
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Urgent News

After finishing my paperwork as a Marshal, my daily routine became training at the training grounds and reading military strategy books at night.

The two recruits whom I had beaten up the other day underwent special training under Sentis and became much more obedient. Nevertheless, whenever they see me, they still glare at me, so it seems they at least have the courage.

As for the other recruit, Hones, it seems he's undergoing rigorous training that rivals the previous two.

"Teacher told us about Senpai's greatness! I'll do my best to catch up to Senpai!"

He directly expressed his determination to me, waiting until I finished training.

At that time, I could only reply with "Do your best," but later, I realized there was something strange about it.

It seemed that Hones didn't know that I am the prince of this country and the Marshal of the army.

Considering that those two recruits also glared at me, there's a high possibility that they don't know my true identity either.

Curious, I asked Sentis about it, and received this response:

"There's no need to let those lowly grunts know. Besides, it's more interesting that way."

Sentis's typically malicious nature oddly brought me a sense of relief with that answer.

Anyway, that was the everyday life I was living.

And today, while going through documents, I noticed a certain phrase appearing in multiple papers.

"There's another document requesting permission to carry weapons and enter the forest in order to obtain the 'Grandre Fruit.' Should we authorize this as well?"

I asked Alekthem for confirmation, and he responded with a firm nod.

"It's the people's annual delight, you see. If you don't authorize it properly, it will only breed discontent."

Being warned like that, as someone timid, I had no choice but to sign the document.

"—Another document requesting the same permission has come up. Is this 'Grandre Fruit' so delicious that they're willing to risk danger to obtain it?"

While complaining, I was signing some papers when a single fruit rolled onto my desk.

When I picked it up, it was an acorn.

The origin of this fruit was always certain.

"So, this acorn that rolled over is the Granre fruit brought by Alexthem?"

"It's a nutritious nut from a fine tree, you see. In villages near the forest, it becomes one of the reserves for harsh winters."

"...I'm supposed to eat this fruit?"

Shocked by the idea of eating an acorn, I looked out the window at the scenery.

"I see. It's already autumn, huh?"

"And soon, it will be winter. The documents regarding the stockpile of firewood and charcoal are right here."

I received the offered documents and saw that they contained numbers indicating the storage status of firewood and charcoal in various regions.

In areas requiring replenishment, there were notes stating "Immediate replenishment is necessary."

"Does that mean the military has to handle the replenishment of firewood and charcoal in various regions?"

"The only ones who can swiftly move around different areas are itinerant merchants and the national army."

"Then, can't we just pay the merchants to do it?"

"The merchants will leave this area before winter arrives. They can't carry extra items like firewood and charcoal while traveling."

"Well, what about that imperial trading company? Can't we assign them the task?"

"It refers to the merchants employed by that company."

In other words, it seems that the military is inevitably responsible for it.

"I understand. Let's give permission. Oh, by the way, is there any report from the border fortress? In autumn, we need to be concerned about any invasion from the Mendashium Kingdom, right?"

"You remembered correctly. However, so far, there have been no reports indicating an invasion."

"That's good to hear. But why would the Mendashium Kingdom try to invade Nonette? This country is nothing more than a mountainous land where only beans can grow."

If I were the king of Mendashium, I would ignore such unproductive land and invade a country that seems to have better resources.

In response to that question, Alekthem answered in an exasperated tone.

"It's because they are aiming for the ores that the mountains possess. I thought Lord Milimos knew about it."

"I do know, but the amount of ore that can be extracted isn't that significant."

The amount of iron ore sent to the imperial trading company and the amount of minerals generated by Nonette come to me in military reports. Looking at those reports, while it may be an abundant amount for a small country like Nonette, it is not enough to meet the demands of Mendashium and the empire behind it. In fact, it would be more profitable to invade a small country with renowned mines than to go through the trouble of attacking us.

However, it seems I had misunderstood.

"Our country does not engage in development that would cause mountains to collapse. There is a saying that if you destroy the mountains, the rivers will become polluted, crops will not grow, and monsters will attack the village, even if it's just a legend."

Even though it was a legend, I was surprised that they were aware of the concept of pollution.

"So, does that mean there is actually a vast amount of ore buried in the mountains of Nonette?"

"We do not know for sure. As long as we can extract enough to sustain ourselves, it's enough. However, the Mendashium Kingdom claims that there are large amounts of minerals in these mountains."

With this explanation, I could see through the intentions of the Mendashium Kingdom.

They want to maintain a good relationship with the neighboring and de facto suzerain country, the magical empire Majistri-Plumbel. If they become close allies, they can expect various benefits.

However, the special product of the Mendashium country is not something the empire desires.

Yet, in the neighboring Nonette country, there is an iron ore that the empire desires greatly.

Envying the mountain that produces that iron ore, Mendashium country decided to invade Nonette country and seize the iron ore, mountain and all.

This is just my speculation, but I'm sure it's something like this, they are starting a war.

"It's annoying. I wish they wouldn't involve us in their attempts to gauge the empire's intentions."

"Those troublesome fellows are nothing but weak soldiers composed mostly of peasant militias. We can defend ourselves at the valley fortress."

"I appreciate your bold words, but make sure to gather information properly."

"I have not neglected that aspect. We have infiltrated spies into the Mendashium country. Furthermore, when the war fervor rises in that country, information will reach the empire's trading company here, and the merchants will begin to evacuate. Even if we start preparations for war after seeing that, we will be able to intercept them in time."

While they were complacent like that, an urgent report was bound to arrive.

A messenger burst into the office.

"I have a report! A message from the Mendashium country's spy has arrived! The contents are: 'We are marching forth, it begins.' I repeat, 'Marching forth, it begins!'"

"...Alextem. There was no report of the empire's trading company preparing for evacuation, right?"

"Yes. That is correct."

The story doesn't match, does it?

"In any case, now that the Mendashium country has moved, we must respond accordingly. Notify the seasoned soldiers serving in the castle and have them depart for the border fortress. Also, arrange the transport of reserve weapons and provisions. As soon as the preparations are complete, they should depart immediately. We will decide on the mobilization of reserves after gathering more information about the enemy. I entrust the command to you, Alextem. Reporting to King Cholex is my responsibility."

After signing the documents in front of me, I left the office and walked to the audience chamber with the messenger.

Since this is an emergency situation, my audience will be given top priority. And there, I should be ordered to march.

But still, a first battle at the age of twelve.

Even in the Sengoku period of the Azuchi-Momoyama era, it was rare for a warlord to have their first battle at this age.