
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Misunderstanding

In relation to Parvella-hime and Famiris assisting Solerina, there were some changes from before.

Firstly, a chair for Solerina was placed in my office. To avoid putting strain on her pregnant belly, it was an imported rocking chair from a forested nation.

Recently, Solerina spends her days sitting in that chair, sewing clothes for the baby, and chatting with Parvella-hime and the others.

Another change is our training scenes, Famiris' and mine.

Before, only Famiris and I used sacred arts to practice sword and combat techniques.

Frankly, the difference in skill is too great between me, who haphazardly manifested sacred arts, and Famiris, a knight from the true lineage of sacred arts in the knightly nation. Even if I were to use sacred arts to their fullest, Famiris would easily fend me off with a casual wave.

In any case, it used to be just the two of us training, but Solerina expressed interest in seeing the training scenes, and Parvella-hime began to observe as well.


I charge forward with a wooden sword in hand.

Famiris, on the other hand, swings a wooden sword in a clearly gentle manner.

Even though Famiris is holding back, the intensity of the sword strikes combined with sacred arts is enough to feel life-threatening.

"I block!"

I defend against Famiris' attack with my wooden sword, covering it entirely with sacred arts. This method was something I learned from Famiris during combat training after becoming the lord.

Our wooden swords clash, creating a sound echoing like massive stones colliding.

As I grip the sword that's shaking from the impact of the attack, Famiris delivers a front kick.

"Prince Milimos is a lightweight fighter, so he advised not to stop your feet, right?"

"I know—ugh!"

I dodge by bending my waist and shifting my hips, avoiding the front kick.

By forcibly changing my posture, my stance appears vulnerable at first glance, and Famiris' attack doesn't come.

"Don't fall for such an obvious bait. You're not that foolish."

Although it seems like my posture is breaking, I've actually left room to swiftly counterattack. However, it appears she saw through my intention.

"Tch. You really are a knight!"

I revert to my stance and resume the attack.

Famiris effortlessly brushes aside my strikes with her wooden sword, launching sharp counterattacks while holding back.

I defend against her attacks, allowing myself to be carried by the impact, and use that to create distance.

The idea of starting anew doesn't work on Famiris.

"From someone like Prince Milimos, who's shorter, what's the point of keeping your distance? As a shorter individual surviving, always stick close to those taller. I taught you that, didn't I?"

While pointing this out, Famiris raises her wooden sword high and swings it down forcefully.

Normally, it's an attack that shouldn't hit, but I jump to the side to evade it. I've been hit by this attack multiple times during training with Famiris since I became the lord.

"Take this!"

I kick off the ground and leap into the air, dodging the invisible 'something'—a flying sword strike from sacred arts—that would have hit where I was.

After avoiding the attack, I see a line drawn on the ground in a straight line from Famiris. It's there to visualize the path of the attack for training purposes. Apparently, raising the sword high for this 'flying attack' isn't necessary.

"With each training session, I understand more and more that fighting a war with the knightly nation isn't something to be taken lightly. Seriously."

I complain as I once again face Famiris.

While I'm engrossed in training, Parvella-hime and Solerina watch and chat.

"It seems Famiris is quite fond of Prince Milimos. Despite complaining outwardly, there's no giving up in his actions."

"He's always been competitive. But seeing him handle a sword like this, it's the first time since I came to this domain."

"Is that so?"

"When I was in Nonette country, Milimos was more into magic. I never saw him handling a sword."

"I knew Milimos was skilled in magic, but that's surprising."

"Milimos is full of surprises. Even though he didn't receive any formal training as a prince, he personally learned from teachers, and he became proficient in magic without us realizing. Worried he was getting too absorbed in magic, we made him undergo soldier training, and in no time, he excelled at swordsmanship. He became so strong that soldiers began to look up to him, and he led them to consecutive victories in war. Then he started negotiating with the empire on equal terms, acquiring a vast domain. He's an unpredictable son who's so difficult to handle that my father, King Chorex, sends me letters complaining about how troublesome he is."

It seems like I'm quite the topic of conversation!

Distracting myself was a mistake.

"Prince Milimos, an opening!"

"Oh no—"

Famiris' sharp strike hits me in the stomach.

The attack, hitting with the belly of the sword, delivers an impact that feels like being struck with a long, flat board. I involuntarily kneel due to the pain.

Placing a hand on my abdomen in pain, I feel a burning sensation where I was hit.

Unable to stand up due to the pain, Famiris laughs.

"Hehe. That was a satisfying strike. What's wrong, Prince Milimos? Training just started, and you can't even stand?"

Famiris is provoking me to make me rise with rebellion in mind.

I understand that, but I'm not mature enough to just accept being beaten.

Coughing, taking a deep breath, I stand up and reactivate physical enhancement through sacred arts to suppress the pain.

"Cough, haa... One more round!"

As I announce while holding my sword, Famiris wears a smile reminiscent of a seasoned soldier, as if saying she'll train an aspiring recruit.

Sadist, I complain inwardly, and continue the sword training.

Even when I'm battered from training, I still have my duties as a lord.

But when I'm in such a disheveled state, the officials from the Rocha region who bring reports and documents treat me kindly.

"――Well then, Lord Ryoshu. I humbly ask for your cooperation."

"Wait. I just confirmed it. There's no problem, so I'll put my signature. Take it with you."

I handed over the document with my confirmation signature. The official facing me, noticing the bruise peeking out from my sleeve, turned pale.

"Um, Lord Ryoshu, is that from training with the knights of the Knight Nation?"

"Yeah, that's right. The training itself is appreciated, but having these marks left like this is a bit troublesome."

As I said with a wry smile, the official's complexion worsened even further.

"...Thank you for verifying the documents."

With only a brief exchange of pleasantries, the official hurriedly left the room.

I tilted my head, wondering if the training scars on my arm were really that painful for others, and just then, a sigh from my secretary Hones reached my ears.

"Senpai might not realize, but that frightened reaction is only natural. Especially for those who lack combat ability."

I couldn't fathom why just showing the scars on my arm would make them so fearful.

"I don't quite understand. What do you mean?"

"Well, you see, Senpai. The knights of the Knight Nation are considered opponents that regular people can't even hope to resist. They're on the same level as a mountain eruption, for example."

Speaking so bluntly, even with the knight in question present in the room.

I glanced at Famiris for a moment, and she seemed to be enjoying a conversation with Princess Parubella and Solerina. I sighed with relief.

"I get the idea, but why does that lead to people being scared of me?"

"Well, Senpai. You're training with someone who's seen as unbeatable, and after the training, you're working energetically, and then you're even sneaking off to practice magic in secret. It's only natural for you to be perceived as something out of the ordinary, especially by those who lack the ability to fight."

Even though I had been practicing magic in secret for a certain purpose, I hadn't expected Hones to notice, so I was surprised.

But as I considered Hones' observation while crossing my arms, it started to make sense.

"In reality, thanks to Famiris holding back, the training is becoming effective. But for those who lack the ability to fight, it must seem like I'm someone who keeps charging into erupting volcanoes, laughing about getting a little burnt afterward. It's no wonder they'd see me as a freak."

However, I didn't like being considered weird, and as I thought that, Hones shook her head with a wry smile.

"No, no. Senpai and the knight's battles have exceeded the scope of training. Both of you move incredibly swiftly, making sounds that don't match wooden swords, and those flying slashes..."

"That way of putting it sounds really abnormal, but it's just that I took the soldier training I received in Nonekette and made it a bit more extreme."

The combat training in Nonette was rough, with ambushes and tricks being par for the course. We even used small stones and sand on the ground as underhanded tactics. In my case, I used sacred arts and magic.

Compared to that, I felt that training with Famiris was just a "difference in degree."

But it seemed that only I felt that way, as Hones waved her hand and denied it.

"Well, that 'little bit' makes a big difference for us. Both of you move extremely quickly, and there are sounds I wouldn't expect from wooden swords, plus those flying slashes..."

"Well, it might sound extreme when you put it that way, but it's just a slight escalation from the training I underwent as a soldier in Nonekette."

It seemed that this slight difference meant a lot for Hones, and she continued to explain.

"That 'little bit' makes a significant difference to us. If such training were to continue, most of the soldiers would run away."

"I see."

Though I didn't quite have that self-awareness, these discrepancies in perception were connected to differences in how others perceived me, so I needed to make adjustments.

Princess Parubella's and Famiris's perspectives were shaped by the norms of a powerful nation like the Knight Nation, and Solerina's exposure to royal education meant her sense of the ordinary was probably quite different.

I should talk to Hones more about this and strive to understand the ordinary perspective.

As I made that plan in my mind, one of the officials rushed into the office. I recognized her―she was someone related to tax collection in the Rocha region.

"Why the rush? What's going on?"

Although I asked calmly in a gentle voice to calm her down, the meaning of my words was thin.

The official who entered the room was still out of breath as she hurriedly reported.

"An armed uprising has occurred in the Kanpara region!"

An armed uprising―in other words, a rebellion.

Since I had conquered the country and become the lord of that territory, and since the summer wheat harvest season had arrived, I had been expecting something like this sooner or later.

That's why I've already taken various precautions.

"Have you informed General Dulba about the rebellion?"

"I've already informed her. It seems she has left to suppress it!"

"Then until General Dulba arrives, you just need to order the nearby units to mobilize against the Kanpara region. Actually, it might be wise to have the units stationed in other areas on alert as well, in case other regions rise up in a chain reaction."

Quickly formulating a plan, I put it into writing in the form of messages to be delivered and orders for the soldiers.

"Alright, it's done. Carry out these instructions."

"Um, yes, understood. If you'll excuse me?"

The official, taking the stack of documents I handed over, left while tilting her head. It seems that my calm handling of the situation to manage it hasn't been taken well by others.

Today seems to be a day when I'm perceived as odd.

"Really, what a predicament."

As I muttered to myself, Hones chuckled, Solerina smiled, Famiris looked displeased, and Princess Parubella seemed worried.

"Senpai, you don't seem troubled."

"Your composure is showing. It's giving us insight into your skills as the Lord of Rocha."

"However, a rebellion... even though the knights of the Knight Nation were monitoring you and vouched for Prince Milimos's actions. To resort to seizing power through force due to discontent, despite that, is lamentable."

"The people who've risen up are staking their lives on this, Famiris. There might be compelling reasons behind their actions, so it's not wise to outright dismiss them."

"Princess Parubella, you're as kind-hearted as ever."

Despite the rebellion occurring, the atmosphere in the room remained light. I momentarily set aside my own concerns and pondered.

Speaking of which, where is this 'Kanpara region' exactly in the Rocha area?