyes gazed at Ye Xingchen as if he was going to cut him up. He would have had an outburst of anger if the people around him hadn't held him back in time.

"Sorry, our general was just joking. But it does seem inappropriate that Major General Mo leads the superfunction soldiers. I suggest each army send a senior officer and all the decisions shall be made by all three of them. What do you think?"

They had to soften their attitude at this point. A lieutenant colonel next to Lin Xian put forth his suggestion. Yes, they couldn't be aggressive but they couldn't watch Mo Army grow stronger, either.

"In a major operation like this, do you think it'd be OK without a commander who has absolute control?"

Eyes locked on the lieutenant colonel, Xing Feng put on a stern face. The lieutenant colonel got all jittery before this man who used to be the greatest commander in the military. Although he'd left the army for 5 years, his domineering presence remained with him.

"Captain Xing is right. There must be a leader in charge. But to my knowledge, Major General Mo is a water superfunction possessor. Although he's already level 3, we all know that water can't really offer any help in battles. The best a water superfunction possessor can do is provide us with clean water. If it was an ordinary quest, it wouldn't matter but this one is exceptionally hard and precarious. Major General Mo doesn't seem the right commander to me, my personal opinion is, we need a commander with combat superfunction."

Wang Guoan suddenly expressed his opinion after keeping silent for a long time. From his wording, his intention was clear——Now that Xing Feng, Yun Che and Mo Wenyang had raised the topic, he might as well take the opportunity to be the commander. What a sneaky person!

But what he said did have swayed quite a few people. It was a widely-known fact that water wasn't combat superfunction. This quest was indeed a hard one, only a team made of the best fighters could stand a better chance to come back alive.

"I didn't expect you to put so much attention on me, Major General Wang. I'm surprised to hear that you know I'm level 3 now. Should I thank you for stopping me from going to this suicide mission?"

It was true that the attribute of Mo Wenyang's superfunction was his one and only weak spot that everyone knew. But it would be ridiculous that Wang Guoan got to steal the leadership.

"No problem, Major General Mo, we're fellow military officers that serve our country. But what concerns me more is the result of the quest and everybody's safety."

In face of the sarcasm from Mo Wenyang, Wang Guoan put on a poker face. In the meantime, he belittled Mo Wenyang and insinuatingly preached himself up using the interests of the public as his pretense.

"Oh, really? So if I don't give up, I don't give a damn about the quest and people's safety? Well, it sure is a heavy responsibility, but…"

Mo Wenyang made a sudden stop. He looked at Wang Guoan with one hand holding his chin. He snapped the fingers of his other hand, a small flame danced on the tip of his finger. "Who told you that I'm a water superfunction possessor?"

What a surprising twist! Wang Guoan opened up his eyes in disbelief. "You… How is it possible?"

Mo Wenyang had always been a water superfunction possessor, how come he became a fire/water one all of a sudden?

"Nothing is impossible. Do you think I'm that predictable?"

Mo Wenyang put out the flame and threw a scornful look at Wang Guoan. How did he manage to get the hardest quests done over the years? Well, he had his own secrets. As a member of big families like Mo or Xing, one would be born to be the focus of everybody. Mo would have been dead for years if everybody could easily see him through. In the last two decades of his life, he'd only been totally open and honest to one person. Even Xing Feng didn't know everything about Mo Wenyang, who the hell did these people think they were? Where did they get the confidence about the intelligence they had on Mo Wenyang?

"All right, let's say you're a fire/water superfunction possessor, the decision mustn't be rashly made. And I don't think I'm weaker than you."

After Wang Guoan recovered from the shock, he almost snarled at Mo Wenyang. Wang didn't expect such a setback. "It looks like he's planned it all out a long time ago or else he wouldn't have hidden the fact that he's a dual-attribute superfunction possessor on purpose." Wang thought to himself.

It must be said that Wang Guoan really overanalyzed Mo Wenyang. Hiding his own secrets was one of Mo Wenyang's chronic habits that he developed over the years, he wouldn't waste so much time and energy doing so for one quest.

"Rashly made? How? Aren't we in the middle of a discussion? I must say, Major General Wang, that this is kind of a dirty move. No one called dibs on the leadership at the beginning, why are you both fighting for it after I volunteer to be the commander? You know, people will think that it's getting personal."

Once again, the usual flippant Mo Wenyang was back, but his choice of words was still smart. His insinuation took a hard strike at the good image that Wang Guoan tried to keep in front of the superfunction possessors.

"Sorry, I'm but a coarse man. All I can do is lead troops in the battle. I'm not as clever as you are, Major General Mo. The leadership issue didn't even occur to me and I didn't know that you were a water/fire superfunction possessor. Since people need the sincerity of the military and it happens to be a tough quest, we must have the strongest man as the commander."

Wang Guoan, too, was good at equivocating. Here he tried to change the image of his again.

"So you think you're better than me, Major General Wang?"

"I don't know. We shall find out through a fight. You're a dual-attribute superfunction possessor but water doesn't do much help in battles, so all you got is fire."

"Indeed. But you're a single-attribute superfunction possessor, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'm earth."

To fight for the leadership, the conflict between them was officially on. Wei Army was upset because they were the first to get eliminated from the competition. Wei Army wanted neither of them to own the leadership, what they wanted was that each army led their own troop and worked together to finish the quest. That was the best way to maintain the checks and balances.

"Well, well, humans are scarier than zombies!"

It was a rare thing that Yun Che chose to stand aside and watch them fight. He placed one arm on Xing Feng's shoulder and whispered.

"This is scary?"

Looking sideways at Yun Che, Xing Feng's lips curved into a smile. He sneakily wrapped one arm around Yun Che's waist. Fortunately, unlike other squads, they didn't bring too many people here, or else their relationship would be exposed. That said, it had pretty much been exposed anyway. They didn't even try to hide from anyone except for Yun Yao.

"What do you know? Compared with their war of words, I prefer a real fight, even there'll be blood, even people will die. Look at them, deep inside, they want their rival dead so much, yet they have to pretend to be polite. It's quite disgusting."

While all the attention was on Mo Wenyang and Wang Guoan, Yun Che ebulliently pinched Xing Feng's cheeks. Xing Feng pinched the right side of his waist as retaliation. "You don't like it? How about we step in?" Asked Xing Feng.

The reason why they hadn't stepped in was that they wanted to leave the stage to Mo Wenyang. Because Mo Wenyang was supposed to take over Superfunction Association in the future and to be the middleman between the military and all the superfunction squads. If Yun Che and Xing Feng did all the work for Mo Wenyang and didn't give him a chance to demonstrate his power, most superfunction squads wouldn't have genuine respect for him after he was in charge of Superfunction Association.

"You or me?"

Yun Che was into Xing Feng's suggestion because he really was sick of it.

"You do it. I'm more like the aloof type of guy."

In fact, Xing Feng found himself fascinated by the moments when Yun Che kicked those people's asses. His boy looked glamorous at those moments!

"All right."

They made the decision rather quickly. Yun Che suddenly stood up and made a dramatic yawn. As they expected, he drew most people's attention, including the two major generals in a conflict. Yun Che snorted. With one hand on the table, Yun Che looked at Wang Guoan with a mocking smile on the face. "Who says water isn't combat superfunction?"

It was a shame that the water superfunction guru that he met in his previous life never came to Southwest Base, otherwise, these people wouldn't have this stupid thought. "Water superfunction isn't for battles? Are these people joking?" High-level water superfunction would grant one monstrous power in battles, it was as powerful as you could imagine. But of course, you got to use it the right way. Yun Che wanted to train his sister that but seeing that his sister seemed to enjoy her current lifestyle, Yun Che chose not to pressure her too much. Yun Che just advised her not to stop leveling up her superfunction power so that, at least, she got the ability to protect herself. Now, Mo Wenyang became the lucky guy. Yun Che was well aware that Mo Wenyang had some unkind comments on him, he wished he hadn't taught Mo if he could.